There is Always a Way of Escape!
by Tonja Taylor

I have done a lot of driving in my life, for jobs and also just to be with the LORD in a private time, which I call “Joy Rides.” (I didn’t know for years that some use that term for stealing cars! UGH!  My daughter and I have had lots of Joy Rides with our Savior, Jesus Christ, singing praise and worship songs, and praying, and just rejoicing in Him and each other!)

However, besides praying first thing when I wake daily, and pleading the Blood of Jesus over my vehicle and life, the LORD has also given me wisdom as I drive—like getting off the road if the traffic around me is just acting stupid, especially if a driver behind me is tailgating, etc.,

I once had a (30-something) boss who was high up in a big company, and had his own plane. He said he hated driving, and I guess he could afford to fly most of the places he wanted to go!

I usually pray for the people driving unwisely, especially those who seem to be trying to get into my car’s trunk (to be polite), because they are most likely feeling pressure, or just otherwise oppressed by the devil.

Of course, I like to get places fast and get a lot done, so I’m sure I’ve not been perfect in my driving, either.

Here’s my point: When I’ve lost my peace and traffic has been swirling around me, and/or a vehicle just seems to keep tailgating me, it is the wisdom of God to just pull over and get out of the way.

Sometimes, there’s been a long line of traffic that passes, and I have had to wait a few minutes to get back on the road.

That’s all right. My LORD is faithful, and knows even before the world began exactly where I will be at every moment of my life! Hallelujah!

Even death and destruction hold ho secrets from the LORD. How much more does He know the human heart!—Proverbs 15:11, NLT

39 Now numerous Samaritans from that town believed in and trusted in Him because of what the woman said when she declared and testified, He told me everything that I ever did.—John 4:39, AMPC

Because He knows all things for all time, ahead of time, He always makes a way of escape!

I’ve been amazed at how (of course!), at the exact moment I feel like I need to get out of the way of an unwise driver (or drivers), there is a place for me to pull off—either a wide shoulder, or a driveway, or a road, or something! Hallelujah!

Our Daddy God (He is our Heavenly Father once we have truly believed in God’s only Son, Jesus Christ, and received forgiveness of our sins, and asked the LORD to be our Savior!) always makes a way of escape!

13 The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.I Corinthians 10:13, NLT

This is true in every part of life, not just driving on a highway.

However, thinking about it, you can see that driving on a road is much life living life; We are each on a path, and there are demonically-driven people and situations that can try to pressure us, even cause us danger (The enemy would love to kill us all right now, but he can’t, because of the Blood of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, Who gives us wisdom to listen to Him, avoid danger, and get quickly out of potentially dangerous situations. Great is the faithfulness of our dear Father God!), but the LORD will always have a way of escape.

Remember when the millions of Israelites had been led by God through Moses out of slavery in Egypt, and were going to the Promised Land—but they came to the Red Sea, and thought they were trapped, because there was ocean in front of them, and the Egyptian solders coming to kill them from behind?

Our faithful God--Who is God--made a way of escape! He had planned it from before the time He created the world. In fact, I’ve heard that some Bible scholars discovered 12 paths on the ocean bottom, where the LORD didn’t just have one way of escape through the sea, but many!

Jesus Christ (the Messiah) is [always] the same, yesterday, today, [yes] and forever (to the ages).—Hebrews 13:8, AMPC

So, whatever your situation, He has a way of escape for you!

He loves you and is always working on your behalf.

28 We are assured and know that [a]">[a]God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose.—Romans 8:28, AMPC

The LORD is so very good, and attentive to every detail of our lives.

Years ago, when I was applying for a job (and thought I had it!), He said, “I’ve always got your back,” then, “The LORD knows those that are His.”

I thought that meant I got the job.

What it really meant was that, for reasons only He knew, that was not the best for me, His precious Daughter, and He has something better!

He has brought me through so much, and been so good! He has helped me learn to trust Him, which is what faith really is: trust.

There are so many testimonies I have of God’s faithfulness—both in making a way and in making a way of escape, as needed—that you don’t have time to read them all.

