P.O.W.E.R.* Girl V - Ch. 13 - Craft and Cream Bar for Xi's Quinceanera
by Tonja Taylor

“We are having a craft and cream bar,” Ms. Sophia announced a couple mornings later at breakfast, “to celebrate Xiomara’s quinceañera; her 15th birthday!”

Xi laughed as she put the scrambled eggs on the table. “Ms. Sophia, we already went out to eat for my early birthday, remember? That’s plenty, and I know you can tell I am not of Spanish origin!”

She turned to Pearl’s mother. “By the way, is Burt coming? I need to know, so I’ll have enough eggs.”

“You are my daughter now, Xiomara,” said Ms. Sophia. “And perhaps you do have a Spanish bloodline—only Dios knows!” She smiled. “Dear, would you please look on your phone for the meaning of your name, then read it out loud for us?”

Xi sighed slightly, but wiped her hands and pulled out her cell phone. She did a search, and started reading. “Ok, Ms. Sophia, this is the first thing that came up: Xiomara is a girl's name of Spanish origin; daring and courageous; ready for battle; strong and empowered, whatever life throws at them.’”

“Neat!” Pearl said.  “That fits you!”

Her mother smiled and nodded.

“Ah!” said Ms. Sophia. “I rest my case! I believe you must have some Spanish blood somewhere, especially with your lovely dark eyes and hair. Anyway, will just think so, because I want to!”

Xi smiled. “Sure. Whatever you say.”

“You’re learning Spanish, and with your looks and Spanish name, God may use you to help Spanish people around the world!” Pearl said. Exciting! she thought.

Xi shook her head. “I haven’t heard God or anybody above tell me that, but whatever,” she said. “Does anybody want anything else to eat?”

“Tomorrow is Sabado, and we will celebrate then!” Ms. Sophia insisted. She got up from her chair, limped a bit, and walked over to the counter, and picked up an envelope. She pulled out a document and held it up. “We will celebrate this as well—the official certificate that I am your foster parent!

Xi smiled and went to hug her. “OK, sure, Ms. Sophia. Let’s celebrate that.”

Pearl’s mother smiled. “Congratulations, and I agree! We’ll need to make a list and go shopping this afternoon.”

“Yay!” said Pearl. Hey Jesus, thought Pearl, You told me a couple years ago that You’re always ready to party!

“Yeah!” said Robert, after he swallowed a bite of pancake. “I’ll make Robert Specials!”

“Good, Robert,” said Ms. Sophia, “those will go well with all the flavors of ice cream we’ll get. Your favorite is cookies and cream, right?”

He nodded. “Yes, but I like chocolate and vanilla and strawberry and butter pecan and—"

“Burt won’t be here for breakfast,” said Pearl’s mother, gently interrupting. “He’s taking care of the animals, and doing some rearranging in the house. After a couple short lessons, the kids and I will go help him. We need to vacuum and do other cleaning. It’s amazing how dust can even get into sealed glass cases.” She sighed, then laughed a bit. “At least there won’t be any dust in Heaven!”

Xi nodded. “No doubt,” she said.

At least she’s thinking about Heaven, thought Pearl, and not sad that Daddy's not here.

“So what kind of crafts are we going to do?” asked Pearl.

“What do you want to do, Love?” asked Ms. Sophia. “What do you all want to do?”

“More cookie art!” said Robert. “And slime!”

“Not in the same bowl, I hope!” said his mother.

He laughed. “Nah, Mama. You know not!”

“I like the colored sand, and I want to do a pretty mosaic something,” Pearl said, “and maybe some bead bracelets…”

“I think I’ll paint something,” Xi said. “I need some canvases and stuff.”

“I wanna grow sea monsters too!” said Robert.

Pearl’s mother raised her eyebrows at him, and shook her head. “Son, we don’t have a pool big enough for a sea monster, and Burt wouldn't let you put it in the river, so you’ll have to do something else.” 

Pearl giggled. “I know!” she said. “Rob could be the sea monster! We could cover him with paper and draw scales and a tail and throw water on him—”

“No way, Pearl!” said Robert, sounding a bit indignant.

