P.O.W.E.R.* Girl V - Ch. 10 - Trail Ride Rescue
by Tonja Taylor

“This is so great, that we finally get to ride a little way by ourselves!” said Pearl, as she gently guided Aurora to lead the way around the pasture. “It’s not the woods, but at least we’re getting to ride.”

“Right. It’s cool that Burt is letting us do this, even though he’s gone right now!”

“Yes!” said Pearl. “As Queen Mother says, God still does miracles!” She looked around and smiled. “Besides, he’ll be back late tonight.” She laughed. “He knows we are good kids, and won’t do anything stupid.”

Robin nodded. “For sure. We want to get to do this and even longer rides and stuff!”

The other horses whickered and neighed at them from the next pasture.

“Okay, we’re done with warming up,” said Pearl. She got off Aurora, and handed the reins to Robin, then opened the gate. “We’re now going outside the fence! Yay!”

Robin nodded, as she guided Splash and Aurora outside the fence. “I’m so glad it stopped storming and raining, too. That lightning was something, wasn’t it? I don’t know if I’ve heard it that loud before. It almost sounded like it was inside the house!”

“Yes, it did,” said Pearl, “but I’m so glad we learned to curse the dark forces behind the storm, in Jesus’ Name, and command it to stop! Queen Mother says that Jesus did that, and He said that whatever He did, we can do, and even more!”

“Wow, yeah….” Robin said. “He is so awesome, and I don’t know how we can do more awesome things than Him, but it does say that! It’s in John, I think.”

“Yes, John 14 something,” Pearl said, getting back on Aurora. “I’m glad my legs are so long, so I can get on this tall horse!”

She urged Aurora to go around the pasture, and walk along the fence. The horses in the pasture next to where they’d been ran up and down the fence, excited, as they saw Pearl and Robin going away from them.

Watchman barked at them, and Pearl shushed him. “All right! This is so fun!” she said, Now, everything is fresh.”

“Yes, it smells so good out here!” Pearl said, fastening the gate and looking around. All the trees, bushes, and grass were wet with rain; some sparkled in the sun. Thank You, LORD, that we get to do this—and what a lovely day it is!

The other horses whickered and neighed at them as they left. Watchman went ahead of them, sniffing everything.

“I can’t wait till Sorpresa is big enough to train and ride!” said Pearl, looking over at her baby horse and at Surprise, the mother. 

“Wow!” she said. “Look, Robin! A huge rainbow!”

Robin turned her head and looked back too. “Oh glory! God is so awesome—and the rainbow is His!”

“Amen!” said Pearl. “I’m so glad He means what He says!”

The two did a loud high-five.

Watchman barked, and the girls laughed. “It’s OK, boy!” said Pearl, as she urged Aurora forward. “This is so fun, and what a gorgeous day too, rainbow and all.”

“Yeah,” Robin said, coming up beside her on Splash. “They should know we can handle it. I’ve been riding a few years, remember?” She grinned. “Hey, wanna trot? And let’s go all the way to the back of the pasture, over the hill, OK, where we can see the water! The river should be higher since it rained a lot the past few weeks.”

“Well, OK. He didn’t say we couldn’t, he just said to be wise. So, that sounds great!” said Pearl, and nudged Aurora into a trot. It’s not comfy, but fun! thought Pearl, as she enjoyed the bouncing motion of the horse. Maybe we can get up to a gallop—

“We probably shouldn’t gallop, till we get a good lay of the land and know where any holes are,” said Robin. “We once had to give one of my favorite horses to a vet, because she stepped in a hole while I was galloping, and broke her leg. I busted a rib too, ‘cause I fell off. No more of that!”

OK, got it, Daddy God! thought Pearl.

They slowed the horses to a walk as they entered the apple orchard. Some of the wet leaves brushes her head and shoulders as they rode through.

Watchman sniffed several trees, and barked when a little bunny zipped out from behind one.

The horses slowed and stopped, then remained still and alert, with their ears forward.

“Hush, Watchman, and thanks for not chasing that lil’ rabbit,” Pearl said. She patted Aurora. “Good horse! All is well, so let’s get going,” she said, gently pressing her feet against the horse’s sides.

Watchman walked in front, and the horses resumed their easy walk.

“Wow, this is so pretty, with all the blossoms on the trees!” Pearl said.

“Right!” said Robin, and it’s like we’re in a flower forest! What kind of apples are these?”

“Arkansas black!” said Pearl. “I think this is the only state with it’s own apple. Isn’t that neat?”

“Cool,” said Robin. “Are they sweet?”

They came out of the orchard and started up a hill.

“They are to me, but they are a little sour too. You’ll just have to try one. Hey! Maybe we can make some apple butter, and take some to Ms. Sophia, too.”

“Yeah, I’m so happy she is here, and taking care of Xi—and going to let us live with her, so you guys can live in Uncle Burt’s—I mean—your new house! She grinned really big.

“Well, we’re not trying to push you out, but we’ll all be one big family, which is very cool,” Robin said.

The girls topped the hill, and gasped, admiring the scene Pearl pulled the binoculars from her neck to her face, to look through the glass..

“Wow!” said Pearl. “I can’t believe we haven’t visited this before! We should come here more often, and have picnics and stuff!”

“Don’t you remember, Burt brought us here months ago, when you first moved here?” Robin said. “We walked—”

“Hmm, maybe,” said Pearl. “But it didn’t look like this!”

