P.O.W.E.R.* Girl IV - Ch. 15 - Valentine's Day Visit to Xi's Mom in Jail
by Tonja Taylor

        “You can do this, Xi,” encouraged Pearl.

         Xi looked at the candy and heart she’d drawn for her mother. “I-I don’t know…” she said. “What if she doesn’t really want to see me?”

         “Sweetie, time in jail either softens people, or makes ‘em harder,” said Burt. “We’ve been praying for your mom, and believing God is softening her heart.”

         “But remember last time?” said Xi. “It was a disaster!” Tears ran down her cheeks. She wiped them away angrily. “I wish I hadn’t thought of this!” She threw the paper down onto the table.

         Pearl’s mother went over and hugged her, and then said kindly, “I think this was a God idea, Xi, and that you are very brave to do this. May I pray for you?”

         Xi didn’t say anything, just slumped down in her chair. Pearl’s mother gently touched Xi’s shoulder, and prayed under her breath in the Spirit. Pearl reached over and took Xi’s hand. “I plead the blood of Jesus over your soul,” she said quietly. “Jesus, please give my dear friend peace. You are the Prince of Peace,” Pearl said.

         Burt nodded and looked at Xi. “Baby Doll, let’s get going. Visiting hours will be over soon, and we can talk in the truck—or just be quiet, if you want,” he said.

         “Yeah, God can help me not talk, so it’s possible!” Pearl said, trying to joke.

         Xi got up. “Let me use the bathroom and get my coat!” she said, and stomped out of the den.

         Pearl picked up the candy and heart, and held them to her chest.  “Daddy God, please help Xi’s mom be thankful that her daughter cares enough to visit her in jail and bring her gifts. Let it be a good time between them, please, in Jesus’ name!”

         “Amen!” said Pearl’s mother. “I’ll be praying too, Sweetie. God can use little things to do big things, and He is always working! Remember that, and may God put His words in your mouth, if you’re supposed to say anything!” She smiled.

         “Love you, Queen Mother!” Pearl said, and went to get her coat.

         “I think we’ll stop after and get some hot chocolate or something,” Burt said. “Do you want anything, Charlotte?”

         “I heard that, Uncle Burt!” said Pearl. “That’s a great idea!”

         He laughed. “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning!” I think that’s Psalm 30 something.”

         Pearl looked the Scripture up on her phone. “You’re right, Uncle Burt. Here it is: For His anger is but for a moment, but His favor is for a lifetime or in His favor is life. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.”

         Xi returned. “I’m ready, I guess,” she said.

         Pearl handed her the candy and picture. “This is really nice, Xi. You are a good artist.”

         Xi didn’t say anything, but Pearl saw more tears on her face.

         Pearl’s mother hugged both girls, and said, “Shalom, all of you. See you in a little while!”

         “We’ll bring you hot chocolate, and for Robert, OK?” Burt said.

         “Thank you,” said Pearl’s mother.

         Burt and Pearl and Xi got in the truck. Xi sat in the back.

         “Hey Xi, do you like cinnamon in your hot chocolate?” Pearl asked, turning around.

         “I don’t know!” Xi said. She put her earbuds in, and Pearl could hear

         Oops, I’m already talking too much! Thought Pearl.

         Her uncle gently put his finger to his lips, to signal to Pearl to not say any more, then turned up the Christian music a bit.

         At least Jesus music is going into the atmosphere, thought Pearl. Daddy God, comfort Xi’s heart as only You can, and help her know You want to be her Daddy, Who will never be mad at her, Who will love and help her. Help her get rid of fear---but I guess that can only really happen with Jesus in a person’s heart, right? To truly get rid of fear?

         She opened her mouth to ask her uncle, but closed it. I will ask him later! she thought. Thank You, LORD, for helping me not talk!


         They drove up to the jail and went in. At least I know what to expect now, thought Pearl. I still don’t like being here, though!

         Burt and Pearl hugged Xi, then the guard scanned her and looked over her drawing and candy, and led her to back to see her mom.

         Burt got on his phone, and so did Pearl.

         It’s neat to be able to read the Word on my phone! she thought. She looked up verses on peace, and spoke them under her breath for Xi and her mom.

         About 15 minutes later, Pearl heard the steel door slide open, and Xi came out.

         Pearl saw tears on Xi’s face again. She seems happier this time! thought Pearl. Thank You, Jesus!

         “How’d it go, Miss Xi?” Burt asked, standing to hug her.

         “Well, it was pretty good,” Xi said. “I’m kinda shocked, really.” She shook her head, as if amazed. “Mom looked different. She smiled at me and told me she was glad to see me. She was different than I’ve ever known her, like a different person or something!”

         “That’s good!” Pearl said.

         Her uncle put his finger to his lips.

         Help me be quiet, Daddy God! thought Pearl, and nodded.

         “I got the guts to tell Mom that I was moving in with Ms. Sophia—and that she’s going to be my foster mom,” she said. “Mom started crying, and I thought I’d really messed up, that I shouldn’t have said that….and then, I told her I was sorry.”

         “She looked me straight in the eye, and actually smiled!” Xi said, as if in wonder. “Then she told me she’d been praying God would send someone to take care of me!”

          “I didn’t know what to say,” Xi said. “And then, she said she met Jesus.”

          Pearl wanted to jump up and down. Wow, Jesus! Pearl thought. She wanted to give her uncle a high five. She looked at him, and could see his huge smile. Look what You’re doing! You did it! Thank You! Hallelujah! First Robert, then Xi’s mom, and I bet Xi’s next!

          “My head was really trippin’,” Xi said, “and I didn’t know what to say. Anyway, she just kept talking, and she told me I need Him, and that everybody does, and the more she talked, the more she smiled, and I’ve never seen her so happy and excited and smiling! She’s like this new person I’ve never known!”

          Xi looked at Burt and Pearl, and Pearl could hear the true amazement in her voice.

          “Jesus loves you!” Pearl burst out. “He loves us all! And she is a new person!” She gave her uncle a high-five. I can’t help it, LORD! she thought. I’m celebrating Your work! Yay Yay Yay!  

          “That’s so great, honey,” Burt said. “I’m so proud of you for being so brave to visit her! I bet you’re glad you came now, right?”

          “To be honest, I’m not sure how I feel,” Xi confided. “Everything’s so….different than I thought it would be…..but I’m happy that she’s happy.”  She paused.  “Actually, I don’t remember her ever being happy before, really!”

          “Xi girl, that’s the power of the true Savior, Jesus Christ the LORD!” Burt said. “Ok, I know it’s time for hot chocolate!”

          “I want lots of whipped cream on mine—the healthy kind!” Pearl said.

          “You got it!” said Burt, as they walked out and got in the truck. “Definitely time to celebrate what the good LORD has done!”

          “Look!” Pearl said! “It’s like a new world, with the snow covering everything, making it look so clean!” Thank You, Jesus, for Your perfect timing! You are so awesome! she thought.

          “Yeah, a new world,” Xi said, settling into the back seat, and putting in her ear buds as she turned on her phone. “Things are sure different!”

          Burt and Pearl smiled, and did another high five.

          Yes, Jesus, Pearl thought, it’s a new world for Xi indeed!


             The End.     Watch for Book V to be posted soon!



Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (300 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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