by Teresa Altman

A man is judged not by his fall, but how he rises up.
Examples come not from the heights, but from adversity's cup.

The strength we gain while fallen down is what our child perceives.
The transparent heart acquired from pain reveals what we believe.

A common man will fold his hand. His honor, in pity, dies.
But men of strength will rise again, through faith in God on High.

Burdens found, in fires walked through, to God is very clear;
Trust Him to stand in midst of trials for strength to persevere.

The test of faith cannot be won while we are walking tall;
But only as our life is crushed and on our face and small.

Tho eyes will see and ears will hear, our failures worn on sleeves,
The test is how we demonstrate that which we believe.

Wisdom's truth will not be found, nor can it be discerned,
Except with trials and failures lived, unveiling what we learn.

Beware the tests that follow trials, from which you stand or run.
How you rise above the fire... is who your child becomes.

Teresa Altman,  http://www.faithwriters.com/websites/my_website.php?id=28787 , an engineer for 25 years, answered God's call to write in 2007. A mother of two and grandmother of six, she lives in Northwest Tennessee. 

@2007 by Teresa Altman

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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