No More First Person (From the enemy)!
by Tonja Taylor

And you, Solomon my son, know the God of your father [have personal knowledge of Him, be acquainted with, and understand Him; appreciate, heed, and cherish Him] and serve Him with a blameless heart and a willing mind. For the Lord searches all hearts and minds and understands all the wanderings of the thoughts. If you seek Him [inquiring for and of Him and requiring Him as your first and vital necessity] you will find Him; but if you forsake Him, He will cast you off forever!--I Chronicles 28:9, AMPC

First, let me say that, under the New Covenant, thank goodness, the LORD promises to be with us always! Hallelujah! Even when we feel we are mad at God, or have forsaken the LORD, He is still with us, unless we are very mature in the things of God, and truly desire to never ever have anything to do with Him again! 

Be assured of this: God's thoughts toward us are good, always good. He is good! There is none good, but Him! Any goodness in us is Him! 

He is the perfect loving parent, Who is always thinking and planning good for us, His kids, whom He adopted through the blood of Jesus, His firstborn Son, when Jesus died on the cross for us (John 3:14-17). Hallelujah! 

So His thoughts toward us are good and not evil, to give us a wonderful future (Jeremiah 29:11; Ephesians 2:10). Glory!

How precious and weighty also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them!--Psalm 139:17, AMPC

We want the LORD's thoughts to become our own, and the more time we spend with Him, through reading and meditating His holy Word; through hearing and receiving and obeying Bible-based teaching and preaching; the more we worship and praise Him with Bible-based worship and praise music; the more we talk to Him in prayer--daily fellowship, plus more formal times as He leads; then the more His thoughts will become ours--which is the goal of us receiving Christ and still being on the planet!

However, the enemy, the devil, roams about to make trouble for people, especially the saints (We who are born again by truly believing in and receiving what the cleansing pure holy blood of Jesus Christ did for us when He died on the cross, then rose again and ascended to Heaven!). 

One of the ways the enemy does this is by putting thoughts into our mind and trying to convince us that they are our own. He likes to put thoughts in our mind that start with "I...want to do this/have that/go there..." etc., when it is not of our God, the only God, Jehovah, Yahweh, the LORD Jesus Christ! 

The enemy is very deceptive. However, he cannot read our minds, but the Holy Spirit Who is God can! He even knows our thoughts and words before we think and speak them, praise God, for He is outside of time! So He helps us! 

Today, He reminded me of something He'd taught me in the past: to remind the enemy (who'd been shooting fiery darts of distraction and discouragement at me this morning, since I had a praise party yesterday, and taught kids and adults more about worship, stomping on his ugly, bashed-in head!) that, in the Name of Jesus, he is not allowed to ever speak to me or my husband again in first person!

So, He also led me to forbid the enemy to speak in first person to any of those my husband and I cover either, in the Name of Jesus, with all the authority we have in their lives; no more, but no less!

(It is important that we do not overstep our authority, because especially in other's lives, not even God will violate a person's free will. So, He has taught me to say, when I intercede and take authority over the enemy to help others, to take, in the Name of Jesus, "all the authority I have in their lives; no more, but no less, for only God Who created and sustains all life knows the boundaries."

If you've been having thoughts that drag you down in any way, or bring confusion, or fear, or distraction, or condemnation, or anger, or anything not of God, then those thoughts are authored by the enemy, and you must resist them with your words, in the Name of Jesus. 

It is written that what we forbid will be forbidden, and what we allow will be allowed.  So tell the enemy to shut up in Jesus' name right now, and never again speak to you in first person!

The only First Person you want giving you thoughts, speaking into your mind, is the HOly Spirit, Who is God, Who is all good, and Who only wants to help you!

Amen and amen!

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

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