by Lewis E. Thomas

If God checked the "INVENTORY" of our heart today...
What would He find? What would He say!
Would He find "FRESH PRAYERS" that we have recently said?
Or would he find moldy "MILDEW RIDDEN" prayers that are old, cold, expired and "DEAD"?
Would he find some "FRESH" acts of "LOVE" and "KINDNESS" that we have given to others in "NEED"?
If God checked the "INVENTORY" of our heart, would He find that we have replaced love and kindness with "SELFISHNESS" and "GREED"?
If God was looking for "FRESH TEARS" that we have wept while praying for a lost soul...
Would He find some hot and fresh, or would He find that we had "NO" tears for others, because our heart has grown spiritually cold!
If He looked for some "HIGH PRAISES" we had offered up to Him at Church, honoring Him as "KING of Kings...
Would He find we had "NONE", because we avoid Church now, to "DO OUR OWN THING"!
If God checked our inventory to find some "FRESH READING of HIS HOLY WORD"!
Would our cubbard be "EMPTY" because we decided that Bible reading is a waste of time and totally "ABSURD"?
If God checked our heart would He find it well stocked with hate, envy, lust, and revenge?
Items that we picked up here and there when we got in our flesh and became carnally and spiritually "UNHINGED"!
Would He find our heart stocked with thoughts of adultery, perversion, and immorality?
Would He find unforgiveness and old grudges there, that can cause "ETERNAL" lethality? 
Let us perform a daily inventory of our heart to determine if we are "SPIRITUALLY WELL"!
If our inventory doesn't "PLEASE" God we can be sure that we are on a "PATH to HELL"!
When we lay our head down each night at bed time, let us ask ourselves this one question I pray...
Are the things in my heart "PLEASING" to "GOD" or am I on a path moving far "AWAY" from that "STRAIGHT and NARROW WAY"?
Lewis E. Thomas
a complete list of items such as property, or goods in stock,
the capacity to cause death or serious harm or damage.


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