P.O.W.E.R.* Girl IV - Ch. 13 - Xi Moves In With Ms. Sophia
by Tonja Taylor

          “Hey Xi!” said Pearl, as the older girl walked in the door. “Want to see some fancy houses—like our new one will be?”

          “Sure. But first, Mrs. Williams, Ms. Sophia said she wanted to go to the church banquet with us,” said Xi.

          “Great! We will make sure she feels special that day,” Pearl’s mother replied. “Has she finished her training yet?”

          “No ma’am,” Xi said. “She has about one more month.” Xi stopped. “She did say I could go ahead and start moving stuff into my new room, and even start staying with her, if you guys don’t mind.”

          Pearl’s mother smiled. “I’ll discuss that with Burt when he gets back, but I’m sure it’ll be OK,” she said. “Fun for you, to have your own room!”

          “I’ll miss you, Xi,” said Pearl. “You don’t snore too loud—”

          “Loudly,” corrected her mother. “’Loud’ is an adjective, but you need an adverb, since ‘snore’ is the verb.”

          Xi laughed. “You people are something. I’m glad you understand my bad English!”

          ‘It’s ingrained,” said Pearl’s mother. “We need to know the rules—”

          “So we can break them!” Pearl interrupted.

          “Or at least relax a bit, when appropriate!” her mother said, and smiled.

          “We can help you move, Xi, and it’ll be P.E. credit for us all, right, Queen Mother?”

          “I suppose so, Princess,” her mother replied. “Why not? That’s one of the great freedoms of homeschooling; to be flexible with methods, as long as the goal is accomplished.”

          Wow, new things, sooner than we knew! Pearl thought. I think Ms. Risa said something about that the other day in Sunday School.

          “Ms. Sophia already has a nice bed in there for you, right, dear?” Pearl’s mother asked.

          Xi nodded. “Yes ma’am. I’ve taken a short nap on it a couple of times, and it is very comfy!”

          “God’s children will always have a place of refuge,” said Pearl softly. “Queen Mother, remember that Aunt Beth told us that last year?

          She nodded. “You’re right!” She stood up. “Time for a break,” she said, then, looking at Xi, she said, “Dear, do you want to go ahead and move in with Ms. Sophia? You don’t have to. It’s totally up to you.”

          Xi looked at her, and nodded. “Actually, I do.” She hugged Pearl’s mother, and Pearl, and said, “I hope I don’t sound like an ungrateful wretch, like my mom used to say! I just….”

          “What, dear?”

          “I just think I’d better go ahead and do this, before I change my mind. If I’m used to staying there when she actually becomes my foster parent, then it will just be easier…..or something……..I don’t know!” She looked like she might cry.

          Pearl and her mother looked at each other. “Neat!” Pearl said, as if nothing were wrong. “I know what we can do! We can get some boxes out of the storage building, and some of Ms. Sophia’s newspapers—cause you know we don’t read them—”

          “Yeah, I know!” said Xi, and laughed. “I have to go to Ms. Sophia’s to know what’s going on, in the paper, and on TV, too.”

          Pearl looked at her mother. I can tell she wants to say something, but she’s too polite! Pearl thought. What an amazing mother I have! Help me be more like her, and not say much, Jesus!

          “Pearl is right,” said her mother. “Let’s get our coats on, and we’ll get started.” She walked over to get key drawer. “How many do you think you’ll need, Xi?”

          “I don’t know,” Xi said. “How about 10? I don’t have much, although most of what I have, you guys got me.”

          “God loves you very much, Xi!” said Pearl. “He is going to give you much more!”

          Xi just looked at her, and nodded slightly.


          They took the boxes upstairs, and helped Xi pack. “I like traveling light,’ she said, trying to joke. “Not much to move, and I’ve moved a lot lately!”

          “We love you, Xi!” Pearl said, and hugged her.

          “Yeah,” Xi said, and hugged Pearl a bit.

          Jesus, thank You that You are going to heal her heart all the way and help her get saved! Pearl prayed.

          “When school starts, we’ll pick you up and bring you home, but that’s six months from now,” said Pearl’s mother.

          “I can’t wait!” said Pearl. “When do we register?”

          “Next month,” said her mother. “We’re applying for scholarships for all of you, and I’m believing the LORD to help us with those.”

          “I know it costs a lot to go to private school,” Xi said. “Thanks again!”

          “I think that’s it,” said Xi, closing the last box. “You guys are fast!”

