P.O.W.E.R.* Girl V - Ch. 03 - Robert's Upcoming Birthday and Planning Vacation
by Tonja Taylor

“It’s March, and it’s snowing!” complained Xi as she opened the door, and brushed snow off her coat. “This is weird, and I guess I should have taken the golf cart this morning.” She wiped her feet on the mat and hung her coat on a hook.

“Ooh, I love snow!” said Pearl, looking up from her book. “I hope we get a lot, and we can make snow angels, and have snow ice cream, and build a snowman—”

Person,” said Xi. “Snow person is how we’re supposed to say it.”

Pearl looked at her mom, who shook her head slightly, as if she meant, Don’t even reply.

OK, I guess Xi’s been watching too much TV at Ms. Sophia’s! Jesus, let’s use this chance to help Xi know You better! Pearl thought. “Snow is like blood,” she said, hoping Xi heard her. She pretended to read her science book.

“Blood!” Xi said. “What do you mean?”

I’ve got her attention! Pearl thought, and smiled. “Oh, it’s kind of like science, only snow covers everything and makes it look clean, like the blood of Jesus cleans us up when we have Him in our hearts!”

Xi sighed and raised her eyebrows. “That’s some crazy science!” she said, shaking her head. “Mrs. Williams, I need to finish my paper on electric eels. Do you mind if I do it upstairs on my computer?”

Yuck! thought Pearl. Those water snakes are revolting! Jesus, I believe You created them and all creatures, but that You made them nice to start with, where they didn’t hurt anything!

“Xi, I know you like to study alone, and I can understand that,” said Pearl’s mother patiently. “You’ll have time to do that after school, when you return to your room at Ms. Sophia’s. However, since you’re gone the first half of the day working for her, I need you to have class with us in the afternoons. Your laptop is right over there, so please take your seat and get started.”

Xi does not look happy, Pearl thought. Help her to be thankful, LORD!

Xi sighed loudly and sat down. About that time, Robert came in. “All washed up, Mama!” he said. “No more elephant toothpaste on me—” He stopped and looked at one pinkie. “’Cept this one. The blue wouldn’t come off.”

“Elephant toothpaste?” said Xi. “Cool.”

Robert ran over and hugged Xi hard. “Hey Big Sissie!”

Xi smiled. “You have two, remember?”

“Yep. I like you both!” he said.

“Thanks, Rob, now sit and answer the questions about the experiment,” said his mother.

“I think we’re all ready for a break!” said Pearl.

“Well said, Pearl girl,” replied her mother.

“Let’s talk about my birthday!” said Robert. He went to the calendar. “Yep, just three days! I want a Spiderman cake!”

Xi grinned. “But what if we can’t make it stick to the ceiling?” she joked. “Will you still love us?”

He laughed. “You’re funny, Big Sissie!” He ran over and gave her an attack hug. “Yep! See?”

“Guess what, Rob?” said his mother. “Your birthday is the first day of spring break!”

“Yay! That’ll be super-special!” he said.

“Yes,” said his mother, “so we’d better start celebrating Sunday evening, OK?” She winked at Pearl and Xi. “That reminds me. Xi, will you call the supermarket and order a chocolate Spiderman cake for Robert, who’se going to be 29—”

“Twelve!” Robert protested. “Mama, that’s not right! You know it’s 9!” He ran over and looked into her eyes. “You remember, right, Mama? You were there!”

They heard Burt’s booming laugh. “I just caught the tail of this conversation,” he said, “and I think someone’s confused about my nephew’s age!” He picked up Robert and held him. “Man, Bub! You are getting big! Are you sure you’re not 29?”

“Uncle Burt!” Robert said. “Of course not! Just nine!”

“You’re right, Son,” said his mother. “We all remember. Your daddy held you a long time, and prayed over you, and then your sister did too, and then your uncle, and then Grandma and Grandpa held you. It took me a while to get you back!”

Pearl watched Xi’s face as she listened. It looks like she wishes she were there or something, Pearl thought.

“Cool,” Xi said quietly. “You guys are great.”

“God is great, Xi,” said Pearl’s mother, coming over to touch her shoulder. “He is the reason we have such a strong, loving family. That is His Plan for you, too, and we’re glad you’re now part of ours.”

Xi smiled, but said nothing.

Thank You, LORD, thought Pearl, that we are examples to others of Your love, like Queen Mother says. Help her to see You in us every day!


In a few days, they woke early on Monday for vacation.  

I’m going to sing Happy Birthday to Rob! Thought Pearl. She slipped into his room. The balloons and the Spiderman toys and cake topper from the party the night before were in his bed. One Spiderman toy had two helium balloons attached to him. He’s so cute when he’s asleep, she thought.

She started singing very softly, and he stirred a bit. She sang the song again, louder this time. She watched his face, and thought, At least he is in the Royal Family now! Thank You, Jesus, for saving him! He can be irritating, but I wouldn’t want to go to Heaven without him!

She heard a noise behind her, and turned to see her mother, smiling, with her finger over her lips.

“We’ll sing together—and louder this time,” her mother whispered in Pearl’s ear.

Pearl nodded, and they started to sing together, getting louder as they sang.

Robert opened his eyes, and sat up, and said, “Hey! It’s my real birthday!” He jumped out of bed and hugged them.

“Yes, Son,” said his mother. “I need you to come eat breakfast, and then get dressed and finish packing for our big trip!”

“Yes ma’am!” he said, and ran toward the door. “I smell pancakes, and I bet Uncle Burt is making them just for me!”

“Right!” said his mother. “Walk down the stairs, OK? Your pancakes will be there!”

Pearl laughed. “That was fun, Queen Mother. Thanks for making it even more special!”

“You had the sweet thought first, Princess,” commended her mother. “I can tell you really love him—in spite of the fact that you’d like to ship him to Tibet, or somewhere,” she teased.

“Tibet?” Pearl said, as they walked down the stairs. “Where’s that? But anyway, it’s far from here, so sure!” she said, and giggled. “I guess I’d miss him—after a few years, anyway!”

As Pearl smelled the delicious breakfast, and thought of how much she loved her family, her heart was full of thankfulness. LORD, You are so good! she thought. We are already having a great vacation, and we haven’t even left the house yet!

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (300 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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