He Hears Your Cry and He Will Help You!
by Tonja Taylor

18 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. - John 14:18, KJV

The LORD is ever near us! He is full of mercy and compassion, died on the cross to take care of us in every way, and is working 24/7 for our best and His glory--even when it doesn't seem like it! He is faithful forever, and Help and Hope and Shield, and will never leave us without help!

Let your character [your moral essence, your inner nature] be free from the love of money [shun greed—be financially ethical], being content with what you have; for He has said, “I WILL NEVER [under any circumstances] DESERT YOU [nor give you up nor leave you without support, nor will I in any degree leave you helpless]NOR WILL I FORSAKE or LET YOU DOWN or RELAX MY HOLD ON YOU [assuredly not]!” - Hebrews 13:5, AMP

Many say such, but only Jesus Christ is the perfectly faithful and true! He never changes, thus we are not destroyed because of our sins.

When we repent of our sins by believing that His blood sufficiently cleansed us from their destructive effects, and receive Christ Jesus as Savior and LORD, then Jesus forgives and cleanses us, and comes into our hearts by His Holy Spirit, to mark and seal us for His Kingdom, and comfort, protect, supply, guide, and otherwise help us through this life. 


Jesus was on earth thirty-three years, with the last three being full-time ministry. Then, He was crucified on a cross, shedding His pure blood to pay for our sins. HALLELUJAH!

He died, was buried for three days, and rose again--to live forever! He was seen for 40 days, by hundreds of people, as the first resurrected Man! Glory!

Then, He went back to Heaven, where He is seated forever at the right hand of the Father (Jehovah/Elohim/Yahweh/Adonai), ruling and reigning with Him in Truth and all power! 

But He did not leave us by ourselves! He is faithful forever, and is the perfect Parent.  He knows us that are His kids. 

Just like most good parents--who don't always answer the moment their child cries, but who hears and is working to help the child--it may seem like the LORD doesn't hear us, and/or is not working to help us. 

That is always wrong, for He is always working! He never sleeps, nor grows weary. Praise Him! When our attitudes are right toward Him (and even when they are not, but still crying out to Him, even with a bad attitude, trusting that He will love and hear and help us; Ask me how I know! He is faithful forever!), He is always listening. 

Hallelujah! The God of Heaven and earth--the King of the universe!--is so gracious and faithful to tune His ear to our hearts, and to hear and answer our cries!

And it shall come to pass, that before they callI will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear. - Isaiah 65:24, KJV

He is soooooooooooooooooooo good!

He is our Hope, our Shield, our Everything; our Life! 

Especially in this culture of quick convenience, we want fast answers. The LORD does not get in a hurry, although He is outside of time, and is the Master of Precision Timing. Sometimes the answers happen "instantly" in time the way we see it. Sometimes, the answers come through a process. 

The devil fights God answering us, but far greater is the LORD to get to us and get us to what is ours, than the defeated enemy to hinder and prevent us. HALLELUJAH!

So, we continue to wait on God; to worship and thank and adore and obey Him, and trust in Him, while doing what we know to do, and choosing to get rid of the fear and frustration, and remind ourselves of all He's already brought us through; how our lives are so much better than they could be; how billions of people would trade places with us in a heartbeat; how our Father (once we have truly repented of our sins and received Jesus as Savior and LORD, of course) is always working all things together for our best and His glory (Genesis 50:20 and Romans 8:28); and how the LORD see us as precious in His sight!


Be encouraged, and if you feel you have no more hope, remember that Jesus does. He loves you. Ask Him to help you hope again. Ask Him to give you strength. Ask Him to help you focus on Him, or whatever else you need. He is willing and able, and is all you need. 

He loves you. He will help you. Hang on, for He is fighting for you!


Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (300 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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