          “Many hands make light work,” said Pearl. “When we work together, things go quicker.”

          “That would be, ‘Things go more quickly,’ please, Pearl,” said her mother.

          “More quickly!” Pearl corrected herself.

          “I’ll call Ms. Sophia, and tell her we’re coming,” said Xi.

          “Oh, you need to take your fish!” Pearl said, holding up the bowl with the betta.

          “Well, it’s now your fish again,” said Xi, “because Ms. Sophia has two cats, and they might get hungry at the wrong time.”

          “OK, sure,” Pearl said. “I’ll take good care of Evangelfish—and make sure Catorce stays outside!”


          Xi called,  and when they got there, Ms. Sophia opened the door for them. A silky black cat stood at her feet, walking back and forth in front of her. “Do you need help?”

          “No ma’am,” Xi said. “We’ll just get these few boxes of my stuff into my new bedroom. Thank you again, Ms. Sophia!” She walked up quickly, and hugged her older friend warmly.

          Neat! Pearl thought. Now that’s a real hug! Look what You’re doing, Jesus! Go for it! She carried in a couple of full boxes, and very soon, they got all the boxes up to the second floor.

          “Cool view, Xi,” said Pearl, looking out over the back lawn. “I didn’t know she had a fountain!”

          “She bought it, and I found a video on the internet to install it. Pretty nice.”

          “That’s great!” Pearl said. Jesus, help her think about You, the Living Water! Pearl thought.

          Pearl’s mother came up, carrying the last box.  “Very nice, Xi,” she said. “We’re happy for you!”

          Xi hugged her, and it seemed to Pearl that Xi seemed a bit warmer. “Thank you, so much, Mrs. Williams, and to you too, Pearl,” she said, “cause you guys have been very good to me, taking me in and all. I’m not sure how much I owe you for all those groceries!”

          Pearl’s mother smiled. “Darling, you don’t owe us anything. We didn’t buy the groceries. God supplied them!”

          Xi just looked at her, and smiled. “Whatever you say, Mrs. Williams. Thank you anyway!” With that, she walked back downstairs.

          “Ok, Princess, I think we’re done here,” she said. “Let’s go say bye to Ms. Sophia.”

          Downstairs, they hugged the older woman’s neck.

          “Thank you, dears, for helping my Xi move in already!” She patted her leg. “I would have helped, but today is not a good day for my leg to be on stairs.”

          “Oh, Ms. Sophia, can we pray for you?” asked Pearl.

          “Por supuesto! Of course!” Ms. Sophia replied.

          Pearl and her mother touched Ms. Sophia’s leg, and as Pearl’s mother spoke a loving prayer over their friend, Pearl was aware of Xi listening from the kitchen. Jesus, Pearl thought, feeling bolder by the second, You are in us, and You said that we could do what You did, and so You healed when You touched people, so I ask You to heal through us!

          As they prayed, Pearl could feel the Spirit of God move through her. Neat! she thought. Thank You, LORD!”

          Hallelujah!” said Ms. Sophia. “My leg feels hot, and better!”

          “God is so good!” said Pearl’s mother. “He loves you so much, Ms. Sophia, and doesn’t want you to hurt, for Jesus hurt for you and all of us on the cross!”

          “Amen, amen!” said Ms. Sophia, and got up out of her chair, and did a little joy dance!

          Xi came in from the kitchen, and watched.

          She looks so shocked! thought Pearl, and giggled.  “Neat!” she clapped her hands. “Thank You, Jesus!”

          “I hadn’t said much to dear Xiomara, because I did not want her worry. She already worries too much, but look now!” She danced around again. “Xiomara!” called Ms. Sophia. “Come look what the LORD has done!”

          Xi walked up slowly to Ms. Sophia. “I see…….I didn’t know your leg was hurting that much,” said Xi. Why didn’t you tell me? I could have done more—”

          “No lo importa!” said Ms. Sophia. “Dance with me, Xi!. Dios es bueno! God is good!” She grabbed Xi’s hand, and tried to get her to dance.

          “I’m not much of a dancer,” Xi said, and pulled her hand gently from Ms. Sophia’s.

          “No worries, dear. Pearl will dance with me!”

          Pearl grabbed hands, and did a twirl. “Yes! We celebrate the great things God has done!” she said, and laughed. “God is the LORD that heals us, and it just gets better from here!”

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (300 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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