P.O.W.E.R.* Girl III - Ch. 20 - Our Delight is in Our Giving
by Tonja Taylor

“Wow, that was so neat, to hear the mommy say, ‘Thank You, God!’ and see her cry, as her little girl jumped on the rocking horse!” said Pearl. “Let’s do some more!

“Yes, He always knows,” said her mother, “and I fully believe it is His Holy Spirit that inspires us to do such things. Truly, our delight is in our giving—and we can never out give God!”

“So what else can we do between now and January?”

Her mother looked a little surprised. “What else?”

“You know, Queen Mother," Pearl said. "Pastor says Jesus is coming soon, and the more God-seeds we plant, the more we can help people know Him!”

“True,” said her mother. She sighed, and said, “The Lord also gives us rest.”

Her uncle put the eggs on the table. “Pearl girl, I think you must even dream about God! You may be a little evangelist!”

Her mother smiled at Pearl. “Yes, isn’t it wonderful? The Lord is faithful, and you do love Him so much!”

My heart is so warm! Thank You, Lord! Pearl thought. “Thank You for teaching me about Jesus early, Queen Mother,” she said, “and for following Him every day.”

Her mother reached over and hugged her, and held her. Wow, Pearl thought, I bet most kids don’t have this! How can I help them know You more, Jesus?

“Why don’t you go wake Xi and Robert, and see if they want some breakfast.”

“Here we are,” said Xi, coming in the kitchen, sounding sleepy. She was holding Robert’s hand. “He knocked and told me he smelled breakfast, and promised to be quiet coming down if I held his hand.”

Robert looked up at her. “I love my new big sissie!” he said.

Hallelujah! thought Pearl. Xi is here for so many reasons!

“Great,” said his mother. “Sit and let’s talk about how we can reach more people for Jesus these next few days.”

“I’m supposed to help you and Ms. Sophia this week,” said Xi. She took her seat, and put some food onto Robert’s plate.

“More, please!” he said.

 "Thank you for saying 'Please' Rob!" said his mother.

“How about you finish this pancake, lil’ bro,” said Xi, and smiled at him. "Then you can have another. But you gotta eat your eggs too. ‘K?” She winked at him.

He tried to wink back. “K!” he said, and dug in. 

“Very good, Xi!” said Pearl’s mother. “You are so good with him, I may add taking care of him to your job description!”

Xi grinned a bit, but put a big bite of food in her mouth.

Pearl’s mother continued. “Most of my clients are still out for the holidays, and I don’t think Ms. Sophia expects you to clean—although we do need to ask her when she wants that huge tree put up.”

“I can use some help making more rocking horses!” said Burt.

“OK,” Xi said, “but you’ll have to teach me how to do that.”

“Me too!” said Robert.

“We could take books and flowers to the homeless shelter and nursing homes around, and maybe make up some care packages like we did earlier. What do you think, Burt?”

“Sure,” he said, “and I know Risa and the kids would help. Or maybe you ladies could do that, while we guys stay and make the rocking horses.”

“We need to sing, too!” said Pearl. “His praise changes the air!”

“The air?” said her mother. “Oh, you mean the atmosphere! His praise changes the way people think, which is actually what that means.”

“Let’s do it!” said Pearl. “I have my harp, and Ms. Sophia’s going to start teaching me to play it next week! So soon I’ll be like King David!”

“How about this, Queen Mother,” Pearl said, between bites. “We can sing, tell them Jesus is alive and that He loves them, and then ask the people if we can pray. Some might even get healed!”

“The righteous are bold as a lion,” said Burt. “You’re a big thinker, Pearl!”

“I think I’d like to stay and help with the rocking horses, please,” said Xi.

“Oh, Xi, I need you to sing with me!” said Pearl. “Please? You have a pretty voice!”

Xi didn’t say anything, but took another bite.

“Where are we going?” said Robert.

“To more places to help people know Jesus,” said his mother. “Places where people are living because they don’t have a nice house to live in—”

“When’s our house gonna be built?” Robert interrupted.

“Next year,” said his mother. “Now, eat, because we need to go to the store today and get some things.”

She rose and got a notebook and pen. “OK, let’s write down some things for care packages. I’m going to have to call these places and make sure it’s OK for us to come. Xi, I’ll let you do that, in a minute.”

She started writing, and Pearl said, “What about Friday?” Pearl said.

“We need to all help Ms. Sophia get that tree down, and her house back into order—unless she wants to leave it up or something,” she said. “Xi, I’ll let you call her about that later. Burt, would you call Risa to see if she has time to help us the next two days?”

“I’m sure she does!” he said, smiling. “I have a way of persuading her when I need to.”

“Uncle Burt, you are so in love with Ms. Risa!” Pearl said.

He smiled again and nodded. “True!” He got up and started cleaning the table. “Bub,” he said to Robert, “finish for me, then you can help Mom and Sissie.”

“No dishes today?” Robert asked.

“Nope! I’ll do them!” replied his uncle.

“Yay! I love you, Uncle!” said Robert. “God is good!”

“You’re right, Robert!” said his mother. Then she turned to Pearl. “I need you to write about being saved by believing in what Jesus' blood did when He died on the cross, and how good He is. Then you can let me proof it, and I’ll let you type it into the computer and print it out—

“Yay! Cool!” Pearl said. “This is going to be so great! Let’s pray right now for all those God will touch through us this week!”

So they did.

Thank You, LORD, thought Pearl, that You are real, and we know You, and for giving us such a great life! Help us help others have this great life too!

 The End

God bless, and thank you for reading this third book (of at least eight!) in The Adventures of Princess Pearl, P.O.W.E.R.* (Purposeful Operations With Eternal Rewards) Girl! series! Check out the bonus material, including "Christ-Craft Christmas Rock", the "Jesus' Christmas Tree" poem, and the outline to teach a short presentation on "Jesus' Christmas Tree". 

Book Four is in the works, as well as our new website, PowerLightLearning,com, which offers tutoring in core and creative subjects, and more!


Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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