P.O.W.E.R.* Girl IV - Ch. 05 - Prepping For Ms. Sophia's Surprise Birthday
by Tonja Taylor

“I’m so glad that science class involves cooking, aren’t you, Xi?” Pearl asked, as she looked at the recipe printout encased in the sheet protector.

          “Sure,” Xi said, pulling out the butter and then the mixer. “Homeschool has not been too bad so far, I guess. Just very different. But this part is cool.” She searched in the drawer for the beaters.

          “Well, we love you and are so glad you are here!” Pearl said, turning quickly and hugging Xi.  She left flour prints on Xi’s shoulders. “Oops! Sorry!” Pearl said. “I forgot I had flour on my hands, from the cookies.”

          “Yep, these are special!” Robert said, on the other side of Pearl. He banged his hands on the counter. “Flour clouds!”

          Xi laughed. “Stop, Rob! We’ve got to be able to see, OK? Between you and your sister’s attack hugs, I need to catch a breath, so we can get these done before Ms. Sophia gets here!”

          “Yeah, and I bet she’ll love Burt’s T-bone steaks!” Pearl said. “They’re marinating in the fridge.”

          “What’s that?” said Xi.

          “They’re soaking in a solution of sauce, with spices and stuff,” Pearl replied, "so the meat will be more tender and taste better."

          “Mmm. I’m glad he likes to grill, even in cold weather!” said Xi. “But whatever works. You guys have fed me so good, I think I weigh more than ever!”

          “You’re healthier than ever, right?” Pearl’s mother asked, walking in. “That’s the really important thing, Sweetie.”

          “Yes ma’am,” said Xi, as she got the vanilla and chocolate powder out of the cabinet. She stared at the package of chocolate powder for a few seconds. “Hey, this is spelled wrong, isn’t it?” she asked Pearl’s mother, handing it to her.

          Pearl’s mother smiled. “Actually, this is spelled correctly, because it’s the form of this before cocoa. It’s called cacao.”

          Xi burst out laughing. “You’re joking. Ca-COW?”

          Vivace barked at Xi’s outburst, and jumped up from her bed.

           “No, really! It’s healthier,” said Pearl’s mother. “Vivace, sit!” she said to the dog.

          “I shoulda known!” Xi said, but smiled.

          Pearl giggled.  “It tastes good, Xi,” she said, and added milk to the recipe. “We need the cayenne pepper, please.”

          “Cayenne pepper in a cake?” Xi asked, again sounding astounded.

          “This is Mexican chocolate cake, like Ms. Sophia told you is her fave, remember?” said Pearl. “It has cayenne pepper in it.” She pointed to the ingredients. “See? She likes spicy, remember?”

          Xi shook her head. “I think I’ve learned more things this week than I have in my whole life!” she said.

          Pearl giggled. “Maybe! Queen Mother is a good teacher, and she said this week, at least, that cooking is part of homeschool!” She cracked the eggs and stirred them in the bowl.

          “Yep!” Robert said, and grabbed his mother around the legs, getting flour on her pants and the bottom of her shirt.

          “I wonder if we can work cleaning into science class as well,” she quipped. “OK, you sweet gourmets, go for it. I’m going to decorate the dining room.”

          “I wanna help you, Mama!” Robert said.

          “No, dear, you’re making Robert Specials, remember? You stay here with Pearl and Xi.”

          He pouted, and slapped his floury hand against the cabinet again.

          “Robert!” his mother said. “Do you want to be at the party tonight, or do you want to go to bed early?”

          He didn’t answer.

          “Calm down and get busy, young man.”

          He nodded, and said, “Pearl, help me stir this stiff stuff!”

          Pearl looked at the bowl of batter. “Ok, Rob, I’ll stir while you get the big pan out for us, OK?” He is not going to mess up Ms. Sophia’s party!

          “That’s better, Son,” his mom said. “Pearl, remember to set the big table with the China and nice silverware, and Pearl, put out a couple of candles in tall holders. We’re not going to put a candle on the cake, but we will let her blow out a big one.”

          “How old is Ms. Sophia?” asked Robert, handing Pearl the pan.

          Let me try this, Pearl thought, as she handed Robert the spray. “Spray inside the pan, OK? Not too thick,” Pearl counseled him. “Just spray once, but cover it all. You can do it.”

          “Yeah!” He smiled and sprayed hard. Some of the spray turned into tiny rivers and ran down the pan.

          Pearl shook her head and sighed. Bad idea, she thought. But at least it’s greased!

          “Rob, now take a spoonful of dough and drop it on the pan, and keep a little space between cookies, OK?” She showed him how to do it.

          Xi shook her head. She started the mixer on low for the cake batter, then increased the speed.

          Pearl’s mother smiled, then raised her voice to speak over the noise of the mixer. “None of us know how old Ms. Sophia is, but it doesn’t matter. Let it remain a mystery, unless she wants to tell us, OK?”

          She patted Robert on the head. “We’re just glad she’s on the planet in our lifetime, and living so close to us, aren’t we Rob?”

          He nodded, and hugged her.

          Then she continued. “Risa and the kids will be here in a bit to celebrate with us.” Then she smiled and said, “This is a surprise party for Ms. Sophia, but she just thinks she’s coming to a quiet little dinner. We’ll have the lights out and then, when Burt brings her in, we can all jump up and start singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to her, OK?”

          “Great!” said Robert.

          “Then, after we eat, we’ll bring out the cake and cookies and let her blow a big candle out—"

          “I hope she likes the picture I drew her!” Xi blurted. “She paid me this morning, but I really have no idea what to get her.” She looked a little upset.

          “Precious, Ms. Sophia loves you, and will be tickled with your original art,” Pearl’s mother said, in a soothing voice. “You are giving her something she can’t buy anywhere in the world!”

          “I guess,” said Xi, but she seemed relieved.

          “Ok, girls, we have just a couple hours to finish all this, and change clothes. I believe Ms. Sophia will be totally tickled!”

          Me too! Thought Pearl, as she took the pan from Robert and smoothed out the spray.  Jesus, You just love to surprise us all with sweet things!



          Later, Pearl thought, Mmm. Those steaks smell good! Thank You, LORD, You always make sure we have plenty to eat!

          “OK, kids,” Burt said, as he brought in the meat and put it under a warming cover, “I’m going to get Ms. Sophia. I told her I’d be a gentleman and pick her up on her birthday, so she didn’t have to drive back in the dark.”

          Risa reached up and kissed his cheek. “You are special for so many reasons, mi amor!”

          Burt smiled really big. He hugged her and said, “I love you too!”  He looked around and said, “Do I need to take my time coming back with her, or are you guys ready?”

          “The baked potatoes are almost perfect,” said Lucas, as he opened the oven and poked one.

          “We’ll get the salads and ice while you’re gone,” said Pearl. “And the cake is frosted and—”

          “Robert Specials are done!” said her brother.

          “We blew up balloons, too,” said Robin, “with your balloon-blower-upper!”

          “I’ll double check the decorations to make sure they’re all staying up,” said Pearl’s mother. “Oh, Pearl, get out those lovely gold napkins I bought the other day, and put them out, too.”

          “Yes ma’am,” she said, and went to the hutch to get them. Robin helped her.  Thank You, LORD. This is so great, and Ms. Sophia’s going to feel so loved! Help her know this is from You!”


Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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