P.O.W.E.R.* Girl V - Ch. 05 - God Can Change Bad Breaks to Breakthroughs!
by Tonja Taylor

“Wow, wasn’t that fun, Xi? What a great vacation, and I’m so glad we could all go together!” Pearl said, scrolling through the photos on her phone. I’m so glad I remembered to take my cell with me! she thought.  

“Yeah, except for missing Ms. Sophia—and this!” she said, sarcastically. She pointed to her left leg, in a heavy cast. “I’ve already missed several days of work being gone, and now, I guess I’ll miss a couple more! Blast it all!”

“Oh Xi,” said Pearl. “We’re so glad you didn’t get hurt worse! You could have fallen into that underground lake—and who knows how deep it is, or what yucky creatures are in there! God kept you much safer than it could have been!”

“Well, Robin tried to tell me not to jump over the ditch,” Xi confessed. “Stupid me, for not listening. It wasn’t far—”

“I know, it was slick in there, with the moss and junk, and you couldn’t see it. There wasn’t enough light, really,” Pearl said, trying to comfort her.

“I’m sorry we had to come home early,” said Xi quietly. “You guys could have had more fun, if it wasn’t for me. I can’t believe I broke my leg, and you guys had to take me to the doc and all! Ugh!”

“Well, there were several people we prayed for at the doc’s office,” said Pearl, “and after three whole days of canoeing and hiking and spelunking and shopping and wading in the river and seeing the eagles and the butterflies and the glass chapel and the gardens and all that, I really think Queen Mother was ready to come home anyway,” Pearl said. “Remember? She wanted to stay at the hotel and take a nap those last two days.”

“Yeah…you’re sweet--always trying to make me feel better!” said Xi, and smiled a bit. She shifted. “OUCH! When will this thing quit hurting?

“Can I pray for you, Xi, for your leg to stop hurting? For a breakthrough?

“That’s OK, but thanks anyway,” Xi said. “At least Ms. Sophia has a sweet lady from church helping her while I’m down.”

Hmm, thought Pearl. Why doesn’t she want me to pray for her, Daddy God?

“Yes, Ms. Connie is nice, and Queen Mother really likes her,” said Pearl. “She said she used to be a professional housekeeper, so I’m sure she’s doing a good job.”

“I hope she doesn’t take my job!” said Xi, and frowned.

“No way, Xi,” said Pearl. “You are not just a worker; you’re her foster daughter!”

“Yes, about to be, I think, but I can’t take care of her right now. A daughter is supposed to help her mother.”

Wow, at least she’s thinking positive that way! thought Pearl. Thank You, Daddy God!

“You have two moms, and that’s neat,” said Pearl. “I’m so glad your mom is happy about Ms. Sophia being your foster mom! Look how God is working!”

“Yeah….I guess,” said Xi. “It’s kind of weird, really. But at least my old lady—I mean, my mom—said she was happy.” Xi’s eyes filled with tears. “It’s still weird, but anyway, that was the first time I remember her being really happy looking—when I saw her in the jail! She even sounded happy! I don’t think she was putting me on…..I hope not.” She wiped the tears off her face. “Blast it all, she’d better not be!”

“Xi, she is happy because she has Jesus in her heart,” said Pearl, very softly.

Xi did not reply.

What do I do now, LORD? thought Pearl, and didn’t speak either.

A little bird came to the window, and perched on the windowsill, and sang several notes.

Jesus, You are the Prince of Peace, Pearl thought. You are the Voice of Truth. Help Xi know that, just like You created and care for that little bird—and taught it to sing—that You created and care for her!

“Hey, sorry for being rude,” Xi said. “I just keep hurting, and I think I’ll take a nap. I can’t do much else!”

“No problem, Xi,” Pearl said. “Hey, would you let me play my harp for you a bit, and you can tell me what you think—be really honest?”

Xi smiled a bit. “Even if it hurts, Princess?”

“Yes, even if it hurts your ears, I need to know, OK?” said Pearl, and giggled. “I need to know, ‘cause I’m practicing for the Resurrection Day thing—”

“You mean Easter?”

“Well, some people call it that, but Queen Mother says there’s a really wicked history connected with that, and besides, what do chicks and bunnies and eggs have to do with Jesus dying on the cross so everybody can be saved and have a wonderful life?” said Pearl, feeling a bit offended. “That doesn’t even make sense!”

