Keep Dancing!
by Tonja Taylor

When He was reviled and insulted, He did not revile or offer insult in return; [when] He was abused and suffered, He made no threats [of vengeance]; but he trusted [Himself and everything] to Him Who judges fairly.--I Peter 2:23, AMPC

11 You have turned my mourning into dancing for me; You have put off my sackcloth and girded me with gladness, 12 To the end that my tongue and my heart and everything glorious within me may sing praise to You and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to You forever.--Psalm 30:11-12, AMPC

Not everyone who is "spiritual"--even spiritual leaders who are supposed to be watching over your soul; supporting you in what God has called you to do; encouraging you, etc.--are going to support or even like you. 

You've gotta "keep dancing"--keep seeking God; studying and living His Word; worshiping Him; attending a Bible-believing church (although, like with me very recently, He may lead you to a different church!); praying; and fellowshipping with other like-minded Believers; and continuing to believe that God is for you as you walk in forgiveness and rest! 

You have many gifts and talents, education, training, skills, etc, that the LORD needs and wants to use to reveal Himself to unsaved people in these Last Days. The enemy knows that, and sends wrong situations to try to distract you from knowing and resting in God's love, and to distract you from your purpose.

The enemy comes--often through spiritual leaders and other Believers! Ugh!--to steal, kill, and destroy, but Christ Jesus came to give us abundant (Zoe) life; Heaven on earth, which means the Presence of God in us, with us, for us, helping us every moment to know and live the victorious (overcoming!) Christian life (John 10:10)! Hallelujah!

We must remember that, no matter what, because of the Blood of Jesus God has provided in His Son's perfect sacrifice on the cross (John 3:14-17), God loves us all eternally, and His mercy and grace make us acceptable to Him! Hallelujah! He gave us the faith to believe in the blood that He supplied through the life and body of Jesus! Glory! 

And in accordance with this will [of God], we have been made holy (consecrated and sanctified) through the offering made once for all of the body of Jesus Christ (the Anointed One).--Hebrews 10:10, AMPC

So, only by our faith in what the blood of Jesus did are we right with God. But (to start a sentence with a conjunction), that is everything!

So, when other Believers--especially high-powered spiritual leaders!--treat us as UNrighteous; as condemned; as despised; lightly esteemed; etc., we must remember two things: First, Jesus Who was and is perfect in every way, without sin, suffered the same thing, and mostly through spiritual leaders! Second, no matter how any Believer (including spiritual leaders!) acts or looks toward us, talks to us, or about us, we must retreat into the secret place of the LORD; our righteous standing with Him, through His Covenant love that will never change! 


We can also be confident and joyful in knowing that--as has very recently happened to me--the LORD will always work good out of evil for us, His kids (Genesis 50:20, and Romans 8:28)! Halellujah!

Especially in these days, we need to be open to new things. 

The LORD had been speaking to my spirit for a few weeks before this junk happened that He was going to "break me out of boxes." 

Sometimes changes can seem "violent" and even traumatic, but be assured that Daddy God is good, perfect in all His ways, and that we don't have to try (nor can we, really) understand everything. We simply trust in Him Who is our Life! 

When Christ, Who is our life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in [the splendor of His] glory.--Colossians 3:4, AMPC

So, we are always supposed to trust Him with all our hearts (Proverbs 3:5-6) and forgive and do our best to forget the former things (that are negative, while remembering the much good!)

We are supposed to love everyone with the love of God (I Cor. 13:4-8), and like them too.  Can we really do that? I've met many Believers, including spiritual leaders, who are not only NOT loving, but have an open resentment and dislike of me and others, that keeps being repeated, and is really kind of unexplainable, except, from what I've learned through the years, either a demonic oppression, just flat flesh, or both! Ugh! It's no wonder that unsaved people often could care less about coming to Christ, because they don't even see us love and honor and respect one another properly! I'm sure I've been guilty of that, in some ways, and I repent!

"Keep dancing" can also means literally. Although I used to think it was weird (God has changed my mind about many, many things through the years, praise Him, to help me understand He is not controlling, religious, legalistic, etc., although He is and always will be holy and has high standards, for our best and His glory!) and just of the world, now I realize that the world and the enemy just mimic and usually pervert what God intended to start with! There are many Scriptural references about how dancing (with purity; holy garments; to the glory of God, out of joy and thanksgiving and awe in our souls!) is perfectly acceptable and enjoyed by the LORD! Hallelujah!

Although I've been made fun of for dancing in church (even directly by a spiritual leader, and more than once subtly from the pulpit--by a church (not where I go any more!) that has encouraged it--even demanded that the congregation come and dance at the altar!)) though I know that the LORD has affirmed and told me that I'm dancing to His glory (which is the only reason I want to dance at the altar--or behind it!, I'm still dancing!

