I Don't Go to Church Every Sunday Any More
by Tonja Taylor

You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh ; rather, serve one another humbly in love.--Galatians 5:13, NIV

Most Believers go to church on Sunday--especially today, to celebrate the eternal Resurrection of the LORD Jesus Christ! Hallelujah!

But you don't have to!

I call heaven and earth to witness this day against you that I have set before you life and death, the blessings and the curses; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live.--Deut. 30:19, AMPC

Even before Jesus came to earth as our Savior, God never forced anyone to do anything. (A controlling spirit is not of God. There is leadership which we should agree with and respect and obey, of course, but never if it goes against God's Word! So it behooves us to know the Word, and all the more as The Day (of Christ's return) approaches! 

Every moment of our lives is a choice! 

As one internationally-known minister stated years ago, no one really has to do anything.

You don't have to go to church; not on Sunday, nor any day of your life. 

You don't have to pray or read your Bible. You don't have to worship the true and living God Who loves you so much in His unfathomable mercy, that He sent Jesus to live as a Man, and die and rise again for you (and me, and all the world, even those who curse Him!).

God is the free Spirit; the Spirit of freedom. He never forces anyone to do anything. 

God is good and all good, and His only Plan for us (from the Beginning--Genesis 1!) is a free, abundant, healthy, strong, protected, directed, joyful, satisfying, victorious life! (Read: PROSPEROUS!)

However, like the ultimate perfect Parent that He is, there are conditions we must meet to receive, and even understand, all the good things He has for us. Those conditions are in His Word. 

Even then, the LORD gives so much (breath, and as much good as He can, having to work by His Spirit through people, to overcome the curses we've allowed into our lives, through ignorance, rebellion, etc.!), to every person that's ever born--because He is Love (I John 4:8), and Love gives! 

He commands us to go to church "assemble together (as Believers)" for our good. 

Not forsaking or neglecting to assemble together [as believers], as is the habit of some people, but admonishing (warning, urging, and encouraging) one another, and all the more faithfully as you see the day approaching.--Hebrews 10:25, AMPC

He is God, and He is perfect. He has created us to need each other, and one of the main things that benefits us as true Believers in Christ is to go to the Bible-believing Church to which He leads us, and attend regularly, soaking up His Word, and loving on others in the Royal Family--and letting them love on us! 

What we have seen and [ourselves] heard, we are also telling you, so that you too may realize and  enjoy fellowship as partners and partakers with us. And [this] fellowship that we have [which is a distinguishing mark of Christians] is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ (the Messiah).--I John 1:3, AMPC

I used to attend service faithfully on Sunday mornings, for decades. It is a special time for Believers all over the world! My life has been so changed for good through these Sunday-morning services, in first denominational, then non-denominational gatherings, where Jesus Christ is LORD, glorified, worshiped, adored, and had freedom to move! Hallelujah!

But I don't go to church every Sunday any more. 

In case you're wondering, I'm thrilled that, in this New Season, the LORD has led me to a dynamic, Bible-based, world-changing church that also meets on Saturday nights! They have two morniing services on Sunday, and a full service every Saturday night, which is when I go regularly now. Hallelujah!

(Actually, for a few weeks, I may go on Saturday night and Sunday morning, because I'm in a Sunday morning class, to get newbies to the church oriented about all the church believes and has to offer. I'm also now involved in Bible study groups there, one of which meets at the church, and another which meets in a member's home. In addition, I think I'll at least occasionally go to the two-hour Friday night worship service at a different member's home. Hallelujah!) 

This is part of the "...and all the more faithfully as you see the day approaching."--Hebrews 10:25, AMPC

Life is change, and the God-life (John 10:10) is more dynamic, and much better, than just everyday "life" in the world! There is no comparison! For this New Season, we true Believers must be open to change. It is part of trusting our Father, and can give us great joy and satisfaction, as we make new God-ordained associations, and experience deeper levels of Zoe life in Christ!

10 The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).--John 10:10, AMPC

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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