Pearl mother coughed to hide a laugh, then said, “Why don’t we look at some kits this afternoon—”

“Take my credit card,” said Ms. Sophia, “and get what you want, including the best pecan praline ice cream for me, please.”

Pearl’s mother was quiet a few seconds, and she said, “Ms. Sophia, you’re—”

“My treat!” insisted the older woman. “I’m throwing the party, so I will pay for it all. It will be a blessing to me, and you want me to be blessed, yes? No hay problema!”

“There is not a problem,” said Pearl, glad she understood. Learning Spanish is fun! she thought, and smiled. Wow, Daddy God, You are so generous through Ms. Sophia, and she loves to give. That is Your heart, and You own everything and love to share, like Daddy used to say!

Pearl’s mother shut her mouth, and just nodded.

“What is your favorite, Dear?” Ms. Sophia asked Pearl’s mother.

“Hmm. Strawberry cheesecake, I think," she replied. "It’s been a while. I usually get it as yogurt—”

“Done!” said Ms. Sophia. “Be sure and get the yogurts you want, with the ice creams, and all the creating materials.”

“Are you sure?” asked Pearl’s mother.

“Pero por supuesto!” said Ms. Sophia. “But of course! Esto es para celebrar muchos cosas! This is to celebrate many things!”

Wow, Daddy God! thought Pearl. Ms. Sophia is so generous, and You are more generous than her! Thank You!

Dios es bueno!” said Ms. Sophia, and looked at the others expectantly. “Repita, por favor!

Dios es bueno!” said Xi, finally sitting down.

Dios es bueno!” said Pearl, and giggled.

Dios es bueno!” said Robert.

“Yes, God is good!” said Pearl’s mother. “All the time!”


Later that day, they returned, loaded with things to create with, as well as various toppings to put on the ice cream.

“Hey Queen Mother,” said Pearl, “This is a treat, to have ice cream twice in one day!” She put the sacks of goodies on the counter. “Can we have pineapple ice cream, since we had chocolate at the burger shop?”

“I don’t know if everyone likes pineapple,” replied her mother, “but we have vanilla, and you can put pineapple or whatever you want on it.” She opened a bag. “We have lots to choose from.”

Robert was digging in his bag. “Can I make the slime now?”

“Wait, sweetie,” said their mother. “Let’s get settled and sit down for a bit.” She smiled. “I need to rest a little, before we start the next phase of fun. You two go put on your craft clothes, and we’ll count the shopping as math class, and our crafts as art and science today, OK?”

Pearl and Robert walked upstairs and quickly changed.

Elohim, You are the Creator, thought Pearl. Help us make things that bring honor to You, while we have fun! Thank You for all this!

When she returned to the kitchen, her mother said, "“Pearl, come with me. Robert, you too.”  She carried a big bag, as they walked back up the stairs.

They went to Pearl’s bedroom, and her mother pulled out a lovely summer purple top, and dark purple jeans, then nice sandals. “I believe Xi will like this,” she said. She arranged the purple tissue, and lined the purple and silver gift bag. “Here, sign this card for her, both of you.”

While Pearl and Robert were signing it, their mother pulled a set of cordless Bluetooth earbuds out of her purse. “I think she’ll like these even more!” she said.

Wow, so would I! thought Pearl. I’ll get some later. Xi uses hers a lot, and now, she won’t have to have a cord! Jesus, help her know all these fun things are from You, because You love her!

We are going to give this to Ms. Sophia,” said their mother, as she showed them a beautiful delicate, detailed figurine of an angel with a dove on her hand. “I bought this with my money,” she said. “It will be from all of us!” Then she pulled out a card for them to sign for Ms. Sophia.

“That was very thoughtful of you, Queen Mother,” Pearl said, and hugged her. “She will love it!”

“Yeah!” Robert said, and hugged his mother too.

“She is learning about how God’s angels help and protect her, and about the Holy Spirit,” said their mother. “I know God put this in my path to give to her, to help her remember what He’s teaching her, and that He is always with her.”

Pearl nodded, and thought, Daddy God, You just keep giving and giving and giving. You are so amazing and good! Thank You that You are with us always!

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (300 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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