This kind of stuff (scorn and such from other Believers in Christ, especially from spiritual leaders!) can really cause (and has!) confusion, discouragement, resentment, and strife in the Body of Christ. Yuck! 

But, no matter how you're treated, you gotta keep dancing! 

When it all comes down to it, we will stand alone in front of the LORD after our bodies die. No one, including spiritual leaders on earth, will be standing with us. 

So, are we going to let fleshly and/or demonically-controlled Believers stop us from delighting in, from praising and worshipping the LORD? No way! 

There is a time for everything, of course. We need to ask the Holy Spirit to be sensitive and obedient to His will. However, when we know that we are, we should let nothing stop us! 

The LORD has taught me throught the years, and has had to remind me, while I've realized I've been guilty of trying to please a person/spiritual leader (who cannot really be pleased, which I've finally understood after almost two decades!), that I am on the planet to please Him--GOD. The best news is, through my faith in what the blood of the LORD Jesus Christ did for me on the cross, I already please Him!  He is my loving Daddy, and, through what Jesus His Son did for me, I do please Him! 

Hallelujah! His blood (alone!) has made me righteous; right with God! 

He also has reminded me that, no matter how others act toward me, I have no need to fear what He thinks of me. 

73 That covenant He sealed by oath to our forefather Abraham. 74 To grant us that we, being delivered from the hand of our foes, might serve Him fearlessly.  75 In holiness (divine consecration) and righteousness [in accordance with the everlasting principles of right] within His presence all the days of our lives.--Luke 1:73-75, AMPC

To Him, I (all of us, for He is our Creator!), am cheerfully, fearfully, and wonderfully made!

I dance daily at home, and have not tried to ever make a show of dancing to God. Through the years, almost all the time I have danced at the back of the church, to not be a distraction, because I'm very passionate about the LORD and get a good workout when I do! Sometimes, though, the LORD has truly convicted me to go to the front (I stay on the side, mostly out of the reach of the cameras.) and dance to Him, doing my best to not be distracted or a distraction. 

I've had many tell me through the years that my joy in dancing (including with sign language, which I do automatically, wherever I am, when worshiip starts!) inspires them. 

Praise the LORD! That's my intent. 

I will always, no matter what, keep dancing! 

So, It's going to happn; no doubt about it.  

Not that we're looking for it, and in fact, unless we're really jaded, it's almost always a shock when it happens; a mini-trauma to our soul.

I'm talking about offense; hurt; somebody doing and saying things that we consider out of character for them, especially if they have been our spiritual leaders whom (Ask me how I know!) we usually expect too much from, as in expecting them to have achieved a higher level of spirituality than us. 

No matter how close to God we are, we can still let our guards down, and wham! A fiery dart can get in--or just a flat flesh-induced word or action from a spiritual leader who is not truly letting God work through them right then--and go like a missile to any wounded place in our souls.

It is our responsibility to pray for our leaders. It is also our responsibility to walk in love and be at peace--as much as possible--with others, especially Believers, and work to keep unity to the glory of God.

However, when behavior that is not godly keeps coming--continues--from spiritual leaders and hurts us, and we have checked our hearts and repented and forgiven, and forgiven, and forgiven, and forgiven, and cried out to the LORD for deliverance and heailng and wholeness; asked Him to take all the disapointment and unmet expectations and other negatives, and to see the leaders as only He does; then there is something bigger that cannot be solved except for the other person (the spiritual leader) choosing to forsake the fleshly junk, and treat others right, according to what the Word of God says.

The enemy loves to divide. He is the one who starts strife. He is the one who keeps picking at any wounds in our hearts and souls, to see if he can cause trauma and drama, and cause us to--utlimately--get mad at God and become discouraged and leave the faith. 

No spiritual leader is perfect, and those with more responsibility obviously have to deal with more pressure.  We pray quintuple grace for them, in the Name of Jesus. 

Not everybody's going to like us. Got it. Not even spiritual leaders. And, unfortuantely, as I've personally experienced (more than once!), insecure spiritual leaders can be very threatened, resentful of, and even antagonistic toward (for no apparent reason!) any of us in the flock who are bold and confident, using our gifts, etc.  

This is complex and can become a big mess. Condemnation can enter in when there is conflict between a spiritual leader and the flock. 

However, there comes a time to recognize that, just like in an abusive marriage, it is time to leave. 

Yes, I said it. 

Sometimes, if you're going to keep dancing, you've got to make a radical change. 

Always remember, as the LORD has helped me, after working through grief, sorrow, resentment, etc. when other Believers--especially those who were serving as spiritual leaders--have scorned me (With me asking the LORD, What in the world? All I'm trying to do is give financially, serve many hours as a volulnteer, brag on this ministry and the ministers, pray in agreement, show up for every service through the years, etc. etc.!), and even come against me (and a few others, as I've noticed through the years; not just me alone), and this junk has been repeated--that if this stuff keeps happening, there are wrong roots in the leadership!

