16 Ways to Not Be Bored Reading the Bible
by Tonja Taylor

24 Until now you have not asked for anything in My name. Ask and you will receive, so that your that your joy may be complete.--John 16:24, Berean Study Bible

Sometimes we need to do something different to help us be more interested in what we should be interested in--like reading the Bible! Here are a few things that have worked for me and others, to renew our devotion to fellowshipping with God in His Word every day. 

Here are just a few things I've done, and/or others have done, to keep our interest in the vital Word of God every day:

1. Read online

2. Read in a different language, next to your language, and compare

3. Listen online in your language

4. Listen online in another language, with subtitles in your language

5. Listen to videos of Bible-based preaching

6. Set the audio read feature on your phone in the Bible applications you can download

7. Ask the LORD where to start reading, aside from any daily schedule

8. Ask the LORD to lead you to just one Scripture you need right now, and write it out on notecards, then post them on your mirrors, refrigerator, office walls, kitchen cabinets, and anywhere else you want to see them

9. Read the same Scripture in several different versions.

10. Buy Scripture cards at a local store, and put them different places, and/or shuffle them, to read a different one every day--or several times a day!

11. Choose favorite Scriptures, and illustrate them, or have your kids draw pictures to go with them, like I did for my daughter in her 6 and 7 grades during homeschool.

12. Do a keyword search, such as "power" or "love" or "truth" or "peace" or "joy" or "marriage" or "children" or whatever you want, and you'll be amazed at the Scriptures that address that topic.  

13. Write out a Scripture (or many) on paper, especially on card stock or paper that's stiffer than regular notebook paper, and then cut up the Scripture into one card per word. Shuffle the cards, and practice till you can put it in order, including the Scripture reference. This is a great game for kids at church, VBS, AWANA, or anywhere--including for adult kids!

14. Open the Bible at "random" and point to a Scripture, and ask the LORD to speak to your heart about it (It may take a few minutes, hours, or days...weeks...but HE WILL!). 

15. Bible board games.

16. Bible online games.

I'm sure there are more ways, for God is Elohim, the Creator, Who knows all things. Ask Him!

Have fun, for the LORD Jesus delights in you delighting in Him and His Word!

He is coming very soon, and the more of His Word you know, the better your life will be, and the more prepared you will be--and the more you can help others be prepared--for His return!

12 “Behold, I am coming soon, and My reward is with Me, to give to each one according to what  he has done. --Revelation 22:12, Berean Study Bible


Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (300 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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