Nodding, Robin said, “You are right! It’s gorgeous, with the river high from the rain, and the trees and flowers all budded out, and—hey! There’s a deer—a mama and her baby!” She pointed across to the far river bank.

“Cool!” Pearl said, then noticed something that looked like smoke. “Oh no! Robin, that’s smoke!”

The deer heard her voice, and disappeared.

She handed the binoculars to her friend.

“Yep, you’re right!” said Robin. She pulled her phone out. “Let’s both text Queen Mother and Uncle Rico, and—should we call Burt and 911 for the sheriff, or the fire department?” asked Robin. “But it’s not like the city, where they’re right down the road—”

“Remember, we call on Jesus first, like Uncle Burt said!” Pearl interrupted. “I know he’s doing ministry work, and if we called him now, it would still take him about three hours to get here, so let’s pray instead!”

“Right, let’s pray!” said Robin, and grabbed Pearl’s hand. “Oh, Father, thank You for helping us see this that looks like a fire in the forest, and we can’t have that. Please send an angel to stop it, and help us get the people out here to do our part. We ask Your help, so this doesn’t destroy all this lovely land and animal homes and stuff! In Jesus’ name, amen!”

Watchman started barking, sensing something was wrong.

“Shhh, boy!” Robin said.

“Yeah, he needs to get used to your voice!” Pearl said. 

Then she took her phone and dialed 911. “I don’t know exactly where we are, but it’s across the river from my uncle’s land.” She gave the address.

Robin called her uncle Rico.

“Stay there, and I’ll find you!” Rico said, once he finally answered his phone. “The LORD had me turn the ringer on a few minutes ago, and now I know why!” he said. “He is faithful. Oh, take videos of it, OK? Thanks, and stay safe!”

Pearl and Robin grabbed hands, and watched as the smoke rise like dark pillars, growing taller and thicker. Pearl shut her eyes, and prayed, “Oh Father, thank You for leading us here, so we could see and help stop this! Right place, right time, like Queen Mother says!” She felt her heart surge, as He spoke to her spirit. I Am with you always.

Tears fell from her eyes. Blast the devil! she thought, like she’d heard her uncle say more than once. She felt sad at the destruction of the trees and plants. Oh, Jesus, she thought, some of Your little birds and bunnies and maybe even deer are losing their lives, or at least their homes!

Then, peace and boldness rose up in her. “LORD!” she said loudly. “You are the One Who knows how to put out fires! Please help us!”  

Just then, she remembered the Bible account of Elijah praying that it would not rain, and then praying again that it would. “Father! You are no Respecter of persons, and Elijah had feelings like us and he prayed, and You heard him, and so LORD, please hear us! We know it just rained, but we ask that You would make it rain right now, and help put out this fire, till the volunteer fire department can get here!”

“Praise Him!” said Robin, “like Mom says to do!”

So the girls started singing praise to God, and watched, almost in amazement, as the wind started blowing and clouds started coming closer, and between them and the sun.  

The horses whickered, and looked at them curiously, but did not seemed disturbed. Thank You, LORD, that Uncle Burt has such good horses, so they are not spooked! she thought, looking up.

She saw clouds coming towards them, and giggled. “Hey! It’s going to rain!” she said,, with strong joy rising up in her.

The prayer of a righteous man avails much, the Holy Spirit whispered to her. Thank You, Daddy God, You hears me when I pray!

They heard a four-wheeler, and saw Queen Mother and Xi. They jumped off and ran over. “I was working in the garden, and I saw all the smoke!” said Xi.  “Your mother called the fire department, so she did. I hope they get here quick!”

Pearl’s mother hugged her and Robin. “Love you both,” she said calmly. “The LORD knew this would happen, even before the world began,” she said, “and He inspired you to take a trail ride, knowing you would see this and rescue the forest and houses and lands around!” She closed her eyes and raised her hands. “We are always in the right place at the right time, because He orders our steps and directs our paths. Praise God!”

“Amen!” said Robin.

Pearl nodded, and patted Xi on the shoulder. “No worries. God is working, Xi, and I know He’s helping us.”

“Well, He needs to work quick!” Xi replied, shaking her head. “This could be really bad!”

. “Looks like it’s going to rain,” said Pearl’s mother.  “God is helping us!”

Pearl giggled. “Yes! We just prayed for rain and God is answering!”

 She heard the wind in the trees.  Wind like water, she thought.

Just then, she felt a sprinkle of rain.

She laughed.  “Yay! LORD, let it rain down!”

The wind picked up, and the clouds were blowing across the sky more than before. They heard the rain, then it started coming down hard!

Very soon, they heard Rico’s dually flying down the driveway, then heard his truck horn.

They yelled as loudly as they could, dancing around in the rain.

“Help him find us, LORD!” Pearl prayed.  “I know You’ve got this, Jesus!” Although the fire raged higher, and she saw some tall trees aflame, she felt great peace in her heart.  “Genesis 50:20, Robin!” she said. “What the enemy means for evil, God will work for good!”

She and Robin smiled at each other, and she raised her hands in thanksgiving to God.  Holy Spirit, rain down! Pearl heard in her heart, and as she sang the words softly, she heard the siren of the volunteer fire department.

Thank You, LORD! Pearl thought. You are so very faithful, and even before we cry, You answer!

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (300 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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