P.O.W.E.R.* Girl V - Ch. 09 - Enrolling in GraceLight Academy
by Tonja Taylor

 This is a little scary, but a lot exciting! thought Pearl, as they walked out of GraceLight Academy. You’ve answered my prayer for all three of us to go here, Jesus! Thank You so much!  

She stopped and turned back around to look at the school, admiring the stone columns and arches in the front, and the fountain with a huge Bible, from which flowed the water springs.

She gazed at the lovely landscaping, blossoming with azaleas and tulips, and petunias, and many other brightly-colored flowers. This place is soooooo beautiful, LORD! she thought. Thank You for fulfilling this on my Vision List!

“But I want to play the piano!” insisted Robert, pulling on his mother’s hand.

“Rob, I can teach you, or Ms. Risa if she has time, but they just don’t have pianos in school bands, from what I know,” replied his mother. "You are too young right now, anyway."

She stopped walking. “Pearl, come on, dear. We need to get back home.”

“Yes ma’am,” replied Pearl. “I’m just excited. Look what the LORD has done!” She skipped up to her mother, and grabbed her other hand. “Love you, Queen Mother!” She hugged her.  “And I think it’s great that Xi wants to play the flute.” said Pearl.

She turned around and did a high-five with Xi.  “I bet you’re excited too!”

“I guess….” said Xi. “It will be different, that’s for sure. Of course, having school at home has been really strange! But anyway, I really like the flute music I heard when we visited a few weeks ago.  It was really pretty.”

“I bet you can find a lot of good flute music on the internet,” said Pearl. Yes, LORD, help her listen to that instead of that angry rock ‘n’ roll! she thought. Even if it’s not played by Christians, it should help her have more peace, or at least be less angry!

“So you’re going to play the violin, huh, Princess?” said Xi. “That’s a biggie. You may be in a famous orchestra one day!”

“Anything is possible!” said Pearl’s mother, as she clicked the car key to open the doors to the car.

As they got in, Pearl said, “Mrs. Matthews said that I could play the harp at some concerts, or maybe even do a special, but that I had to learn a new instrument to get credit. The violin will be harder, I think, but I’m sure she’s a good teacher.”

“Ms. Risa said she’s been there over 10 years, and that their concerts are outstanding,” Pearl’s mother said. “Is everyone buckled in?”

“Yep! Got it” said Robert, sitting in the front beside her. Pearl and Xi gave a thumbs up from the back.

They drove out of the parking lot, and Pearl’s mother said, “All right, when we get home, we’ll be doing review today. Tomorrow, we go to Little Rock for the state tests.”

“Yay!” said Robert. “Hamburgers and ice cream after, OK?”

“We’ll see,” said his mother, turning out of the parking lot. “You know that your behavior has a lot to do with blessings like that, right son?”

“Yes ma’am,” said Robert quietly. He sat up straighter.

Pearl and Xi grinned at each other. Daddy God, help him understand that his behavior has a lot to do with everything! Pearl thought And help me too, please!

“Can we shop for Uncle Burt’s and Ms. Risa’s wedding gift?” Pearl asked. “What should we get them?”

“Great idea, Princess,” said her mother. “They both have so much, that I’m not really sure what to get them, but the LORD will help us.” She laughed. “He loves weddings!”

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (300 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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