Yes, It Is Working!
by Tonja Taylor

19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. - Matthew 28:19-20, KJV

"The Blessing" that you may have heard about is the Spirit of God--the Spirit of Jesus--Who is with us always, once we repent of our sins and receive Him as Savior and LORD, walking with Him daily. Even when it seems that nothing is happening, He is working on our behalf--24/7! 

Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. -- Psalm 121:4, KJV

So, while we His kids are sleeping in peace, comfort, and safety (as much as we release our worries and fears to Him and believe He gives us peace (Isaiah 26:3), the Spirit of Jesus, the Holy Spirit, is working all things together for our best and His glory (Genesis 50:20, Romans 8:28). 

(We become God's children once we have truly repented of our sins and believed that Jesus' pure blood shed on the cross over 2,000 years ago cleansed and broke the power of sin off our lives! As Galations 3:26 (KJV) says, "For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.")

Sometimes, it seems like the LORD doesn't care, or doesn't hear, or has just decided to stop helping us. 

Nothing could be further from the truth, thank goodness!

Just like, when our children or other loved ones call, or a student calls a teacher, or a person calls a customer service line and can't get through at first, the seeming delay does not mean the other person or people doesn't care. 

We have to learn to partner patience with our faith.  Sometimes, it's easier to believe than to wait, especially in this society where, overall, we like and expect things to happen quickly. 

I'm like most people; I like to get my plans done quickly, and efficiently, with no problem. 

First, we have to remember that there is a devil running loose, with lots of little devils under him, whose only goal is to make trouble for humans, especially the people of God.

However! The devil and his troops are already defeated by the blood of the Lamb, King Jesus, Who whipped and stripped them over 2,000 years ago at the cross! Hallelujah! 

This is reality, for every one of us who have truly frepented of our sins and received Christ Jesus as our Savior and LORD; the only Way to Heaven; the only Escape from this terrible, crazy, depraved and wicked world. 

Unfortunately, if a person does not really know Jesus Christ as their Savior and LORD by repenting of their sins and receiving Christ as Savior and LORD, then that person is like a puppet in the hands of the enemy. They are in great bondage, and often, don't even know it. They are walking zombies, and their destination is hell (eternal separation from God and from all good; Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23), until and if they choose (and it is a choice, for every human!) the LORD Jesus Christ as the only Way to Heaven; Paradise; escape from hell and eternity to Bliss with the good God of Heaven and earth! 

Jesus Himself is The Blessing, which is all the good things He died to give us; the Zoe Life of God (John 10:10)! 

The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it. - Proverbs 10:22, KJV

The LORD Jesus is "The Blessing", and He is forever working all things together, as only He, the Sovereign LORD Who is Love (I John 4:8) can do! Hallelujah! He is our loving Father, Who has adopted us in His mercy and grace, to lavish His Love on us! 

Just as any good parent constantly has their children on their minds, how much more does our dear Daddy God, the LORD Jesus Christ, have us on His mind every moment--and Whom, because He sees the totality of our lives at once, from beginning to end, knows exactly how to work with our (often stubborn and darkened--till He helps us desire to learn and follow His ways!) free wills, to influence them for Him; to gently and lovingly persuade us to align with His wonderful Plan for our lives (Ephesians 2:10). 


So, we must choose to rest (Ask me how I know!) and know that, no matter what, the LORD is with us and for us, and is always putting His Grace on life for us, to make it as good as He can for us. 

Other people's decisions affect our lives to a point. However, we each have a unique personal relationship with Him. 

I said, You are gods [since you judge on My behalf, as My representatives]; indeed, all of you are children of the Most High. - Psalm 82:6, AMPC

He is available for us to communicate with Him any time, any place! The LORD of Heaven and earth is so gracious, to stoop Himself to relate to us, His fallen creation! Yet, when we receive Christ Jesus, the LORD sees us as a brother or sister with Jesus, and God loves us as His child, as much as He loves Jesus!

And now we are brothers and sisters in God's family because of the blood of Jesus, and he welcomes us to come into the most holy sanctuary in the heavenly realm—boldly and without hesitation. - Hebrews 10:19, The Passion Translation

Glory, glory, glory Hallelujah! 

Most of all, God is the Covenant God, Yahweh. He always keeps His Word! However, He has chosen to work through fallible people--and people do not always keep their word. Anyway, regardless of what other people do or don't do, the LORD is faithful to help us, and work as much good as He can, out of bad. He is the Master at making miracles out of miserable messes; my life is proof of that!  Hallelujah!

I will not violate My covenant or alter the utterance of My lips. - Berean Study Bible

Know that, if you are truly a born again child of God, your Father God hears you, and is already working to answer! 

He is faithful, forever. He is good, forever. He loves you, forever, and He will help you. He is the Blessing, and He is working always to bless you!

For the Lord God helps Me; therefore have I not been ashamed or confounded. Therefore have I set My face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be put to shame. - Isaiah 50:7, AMPC

If we are faithless [do not believe and are untrue to Him], He remains true (faithful to His Word and His righteous character), for He cannot deny Himself. - 2 Timothy 2:13, AMPC

Yes, the Blessing (Jesus in and for and with you!) is working!

Go deeper with God. It's so worth it!

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (300 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

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