by Lewis E. Thomas

There is an old gospel song that is much more precious than all the world's silver and gold!
It's called "HE TOUCHED ME" and boy, how it can deeply "MOVE" the redeemed soul!
Most of the world will never experience the joy that comes from the holy "TOUCH OF GOD"!
Many would consider words like this to be crazy talk, that is "STRANGE and ODD"!
My son sent me a quote this morning called "Contentment Thru Pain" by J.C.Ryle.
As I began reading it back to my wife I was deeply moved by it for quite a little while!
It touched me so deeply that I choked up and had to stop speaking several times as tears ran down my face!
I was "AWESOMELY TOUCHED" by the Holy Spirit and by God's "AMAZING GRACE"!
The world thinks happiness, contentment, and fulfillment will be found in riches, power, social status, sex, and "FAME"!
I find all the "CONTENTMENT I NEED" in God's Word and in His son Jesus' holy name!
The World gets its high off partying, porno, drugs, alcohol, orgies, and many other unholy things!
I get my "HIGH" from the "HOLY GHOST" and from being touched by the "KING of kings"!
How about you today on that path you trod?
Have you ever really, truly, been "TOUCHED" by God?
I used to be a "LOST WRETCH" on my way to Hell and I didn't even "KNOW IT"!
But the unholy way I lived back then did clearly "SHOW IT"!
God sent Jesus his Son down to die on that "OLD RUGGED CROSS" to pay the penalty for "OUR SINS"!
There is only one way for us to "AVOID HELL" and Jesus said that was to be "BORN AGAIN"!
Years ago Jesus Christ reached down and "He Touched Me" and saved my lost soul!
Ask him to "TOUCH YOU" today, and he will give you the "Gift of Salvation" worth more than all the world's silver and gold!
He touched me!
Lewis E. Thomas
This poem inspired by a text message from my son Joshua today.


Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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