7 Ways to Get Rid of Word Curses and Speak the Blessing!
by Tonja Taylor

This is my comfort and consolation in my affliction: that Your word has revived me and given me life.--Psalm 119:50, AMPC

Years ago, when I thought (at least two major times in my life!) that I was literally about to lose my mind, the Holy Spirit prompted me to get my Bible, notecards, and a pen, and go to a quiet, private place. There, He had me (with no music; no people around) open the Bible--the Living Word of God-- and copy out Scripture after Scripture, for at least a couple of hours. 

Then He would have me look at those Scriptures at various times, every day. 

I knew that His Word had saved my mind, and started healing my heart. Praise Him!

This is one major way He started cleansing my life of word curses against me, and even those I had spoken myself.

It wasn't until a couple minutes ago, however, that I found the exact verse that verifies what happened: Psalm 119:50: This is my comfort and consolation in my affliction: that Your word has revived me and given me life.


Thank the LORD, the Word of God is not just a book of history of the creation of the planet and humanity before and after the crucifixion and resurrection. It is not just a book of miracles.

It is a partial record (for He did many more things that have not been recorded!) of the life of our God and Savior, the LORD Jesus Christ--the Living Word Himself--when He was on earth.

The Bible is a holy Book; a living Book; a Book of continually deepening revelation of Who Jesus Christ is—the Great I AM!

The Bible is a book of God-breathed words that can be used to heal, deliver, free, prosper, calm, inspire, motivate, restore us, and cause great, great joy! 

The living words in the Bible can help us recognize and break the power of word curses in our lives! 

Curses are not just words that witches use, although real witches have learned the power of using negative words against others. 

Curses are any words spoken against another (or even oneself) that have a root of wrong intent. 

Sometimes we may feel words spoken to or against us are wrong, but words of correction that are coming from a pure source are not really curses. Part of our maturing in Christ is learning to discern the true difference. 

God corrects us with His Word, and tells us to receive correction. 

Correction is part of life. Our flesh doesn't like it. As we grow in Christ, we can often tell the real motivation behind such words.

So word curses are not correction that is truly meant to help us, even if we don't like it. 

Word curses are those that are spoken with the intent to hurt, to harm, even to kill. 

These are what wiches, voodoo "priests" and other demonically-controlled people use.

These are also words that any person can speak out of hate, envy, lust, fear, control, anger, strife, judgement, criticism, etc. 

Almost all, if not all, humans have spoken word curses. We are born with this tendency!

Part of the problem is ignorance (which does not mean stupidity, but not knowing or not being aware of something), but the biggest problem is the soul of mankind; our mind, will, emotions (soul) wants its way. 

We have both spoken word curses, and they have been spoken over us. These things can cause major problems in our lives, for so many reasons!

So how do we get rid of them? 

1. First, acknowledge that you have misused the power of speech the LORD has given you, and ask Him  to forgive you of every word curse you have ever spoken, in the Name of Jesus. If you need to go apologize personally to someone for that, He'll lead you, and keep gently reminding you about that, until you do it. Sometimes, we have to face the people. Sometimes, when the LORD has had me ask others for forgiveness, they would seem totally surprised that I apologized, and couldn't think of anything they needed to forgive me for. Usually, that was when I'd been hurt and/or offended by them in some way in which they had no clue they'd bothered me. 

2. Forgive those who have spoken word curses against you, and ask the LORD to forgive them, in the Name of Jesus. Do this out loud. There is something very powerful about forgiving out loud, so the holy angels and demons (and other people who may be around) can hear you! 

3. In the Name of Jesus, renounce (reject; totally give up; have nothing more to do with) every agreement you've made with any word curse against you, and tell the LORD that you break the power of all these word curses off of your life. This includes word curses you have spoken over yourself! 

4. In the Name of Jesus, ask the LORD to start teaching you much more of His Word; to give you a devotion to loving, learning, and living His Word, and to help you speak His Word of Blessing over your life every day!

5. In the Name of Jesus, ask Him to lead you to Scriptures to speak the word of Blessing over your loved ones every day. Often, of course, you can use the same verses that you speak over yourself to speak over your loved ones. 

6. Ask the LORD to make you more aware of your words daily, and to help you be sensitive to when you should not say something (that may be a curse). God is so good and gracious that, even if we do speak a curse, He allows us to immediately repent (out loud; just like we spoke the curse out loud), and then speak the Blessing!

7. Ask Him to help you be aware of what other changes you need to make in your life, to get the word curses out. This may be to stop watching certain programs on television and/or the internet and/or phone. It may be to stop hanging around certain people. It may be to stop tolerating cursing, gossiping, criticism, etc., in your home, job, relationships, etc.  Yes, this may mean avoiding certain people and/or  situations, and even cutting off some relationships that are allowing the enemy to afflict you! It will be worth it, though, and the LORD will bring people into your life that will speak the Blessing, and be better examples of Christ to you! He is faithful and good forever!

Words are a matter of life and death. 

I call heaven and earth to witness this day against you that I have set before you life and death, the blessings and the curses; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live.--Deut. 30:19, AMPC

And at once his mouth was opened and his tongue loosed, and he began to speak, blessing and praising and thanking God.--Luke 1:64, AMPC

Quick Prayer: LORD Jesus, You are the Living Word. Help us to take the gift of speech more seriously, and use our words more wisely, to speak the Blessing. The more we speak the Blessing--which is all good, which is Love, the more others will see You, which is why we Believers are on the planet! You are coming soon, and so thank You that You are helping us to prepare for Your return, and live a life that draws others to know You, before it's too late for them! In Your Name, amen!

Let no foul or polluting language, nor evil word nor unwholesome or worthless talk [ever] come out of your mouth, but only such [speech] as is good and beneficial to the spiritual progress of others, as is fitting to the need and the occasion, that it may be a blessing and give grace (God’s favor) to those who hear it.--Ephesians 4:29, AMPC


Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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