Our Youth, Like Young Sunflowers
by Rik Charbonneaux

"They spring up like flowers and wither away; like fleeting shadows, they do not endure." Job 14:2 NIV

Young sunflowers will track the sun through a process known as Heliotropes, and then they will re-orientate back to the east at night, ready to face the dawn once more. As they mature, they lose this ability as their stems harden, and most will remain fixed to only face east. Truly, they are children of the light until they cease to turn their heads.

Our youth today are like young sunflowers, bending to every foolish doctrine they are drawn into on social media, and living as if life was one continuous moment of sunshine. Given time, their hearts will harden like the old stems of the sunflower, and they too will cease turning to the light.

It is sad that almost none of our Gen Z youth have any interest in the Gospel or the Bible, (only 5-percent have a somewhat biblical world view - PEW Research), yet most will say they are spiritual, with a belief based on science based posts on social media.

Is it any wonder they chose this path, given that their grandfather, father and themselves has never stepped one foot into a church?

A very sad situation indeed and worthy of our prayers that the eyes and ears or our youth would be opened to the Gospel.

Rik Charbonneaux is a retired NE Iowan who loves all of God's Word and all of His creatures.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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