Is It Time to Change Churches?
by Tonja Taylor

 And He said to them, Come after Me [as disciples—letting Me be your Guide], follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men!--Matthew 4:19, AMPC

When we follow the Master Jesus, our lives are often full of change! But He is forever good, faithful, and true, and will only lead us to places and situations that will help us! 

I am not a "church hopper," and I do not advise that. I believe we true Believers should get plugged in to a Bible-based church body, and get involved.  However, the LORD is doing new things in these Last Days, and that involves moving people--me included!

Ask the LORD--especially if your soul (mind, will, emotions) continues to be vexed (frustrated; discouraged; hurt; disappointed; confused, etc.) at what is happening (or not happening that should) at your church.

Remember that no church leader is perfect--only Jesus the Christ, our King! However, there is a higher level of responsibility that our church leaders should model for us. 

Otherwise (This is my opinion.), why are we following them?

Pray, pray, pray for them. Forgive them. Love and respect and honor them.

If you do all of this, and their behavior and attitudes, and words from the pulpit keep hitting you wrong, first check your heart to make sure you are not offended and/or bitter, etc. at them. Ask the LORD to cleanse your heart. He will. 

If you still are distracted with such behavior and words and other things that are keeping you from receiving the revelation and other help you need, then it could be time to change churches.

Ask the LORD--He knows all things! 

There is a grace from the LORD to be where we're supposed to be. However, that grace can lift--just like the Cloud would lift for the Israelites, and they'd move with it--and then, it's time to move!

The LORD is our Good Shepherd, and forever leads us in right paths for His Name's sake. We can totally trust Him! He is faithful and good forever (or we'd all have been dead and in hell long ago!)!

He is very kind, understanding, and patient. He leads us by peace. He will drop an idea in our minds and hearts, and, when it's really Him, it will often come back to us time after time, and there will be a peace, a "rightness" to it. 

Much of the time, God's leadings won't make sense to our minds. 

However, God is not a mind, nor a body, He is a Spirit, and He talks to our spirits. He helps us understand what we need to understand with our conscious; our minds, but the bottom line is to trust and obey, no matter what it seems like, and no matter what others think or say.

The times I've trusted the LORD and made changes in my life--especially when others tried to tell me I was being foolish--it may have been hard, but I've never regretted it!

These people trying to stop and/or otherwise hinder me were NOT following God, by the way! I believe in the counsel of anointed leadership, and even they can miss it. That is why each of us needs a very close relationship with the Holy Ghost, Who knows and sees all things, and Who knows everything about us and the future, much more than we can ever know!) 

Even if we miss it --and the fear of that is why we usually hesitate or just flat don't obey God (myself included, in the past!)--the LORD is such a good Father and so gracious and merciful that He will keep us and help us, and truly work all things for our best and His glory (Romans 8:28). He knows our hearts!

So that, [just] as sin has reigned in death, [so] grace (His unearned and undeserved favor) might reign also through righteousness (right standing with God) which issues in eternal life through Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) our Lord.--Romans 5:21, AMPC

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

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