I cannot change these things, no matter how much I serve, sow financially, pray, etc. 

 It's the same with an abusive marriage. People make choices, and even God will not override them. He has given us all a free will.

So, when we do all we know to do to help a situation--especially if it rocks on for years!--we need to remember that God loves us, wants only the best for us, and if things keep happening that are causing sorrow and grief and other negative emotions, then we have permission from our Daddy God Who loves us to move on--and keep dancing

God is not an abuser! He is not angry. He does not scorn others. He does not shame nor humiliate people. He is not a driver. He is not impatient, and He is not controlling. He is meek and gentle of heart, and He has chosen to love and forgive us no matter what, and not change His mind about us, or we'd all be going to hell anyway!

29 Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest (relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls.--Matthew 11:29, AMPC

Great is His mercy and faithfulness, amen! 

Let me emphasis that there can be a time in a Believer's life when it's time to change vineyards--whether the current spiritual leader is screaming that those who leave his church are going to have lives that fall apart. 

The LORD commands us to seek peace and pursue it.  Whether it is an abusive marriage, or an abusive or even strained relationship, where the resentment and hostility boils just under the surface and erupts without much provocation (on the spiritual leader's part!), and where condemnation exudes from said leader; if this does not change, God can give us permission to leave that wrong atmosphere and seek one that is stable and full of peace and righteousness.

The church is supposed to be a place of safety, peace, and rest, where we can go deeper with God and experience more of His love, so we can walk in that, and demonstrate it to other people! 

Jesus is the Prince of Peace. He is the only perfect Leader! 

However, just like any good and wise Leader, I have learned very recently that He will lead us out of such mess--that is not the proper atmosphere for us to truly learn and grow and flourish, as He intends; where the Covering is broken somehow, even if most of it is intact--and into the next right place.

I am not talking about "church hopping" but I am talking about following the leading of the Holy Spirit, Who knows all and sees all, and only has the best for each of us, His precious children. We must have the peace and affirmation of the Holy Spirit Who is God in our hearts about these things; especially major changes! 

We must continually tell the LORD that we want His Spirit of Truth to lead us into all truth, and that, no matter what our minds and others are screaming at us, we do not want to be deceived!

There is already so much deception in the body of Christ, and the goal of the adversary, the enemy, is to separate us from God!

However, when the Holy Spirit is truly leading, He will never lead us away from God! He will--ask He's done me very recently, praise the LORD!--lead us to the next right place, where Jesus is LORD; where the Bible is the basis for all teaching and preaching and worship; and where the leader(s) are stable and at peace with themselves and the flock, even while having a fiery passion against evil and for righteousness! Amen and amen! 

Yes, as I've learned recently, praise the LORD, the LORD will move us. He is our dear Daddy God, and He loves us and gave Jesus for us. he knows the atmosphere in which we will flourish.

So, know that--just as the LORD has had to show me recently--sometimes our Daddy God will move us, because He loves us and knows where we need to be to properly receive from Him. 

He is good all the time. We need to be sure and ask Him to help us forgive and bless those who have not walked in love toward us, and to pray for God's healing and deliverance and restoration, peace, joy, wisdom, and abundant grace (which I am doing and will do), and to remember all the good that has happened in the places we have been.

Also know that, when Believers are truly walking in love, they are going to accept you, not make fun of you; not scorn nor be resentful toward you; not shame nor humiliate you, and certainly not from the pulpit! 

There should always be order in the church, of course, and the Bible talks about 'the spirit of the prophet being subject to the prophet." That means we have control over ourselves, and, if we step out and are in error, we have the self-control to wait or stop whatever (giving a word to someone; praying for someone; singing; speaking in the Holy Spirit; dancing; or anything else). 

However, it is a controlling spirit that is not from God that wants to interrupt what the LORD is truly doing, and there can be a lot of confusion that happens, when someone is truly stepping out for God and then a fleshly or demonically-controlled person interrupts.  Great discernment is needed, and much grace--to forgive and forget, when the Holy Spriit is quenched! 

[We are treated] as unknown and ignored [by the world], and [yet we are] well-known and recognized [by God and His people];...2 Corinthians 6:9, AMPC

To everything there is a Season. 

Remember, Jesus is LORD of the dance! 

It is a new season, so let us rejoice in the LORD always, be thankful for the good, and, above all, keep dancing! 

11 You have turned my mourning into dancing for me; You have put off my sackcloth and girded me with gladness, 12 To the end that my tongue and my heart and everything glorious within me may sing praise to You and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to You forever.--Psalm 30:11-12, AMPC



Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

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