P.O.W.E.R.* Girl V - Ch. 12 - Moving to Ms. Sophia's
by Tonja Taylor

The next day, they were very busy moving.

“You kids stand back, so Rico and Ken and I can get the heavy furniture,” said Burt. They carried in Pearl’s mother’s big desk, then went back out for more.

“It’s a good thing Charlotte’s office is on the first floor!” said Ms. Sophia from her overstuffed recliner. She held a little fluffy white dog, who barked a little, but didn’t seem extremely disturbed.

“Shh, Fiorella!” said Ms. Sophia. “Todo esta bien! Everything is all right!”

Vivice squirmed and barked back, and whined a bit as Pearl held her. “No girl,” Pearl soothed. “I have to hold you, so you won’t get stepped on!” She walked over to let Vivace and Fiorella greet each other.

Pearl’s mother smiled. “Yes ma’am, Jimmy insisted on buying me this huge cherrywood. He said he didn’t want me to feel cramped! Thank you again for letting me use your office.”

“It was not being used anyway,” Ms. Sophia said. “Dios knew you would need it, and I hope I don’t bother you while Xi and I stay up late to watch old movies. She has introduced me to video games, so sometimes we play those. I’m also teaching her Spanish, and so you may hear some things in Espanol.”

Pearl watched her mother’s face. She seems a little worried, Daddy God, Pearl thought, but we know You made a way for us to live here, and You will help us help Ms. Sophia and Xi want to draw even closer to You, LORD!”

“Ms. Sophia, you are very gracious,” said Pearl’s mother. It is a blessing to get to live here. I usually head for bed about 9, after I read the kids a Bible story and pray with them,” said Pearl’s mother. “You may hear us up in the middle of the night for a bit in the bathroom, but we rarely stir otherwise.”                  

“They like each other,” said Pearl, glad the dogs seemed to be happy to meet each other. “What does ‘Fiorella’ mean, Ms. Sophia, and what kind of dog is she?”

“It means ‘Little flower’,” she replied. “Xiomara named her. Fiorella is a Maltese, and Xiomara takes good care of us both.” She scratched Fiorella’s ears. “What kind of dog is Vivace?”

“Vivace is a Pom; a Pomeranian,” Pearl replied. “I’m glad we could bring her, so thanks.”

“Yes,” Pearl’s mother said, “Thank you again for being so generousto let us move in!”

Pero por supuesto! But of course!” Ms. Sophia replied.

Pearl smiled at her.  “You are so kind!” She giggled, and pointed at Ms. Sophia’s huge movie theater screen. “We could probably watch the movies from upstairs!”

Ms. Sophia laughed. “Yes! Probably!”

Daddy and God and Ms. Sophia all think big, thought Pearl. I like that!

Robert gave her a big hug. “You’re my favorite, Ms. Sophia!”

Es un placer! It’s a pleasure, and I see that I just let more Love move in with me! Hallelujah!”

Xi came out of the kitchen, wearing an apron, and waved a floury hand. “Hey guys, glad you’re here. I’ll have some goodies ready soon!”

“Save some for us!” Burt said, as he and the other men came through the door with a bed.

“Will do!” said Xi.

Thank You, LORD, You are so good to us, thought Pearl, as she carried some things up the stairs to her new room. She put them on the closet shelf, then looked up. “Love you, Daddy!” she said. “Hope you can hear me!” She blew him a kiss just in case.

“Whadya doin’ Pearl?” Robert said, as he burst in.

I’m not going to be rude to him, she told herself. “I was telling Daddy hello in Heaven,” she said. Bless his heart, she thought, I know he misses Daddy, maybe more than I do. “If he can see us, I’m sure he’s glad God gave Ms. Sophia a big house so that we could move in, and not have to double-up with Robin and Lucas, although I think that would have been fun, really.”

“Yeah…maybe they can spend the night a lot!” he said, sitting on the carpet and playing with a little car he held.  

“Either we’ll spend the night there, or they will be here, while Uncle Burt and Risa are gone on their wedding trip,” she said.

“Great!” he said, and ran his little car up the wall.

“Rob,” Pearl said softly, “please be easy, cause we don’t want to leave a mark on the paint, OK? Ms. Sophia’s being so very nice to let us live here, till our house is built.”

“OK!” he said. He jumped up and gave her a hug. “I’m gonna go back down and get more stuff for my room!” He zipped out.

Wow, thank You, LORD, for helping me to be gentle! Pearl thought, smiling, and closing her eyes. I need to be that way every time!

She felt a poke on her arm. “Hey Sissie!” Rob said. “Can you come look at my room?” He grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the door.

She nodded, and they walked across the hall.  Through the window, she spotted a squirrel in the tree outside, perched and eating something. “Look Rob! You have a little pet already!”

He giggled. “Yeah! But Sissie,” he said, sounding concerned, “something’s missing.” He pointed to the ceiling and grinned. “Can you guess?”

“Hmm.” She looked up, and said, “Well, you have a light, and a vent. What do you need up there?”

“Stars!” he said. “Don’t you remember? Like you put up for me at Uncle Burt’s!” He grabbed her hand and hugged it to his face. “Please? Put some up for me here? Then I can pretend I’m outside with Daddy.”

Her heart melted even more. She hugged him. “You got it—just as soon as we can get some from the store, OK?”

“Let’s go now!” he said.

“Go where?” they heard their mother say. She smiled at them. “I appreciate you both being such good troopers. We just have one more trip left to get small things, so come on. We can finish, then have a break.”

“How about chocolate chip cookies and milk?” Pearl said.

“Yeah!” Rob said. “I can make Robert Specials!”

“Soon, but not today,” said his mother. “Xi is already making us a special dessert. I don’t know what it is,  but I know it will be good.”

“Maybe she can teach me more,” he said.

“I’m sure she can, and you’ll be a good cook,” said Pearl. Thank You, LORD, that You help us use our efforts to heal our hearts, she thought, and thank You for this neat new place to live! We love You, our awesome Daddy God!



Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (300 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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