“I don’t know, does everything have to make sense?” said Xi, reaching for her crutch.

Pearl handed it to her, and took her arm to help her get into bed.

“Thanks!” said Xi. “You’re a pretty good Princess, by the way,” she said.

She started to get into bed. “Blast it, this thing is so heavy! I hope I can sleep,” Xi said. “Would you please ask your mom to give me a pain pill? I don’t like the way they make me sad, but I’m really hurting.”

“Sure,” Pearl replied, trying to let Xi lean on her more. Finally, Xi was lying in the bed, and Pearl ran down to get her mom.

They both returned, and Pearl’s mother had a pain pill. She helped Xi sit up. “Xi, I’ve already prayed over these pills, and asked the LORD to help them do only good for you, in Jesus’ name,” she said. “Please let me pray for you, dear, and we hope you sleep well.”

“OK, Mrs. Williams, thanks,” Xi said, and took the pill. She laid back, and Pearl’ mother touched her gently on the forehead and prayed quietly over her.

“Wow, what language is that?” said Xi, as she relaxed.

“The language of Heaven,” said Pearl’s mother quietly. “It is the perfect will of God for you.”

“Cool,” Xi said. “And I apologize for being rude to your daughter. She wanted to play the harp…can you go ahead and do it, Pearl? I’m getting sleepy.”

Wow! Thank You, LORD! Finally! Pearl thought. She smiled big at her mom, then got her harp from the closet shelf.

Help me do it right, LORD! Pearl prayed under her breath. This is a little scary, but a lot exciting! Please let Your Spirit flow through me!

She sat on her bed, with her mother beside her, and started to play her favorite song, “How Great Thou Art”.

Quickly, Pearl’s heart felt full and overflowing with love for God, for Xi. Wow, LORD, Pearl thought, this must be a little bit of how You feel about every person on the planet! She continued to play softly, and felt warm electricity flow over her. Oh wow! This must be the Anointing Queen Mother told me about! Neat! Thank You thank You thank You, Jesus!

Tears streamed gently down her face.

Xi’s eyes were closed, and she seemed to be asleep.

Then she looked at her mother, who had her eyes closed, but also with tears on her cheeks.  

Pearl finished the song, and took her hands from the harp strings. She listened as the last notes faded into the quiet.

Her mother hugged her close, and turned to her daughter and whispered, “Pearl, I felt God’s Presence, and very quickly. I believe you have an anointing to play the harp and bring healing to troubled hearts!”

Oh wow, LORD! Me? Pearl thought, and smiled at her mother. This is a little scary, but a lot exciting! I just want to bring You glory!

As if reading her thoughts, her mother whispered again, “You bring Glory to God with your playing, Princess!”  She stood up, and motioned for Pearl to follow her out of the room.

More tears rolled down Pearl’s cheeks. “I’ve wanted to pray for Xi to have a breakthrough.” She looked at her friend, who looked like she was sleeping deeply, and Pearl whispered, “Thank you, Queen Mother, and thank you for believing in me and paying for harp lessons—”

“Darling, sorry to interrupt you,” her mother whispered in return, “but Ms. Sophia has refused to take a cent for the lessons! She is delighted to teach you, and says the LORD told her right after she got saved that there was a very special person she would give some harps to.”

They walked out the door, and Pearl quietly shut it.

Some? Does that mean I’ll get more? Pearl thought, and smiled big. Wow, Daddy God, You just keep giving and giving and giving!

They walked down the stairs, and Pearl’s mother spoke a little louder.

“I can’t wait to share this with Burt and Ms. Sophia, and Pastor Randy, and Risa! I am so thrilled, and pleased with you!” She hugged Pearl again. “God put that dream in your heart to learn to play the harp, and I’m so glad you were patient to keep believing Him. You’ve also been very diligent in your work, and, like the Bible says, you will stand before kings!”

Wow, LORD. Thank You again! thought Pearl. At least I’m good enough for this….What about playing at church?

“I can’t wait till you play for the Resurrection Day service!” said her mother, again perceiving Pearl’s thoughts. “I believe those who hear you can be healed, dear daughter!”

Pearl didn’t say anything. Jesus, this is so neat! Let Your will be done! she thought.

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (300 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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