Fishing for Cows
by Jerry Ousley

Doesn't it just make your blood boil to think about all the injustices that take place in the world? Think about it; little babies being killed just because a father or step father, or live in boyfriend got fed up with them. Or a mother taking the life of her own child in attempt to keep her parents from finding out she was pregnant. What about all those innocent people in Sudan, the Congo and Kenya who have paid with their lives and weren't even guilty of anything? Or a growing number of kids killed in colleges simply because a disgruntled student decided to end it all and wanted to take out a bunch of people with him. I don't know about you but these things boil my blood!

I think about all the money wasted by governments that was forked over by poor tax-payers who could have really used that money but instead it went for a frivolous party or to line someone's pocket. It doesn't seem fair to me. I think about people who have lost limbs, or have worked hard all their lives and now suddenly find themselves in a place where physically they can't work anymore. They have the hardest time getting on disability funds when some kid with four babies who never intends to work can get it at the snap of a finger. I'm not talking about those who really need it but those who just take advantage of the system. It's beyond me and again, it makes my blood boil!

It really makes you wonder why God would allow those things to happen to the innocent or at least it does to me. But before we go off questioning God for some of His seemingly unjust decisions, let's see what the word says about it. Amos 4:1-2 addresses this situation. It says, "Hear this word, you cows of Bashan, who are on the mountain of Samaria, Who oppresses the poor, Who crush the needy, Who say to your husbands, 'Bring wine, let us drink!' The Lord God has sworn by His holiness: 'Behold, the days shall come upon you When He will take you away with fishhooks, And your posterity with fishhooks.'" God through the prophet Amos was addressing the Children of Israel, particularly the Northern Kingdom of Israel. He was telling them that the day was coming when He was going to take His vengeance. He was going fishing for cows.

I know that sounds real corny to some of us but in essence that's what God said. He was going to use fishhooks to reel them in and catch them up in their own games. There are a lot of things going on in this world that are not fair. They are not just. Innocent people are hurt by the selfish and uncaring. It makes us to question God and ask Him why He lets this go on. But be still. Just wait. The day is coming when God will take his revenge on those who have abused, misused, and destroyed others for their own selfish gain and pleasure.

It isn't easy to understand right now. I can almost hear someone saying, "But I believed God. I trusted in Him. I played my whole roll on what He said, and He let me down. Why did He let my son or daughter die? Why didn't He stop that husband that abused my family? Why didn't God intervene when that drunk hit my son on the road? Why didn't God protect them and change the situation?" I wish I could answer that question. I really can't except to say that it hurts God too. He gave each of us a free will even those who are evil. He will let them go on for a while. Even though it hurts Him deeply when an innocent is slain or destroyed or abused He doesn't stop it because that evil individual has a will also. Their will is to kill and destroy but that is not God's will. I can tell you that the day is coming when God will get vengeance. But for now just be grateful that even though an innocent has been hurt or has lost his or her life God has them in His hand.

He is getting His fishing gear and His pole ready. He's making sure He's got the right bait. The day is coming when God is going fishing for cows and I'm glad I'm a sheep.

Jerry D. Ousley is the author of ?Soul Challenge?, ?Soul Journey?, ?Ordeal?, ?The Spirit Bread Daily Devotional and his first novel ?The Shoe Tree.?  Visit our website at to download these and more completely free of charge.

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