by linzy bruno


Alex discretely scanned the room to see if the others were able to detect him huddled behind a computer with another guy; discussing their mutual disgust. Everyone was standing shoulder to shoulder, due to the overflow of attendants at the meeting and emotions were running high, as shoulders did brush…

“My wife and I don’t usually come down here for parent-involved meetings and things, but this is so utterly unacceptable. We’ve certainly lost some serious sleep over this one,” he explained.

“Yeah same thing with us,” the guy replied.

Alex spoke secretly to this father until the pushing removed him from sight, but then another father moved in closer, as though he had been just waiting for the chance, and whispered, “Can you believe this bull crap?”

“No man, this is insane!” he shouted, but quietly and with distinct facial contortion.

“We’re thinking of just taking our kids outta this whole school system,” the guy scoffed, without taking his eyes off the crowd.

Alex just nodded, as he continued searching the sea of faces for the other parents’ varying anger levels. Then he whispered, “Same conversation at our dinner table.”

“I mean, did you see this coming? Transgender books that are majorly explicit creeping into our school library!?” The man remarked through gritted teeth.

Alex just shook his head in disgust and agreement and turned to look into the guy’s eyes that were full of tears.

“I’m Alex,” he said; extending his arm.

“Nice to meet you….I’m Arnie,” he replied; shaking his hand, with a worrisome smile and a deep sigh.

“Well, whadaya think Arnie? Should we join together in protest over this nonsense?”

“Yes, but I say if they won’t listen, we just take our kids outta this lousy school and teach them at home. At home we can teach them our values and go back to the ABCs and the 123s!”

“You got yourself a deal……after we talk to our wives that is.”

Arnie smiled and patted Alex on the arm.

Both fathers went back to paying attention to the minutes of the meeting so they would not miss any developments with the case; both of them aware that this was only the beginning of just this kind of upsetting and awkward event.

“Ginny, you just would not believe what they are allowing at that school!”

Alex complained to his wife that evening, over a lingering glass of white wine.

“But you have the comfort of knowing you’re doing the right thing to fight this and if the board refuses to listen, I say we take our kids outta school and teach them at home,” she remarked with newly-found confidence. “I’ll quit my job for homeschooling,” she declared.

“I’m so glad to hear you say that! We’d manage somehow. Anyway God would help us. He doesn’t want any of His kids to be exposed to such complete and utter filth,” Alex replied.

At the next meeting regarding a few other of these same type books, Alex was prepared to fight harder than he ever fought in his life. “I’m ready Ginny,” he declared that morning over the breakfast table.

“This book and others like it are not appropriate for our kids, not in our school or any other school! The atmosphere should be one of innocence and age-appropriateness! Our schools should not be places of indoctrination, but safety! We have the right to demand their safety!” He screamed as loud as he could as he entered the room.

“Oh get off your soapbox!” he heard a gray-haired woman shout.

“You should be ashamed of yourself grandma!” Alex couldn’t help but shout back. “Why don’t you go home? You don't have any kids in this school!” Alex retorted loudly.

The woman ran out of the room screaming and a few others shouted at Alex for upsetting her and going against the narrative, while the others rallied for him; chanting: “Bring back our safe school system! SAFE, SAFE, SAFE, SAFE, SAFE” they chanted softly for the remainder of the meeting, with Alex’s voice leading them all.

The board ruled in favor of the “free speech” of using this book and any others they may bring in in the future.

“Well Ginny, we may have lost the case but we did the right thing by taking our kids outta school…..but only after staying in the fight over what should NOT be allowed and certainly not tolerated in schools or anywhere else for that matter,” Alex declared that victorious evening.






Linzy has been writing for many years; seriously since her 3 kids were still young and inspirational. She has taken 2 courses in Bible studies and completed "Four Soils" Bible study course in a 26-month period; earning her certification in Bible Counselling.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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