An Eagle Shot Down But Rising Again--Stronger and Higher Now!
by Tonja Taylor

But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired.--Isaiah 40:31, AMPC

Many are familiar with the myth of the phoenix, that rises from the ashes. However, we true Believers are eagle Christians, and when we get shot down, we remember that our true Life is in the Spirit of God, the Living Word, the LORD Jesus Christ!

After a series of events that never should have happened; over 18-plus years in the church in which I have faithfully and joyfully served--and overcome being treated--by the leadership!--with animosity and hostility (not every time), which shocked (which is what "trauma" is) me, and discouraged me, and which would require me to forgive and heal and choose to walk in overcoming love and do my best to forget such treatment, and to constantly fight to not be distracted and anxious, and to really focus on God; there was finally one last arrow that shot me down.

I never would have thought I would be leaving the church I'd served at (and had received good things at, in healing and deliverance and restoration--but with much discombobulating persecution! The LORD knows!) for over 18 years! 

This kind of stuff, especially for a new Believer, could really make someone doubt the love of God.

Praise God, the LORD has been faithful to me and brought me through much, and He has taught me to recognize what is from Him, and what is not, over all. I will always be learning, of course! I know His love is kind, faithful, gentle, and unchanging. Thank God! 

So, I'd thought I would be at this church, which is slowly growing (but as this same leader has stated more than once, that is not necessariy a sign of God's approval). 

However, after working through all the negative emotions (which are still less than they would have been even a couple years ago), the LORD of Hope Who fills us with all hope in believing (in Him, and the integrity of His Word) helped me realize this is really a freedom. It is a breakthrough; a new thing (and He'd told me months ago that He was doing a new thing); an opportunity to connect with more like-minded Believers and have new adventures in Him, in a new place. 

How great and awesome is our God! 

Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unfathomable (inscrutable, unsearchable) are His judgments (His decisions)! And how untraceable (mysterious, undiscoverable) are His ways (His methods, His paths)!--Romans 11:13, AMPC

He is so much bigger than any box, and He'd been whispering to me that He was going to "break me out of boxes." I'd responded with joy at that, for my husband and I had been telling the LORD we wanted new things, and to get rid of the limits.

The LORD never causes mess like I've experienced, but I rejoice in Genesis 50:20--what the enemy means for evil, the LORD always works for good! Hallelujah!

As for you, you thought evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring about that many people should be kept alive, as they are this day.--Genesis 50:20, AMPC

God works in mysterious ways, and our flesh may not be comfortable with it all. Some experiences like this can be excruciatingly painful to our flesh and mind, and we can lose faith in all spiritual leadership on earth.

God can use that! 

What I mean is, the LORD wants us to depend on Him. I obviously was trusting too much all these years in the leadership of the church I was in. I have repented for putting my hope and expectation in them, and repented to the LORD for judging them. 

They are apostles and prophets, phenomenal people, with a huge Assignment. All four of their kids are involved in ministry in some way. They oversee hundreds of ministries and churches, and some overseas. Their ministry is expanding and they now are on TV, bringing hundreds to Christ, and with healings and deliverances. Hallelujah!

However, I will never be able to reconcile the antagonism and hostility I've experienced--over and over from them--when all I've tried my best to do is serve and give and pray and partner with them to get the will of God done! I don't know if I remind them of someone they can't stand, or if they are jealous, or if they cannot see me as the righteous, devoted one I am, or what. 

So I'm done with wasting time and emotions, experiencing grief and frustration, trying to figure it out!

Other strong leaders have left the church the past couple years, and I know this stuff is not just my imagination. 

I have desperately wanted to keep believing in these people, in spite of the ways I've been treated. 

So, I forgive. I release. I pray God's perfect will for them, and that their full rewards and restoration and healing and deliverance will be given by God to them, and that they--and they really are heroic, faithful, obedient givers--will find satisfaction in their work.

Meanwhile, another reason I know the LORD is moving me-although I've thought for years that it is odd that a couple would not go to the same church--is that my very mature Christian husband (I call him my Ephesians 3:20 husband, but it took many years to get him there--and for me to become the wife I needed to be!) is in agreement with me about going to another church!

That is a very strong confirmation.

Another way I know this is God leading me out of the limits and afflictions of this church I've been in so long is that I have true peace! I've waited on the LORD to make sure I wasn't just deciding to leave because of offense, etc., (Those offenses and afflictions were happening through the years, and I could have left many times!). 

Also, as I shared with my dear husband, the last thing I'm going to do is forget God. He is my Life (John 10:10)! 

Rather, I am running toward God, in a new place. I'm going deeper with Him, which is what I've wanted all along! 

Our Father hears the cries of our hearts. Hallelujah!