Three come to mind that I will share. Two are related to jobs (1) I was in yet another job interview, and this time for a merchandising/stocking/sales position. As I sat in the deli with the interviewer, I realized I was losing my peace—especially when she showed me some of the (ungodly!) products the company wanted me to stock in a large chain of retail stores.  I repented to the LORD in my heart, and was wondering how to not take this job, while still being polite.

Suddenly, my cell phone, which I almost never had turned on, rang, and it was my mother—needing me to come pick her up because she was at the eye doctor and could not drive because her eyes were dilated! The LORD knew ahead of time that I would repent of applying for that job before asking what products I’d be required to stock, and would need a way out; an escape. He had my mother (who very rarely called anyway, because she is so independent) call at exactly the right time, with a situation that could not be ignored, an “emergency” that only I could take care of.

So, I happily excused myself from the interview and told the woman I’d be in touch. Of course, I told her by email that I had changed my mind. I picked up my mother and took her home. (I don’t remember if she had driven herself to the doc and we had to pick up her car later, or what. What matters is that the LORD knew my details ahead, and had made a way of escape!)

(2) In the year 2000, I was a single divorced mom of a 4-year-old daughter, and had taken a new job as a manager. It required me to work long hours, and was very demanding, especially since God had just moved my daughter and I back from another city a few hours away, and I was still adjusting to the move, not to mention this new position as an assistant manager at a large, busy delivery company.

We started our day at 5:30 a.m.;, and sometime a bit later than that, we had a phone conference/staff meeting with higher, out-of-state managers, and suddenly, my higher manager demanded that I get on a plane that night to go to an unknown (to me) city, to attend some kind of training the next day! My mind was spinning, because not only did I not want to get on a plane, especially without prior warning to a city I did not know or like (from what I’d heard), but I had planned my daughter’s birthday party for that evening!

I was so overwhelmed at the moment, I did not mention my plans for my daughter’s birthday party until later, to a lower-level boss. He told the higher-level boss, who then proceeded to embarrass me in a conference call in front of all the staff and supervisors present. Whatever.  

God is so awesome! Later that morning, a smiling man I’d never met came to the terminal. He was dressed in a nice shirt and slacks and wore a tie. He was a manager from another city who just happened to “drop in” to check on me as a newbie assistant manager. While I was scanning packages, I shared with him that I’d planned my daughter’s birthday party, but had been told to get on a plane for this city (which I considered wicked, and where I knew no one).

To my surprise, he said, “I’ll take your place! I’ll call and change the flight to my name, and I’ll go for you. You can stay and have the birthday party with your little girl.”

He kept his word. He went, and I stayed, finished my day at the terminal, and celebrated with my little precious later than night!

Hallelujah! This was another direct intervention of my Father God, Who loves me, knows every detail of my life, and is always and forever defeating the enemy’s plans to take me out or otherwise destroy my life! Great is the faithfulness of our Father God!

He is truly the On-Time God, and the Master Conductor Who is orchestrating my life (and yours, if you believe in Him and trust Him!), to keep me safe and lead me more and more to the very best life for me and those to whom I am connected!

(3) When my dear husband and I were pressed for money, we decided to drive a couple hours to a big city, and walk in the park by the river there. It was a lovely day, and there was no one else on the path anywhere close to us. As we walked peacefully, I suddenly saw something that looked like money on the path before us. It was three $100 bills! At the time, they were the new design, and looked almost fake.

We showed them to a park crew working nearby, and asked where we should report finding the money. They counseled us to keep it! So we did, and I knew it was an answer to my prayer for financial seed to sow to a certain ministry—and it was much more than I’d asked for!

In other words (and these are just three examples), the LORD made a way of escape for us—from wrong and even potentially dangerous situations, into much better situations!

He is good, and His mercy endures forever!

Our Daddy God is so faithful, generous, and all-wise. He is utterly trustworthy! Hallelujah!

Blessed be the Lord, Who bears our burdens and carries us day by day, even the God Who is our salvation! Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]!--Psalm 68:19, AMPC

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

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