Exceeding Love 1.
by Olawale Ogunsola

Love is a word that unites people together. Where it is allowed to reign supreme, the results are always astounding. The atmosphere is filled with it and peace rules.

Now let us consider the extent to which love can be expressed. It can be demonstrated in various levels or degrees. Love can also be compared to how it is expressed by different people. The circumstances surrounding the love and the sacrifices involved in it play a significant role in the description of the depth of a kind of love existing between two or more persons.

This was the case with Naomi and Ruth, her daughter-in-law. What happened?
When there was a famine in the land of Bethlehem, Elimelech, the husband of Naomi decided to depart to the land of Moab for greener pastures with his wife, Naomi, and two sons, Mahlon and Chilion.

In the land of Moab, Elimelech and his two sons died leaving Naomi and her two daughters-in-law, Ruth and Orpah. Both loved Naomi and wanted to go back to the land of Israel with her but when she explained her hopeless situation to them, Orpah came to her love end because she went back from following Naomi. On the other hand, Ruth still had enough love for Naomi in a hopeless situation. She cleaved to Naomi with an oath that only death could part them.

She was steadfast in her resolution without looking back. She was submissive to her mother-in-law in everything. On her way to the place of her rest in the house of Boaz, her reply to Naomi's instructions was,
[5]“I will do everything you say,” Ruth replied." Ruth 3.

Her submission was greatly profitable to her, Naomi, and the nation of Israel. David, a man after the heart of God was in the lineage of Boaz, the new husband of Ruth.

To what extent was the love of Ruth towards Naomi? It was not either of them who gave it a description but women around them. At the birth of her first son, people who rejoiced with them declared,
[14]“Praise the Lord, who has now provided a redeemer for your family! May this child be famous in Israel?
[15]May he restore your youth and care for you in your old age. For he is the son of your daughter-in-law who loves you and has been better to you than seven sons!” Ruth 4.

The expression "daughter-in-law who loves you and has been better to you than seven sons." is worthy of note. In many cultures, having a son takes a prominent place, especially in the land of Israel. In such a place, how will a family be exalted that has seven sons?
It is in the expression of the women who rejoiced with Naomi that we know that seven sons without love may end up in bitterness. A daughter-in-law who loved Naomi was better than seven sons. Can you see the extent of love in the life of mankind?

Let me not fail to call your attention to this expression,
[15]"May he restore your youth and care for you in your old age...." Ruth 4a.
Can you see that where there's no love there is no good life to live? The product of this exceeding love for Naomi became a source of hope for her as a restorer of her youth in old age. She had the hope of living like a youth in old age.

She would not suffer loneliness. That is love for you and what it can bring forth.
Love comes where we expect it but many times, it manifests in unexpected quarters, when this happens, you need to embrace and appreciate it. Thank the Lord for it and glorify the name of the Lord for receiving such a great gift from Him.

The love of Ruth exceeded the love that seven sons could express to Naomi. Do you have such love? Do you enjoy such love? Can you express such love? What is your reaction to the person who expresses such love? Please, appreciate him. If you cannot identify anyone who loves you uncommonly and unconditionally, I can help you out. He is the Lord Jesus Christ. He gave His life for you. Embrace His love and begin to love Him by submitting your life to Him and obeying all His instructions. It shall be well with you. Stay blessed and prepared for the imminent coming of the Lord.
All Scriptures quoted are from the New Living Translation NLT of the Holy Bible.

The Author is the set man of CTFM(WORLD OUTREACH)and Presiding Pastor of Christ Restland Gospel Church.He is a Poet and author of many books. Visit his blogsites www.4thlink.wordpress.com and www.peacelink.wordpress.com for more quality contents.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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