Just like I had to finally leave an abusive marriage over 20 years ago--after staying for over a decade, hoping and praying that things would get better (but rather, they got worse, even after having a child)--it is now time to leave the lesser and go for the better, the new. 

I am not staying out of church. The church I was in was Bible-based, but there have been several things spoken and done that I just don't have peace about and cannot accept, not to mention how I've been treated through the years; tolerated, over all.  This HAD greatly hurt me, because I have worked to stay continually excited about the vision and do much to contribute to it--in prayer, finances, service, faithful church attendance, and encouraging other Believers there. I have invited many to the church and bragged on the leadership and vision.

The LORD knows my heart, and He is my Defender and Restorer and Comfort!

Rather I've flown to a church where I have much more peace and joy; where there is strong, God-honoring leadership and the teaching is all Bible-based; where I'm exhorted to rise up and be my best; where I'm valued and 'celebrated' (although I don't need to lead or have my name in lights or whatever! I'm just happy to be there and not be scorned and treated with hostility!); where I have the freedom to praise and pray in the Holy Spirit, and be loved with the love of God. Hallelujah! 

It has to be God moving us, and His ways are not always our ways, but His ways are always best!

The last thing we want to do is go against God.

The good LORD, our good Shepherd, and faithful Father Who loves us so much He gave Jesus to be crucified for us--and to go to hell in our place--wants only the best for us. He alone knows what is coming up, and He needs us to be in our places--even if it's different than we had planned or would have ever thought.

Obviously, I could never have fulfilled my destiny at the old place, but I know that I know I will at the new! It's so much more vibrant, dynamic, loving, and multi-faceted, and I am thrilled the LORD sent me there!

Being a permanent member of this world-changing church (which I signed up for the first week, and have been going through the orientation and other leadership classes, and highly enjoying myself, and being greatly and effectively taught, not to mention the rich revelation that comes from the pulpit every time!) is an honor, and I'm so thankful my Good Shepherd always and forever leads me in right paths. When I follow Him, it may be somewhat uncomfortable, but He always and forever brings me to a delightful, satisfying, spacious place!

If you have experienced such mess, take heart.  The LORD sees you and will help you!

Yes, He gave me Grace to put up with this (and other things I won't go into!) mess at this church through the years, but now the Grace has lifted. It is time to move, and, as I've been reminded, when it comes down to it, each of us is responsible to follow the LORD, even if we don't understand it.

We are responsible to no man ultimately, except the LORD Jesus Christ!

I totally believe in the spiritual covering of higher leaders over each of us. Where I'm going to church now, there are strong, anointed, Bible-based leaders. I need them to be examples of righteousness to me, and they are.

However, as the LORD has again reminded me in this very recent chaos and change, He is the only totally faithful and true Witness and Leader. Every human will fail.

However, when the pattern continues and abusive things and words and scornful attitudes keep happening from the leadership, something is wrong. Very wrong.

It is actually a limit itself, and I will not be hindered anymore.

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (emancipation from bondage, freedom).--II Corinthians 3:17, AMPC

Where the Spirit of the LORD is, there is freedom!

And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.--John 8:32, AMPC

Yes, the last thing we want in these crazy days is to be deceived! The Spirit of God, the Spiriit of Truth, leads us into all truth--and when it's Him, gives us great peace, that can often not be explained, even though the details and circumstances don't seem to make sense to our minds!

But we have the mind of Christ, life and soul peace; righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost! Hallelujah!  (I Cor. 2:16; II Tim. 1:7)

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control.--II Timothy, 1:7, AMPC

Changes may be a little scary, but it's a lot more exciting! Hallelujah!

He needs us to rise higher and stronger in this hour, eagles soaring with Him above the mess of the world (even the carnal Church!), and partnering with Him to get His will done on earth.

When we abide in Him; stay close to Him through His Word; teaching and preaching that is based on the Holy Bible (both the Old and the New Testaments!); worship and praise and thank Him; and pour out our hearts to Him in prayer; and otherwise do our best to live peaceably with all men (although some refuse that, so just know that the LORD sees and knows your heart in trying to do this!); then we are helping His Spirit bring Heaven to earth; we are helping others to see the real Christ.

Through the Blood of Jesus--and only through our faith in His blood (and the LORD gave us the blood, and He gave us the faith to believe that Jesus is our only hope of true Salvation!)--are we saved. But we are, when we believe. We are righteous! 

We are right with God, and our mission on earth is to help others desire to and become right with God, through faith in what Jesus did for us all on the cross. 

That, my friends, is what it's all about.

For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, it is much more certain, having been reconciled, that we will be saved [from the consequences of sin] by His life [that is, we will be saved because Christ lives today].--Romans 5:10, AMP

So let us finish with the same Scripture that we started with, and may the LORD help us to take it to heart: But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired.--Isaiah 40:31, AMPC

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

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