Today, You Are Making History--One Way or Another!
by Tonja Taylor

“Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!--Deuteronomy 30:19, NLT
You are more important than you may think. YOU are making history every day--with your choices!
As a parent and schoolteacher, I have often urged others to "make good choices," but God our Father (when we have truly repented of our sins, and asked His Son, Jesus Christ, to forgive and cleanse us, and become our Savior and LORD) said it first.
(In fact, every positive slogan or motto or saying comes from the Word of God, no matter to whom the credit is given!)
You are more important than you may think. YOU are making history every day--with your choices!
Once, I was teaching robotics to fourth and fifth graders in a public school. Some of the kids kept talking after a few warnings, so I pulled out the disobedient ones for a discipline writing assignment.  I decided to give them something different from the usual assignment, and hurriedly wrote down a few short paragraphs of an exhortation about choices: 

"There is a Great Plan for my life, as purposed by God.  It is a wonderful Plan, one I will enjoy very much. This Plan is affected by my daily choices. My choices are full of power—for good or bad, and like ripples on the lake of my life.  My choices affect my life, and many others’—so I decide today to make good choices and enjoy the Great Plan for me!"

I had felt that the LORD had given me this; one reason being that I was constantly seeking to brag on God and draw those around me to Him. So I made the choice to risk being "corrected" by a principal or such, but I wanted to plant a God-seed in these kids, who obviously needed more of Him. 

The kids got quiet, very busy on their assignment of writing what I'd given them, and I continued to monitor the rest of the class, as they worked in small groups on building their robots.

Shortly, a couple of them called to me, and said they were finished. I commended them for making good choices in getting quiet and doing what I asked, and told them they could go back to their groups. 

"Can I have a copy to take to my mom?" one asked. 

"Yeah, I want one too," said another. "Can I have more than one?"

The LORD was working quickly, and I was delighted! I had made the choice to overcome fear of being reprimanded for stepping outside the "box", by creating my own writing assignment with the word "God" in it--and God had honored that! His Spirit had touched the kids' hearts and helped them to be respectfully obedient--and excited about reading about Him and the power of their choices; now, He was multiplying my good seeds sown, too!

With God, it's always a win-win, and only He can accomplish such delightful and victorious situations! 

You are more important than you may think. YOU are making history every day--with your choices!
Most of us would like to be perfect in our choices. When we ask the LORD for wisdom, He is faithful to help us consider various factors, and make wise choices. He leads us to make wise choices based on His Word, more than anything! When His Word does not give us answers we can discern about specific situations, He leads us by peace in our hearts--or lack of it, as a warning to not do something. 
If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.--James 1:5, NLT
Thank you for making the wise choicie to get on, or read this in whatever publication you are looking at. You have allowed yourself to be strengthened in the victorious Christian living, and that will help you make even more good choices! Every time you make a good choice, you are bringing light--for yourself and others! Hallelujah!



Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (300 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

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