by Beverly Anne Sanchez


The following holiday story is true (like everything else on our web site!). It was televised both on the "700 Club," as well as the Pax Network's "It's A Miracle" television program. Unfortunately, I can't remember the actual names of the central characters - but God knows and so do the many other persons whose lives have been affected by the following PRAISE TO AN AWESOME GOD!

Like many other young single mothers, "Alice" could only think about how to make it from day to day with her two small boys. Although she had two jobs, she simply could not make ends meet. Her abusive husband had long ago sent her packing out into the unknown and fearing for her family's safety, she chose to leave with her two boys - alone and with no help whatsoever.

By the time November came around, she couldn't buy the food and pay the small apartment rent as well. As Thanksgiving Day arrived and she took the boys to the park and watched them play, as she pondered what would become of them and their future.

Her Thanksgiving feast consisted of four hotdogs and left over Kool Aid. But she was somewhat greatful even for that much. As she approached the apartment with her small sons and prepared to climb the stairs to their second floor refuge, she heard a sound. "Pssst!"


"Pssst..." she heard it again and looked downstairs. Out from beneath the stairwell came a small elderly lady. Alice had never seen her before. "Oh, how wonderful!", smiled the lady. "Would you please have dinner with me?" "Please?"

Alice was embarrassed. She was not accustomed to eating with strangers and besides, she was just too upset. "No thank you, I appreciate it but my sons are waiting for dinner."

"Oh, Mommy, let's go. I'm hungry!", shouted little Tommy. "No, I don't think so."

"Please, come and keep me company. I'm alone here myself and this will be my first Thanksgiving alone you know!", the little lady insisted. Well, Alice thought, as long as the lady was alone by herself, it couldn't be too bad, she thought. In they went to the tiny far-end apartment underneath the stairwell.

No furniture but the kitchen ware, dinette table and chairs, yet the apartment radiated a strange glow about it. "Oh, goodie. Let's say Grace", were the only words from the elderly lady inside the apartment."

She never sat down. She only took out food. And food. And more food. She stood the entire time only serving Alice and her two small guests who were busily munching down everything in sight. Out came more food. A feast! A banquet! Then the weirdest thing happened.

Out from underneath the dinette table came a bowl full of potato salad. "Strange, potato salad isn't traditional Thanksgiving food", Alice thought to herself. But it was her very favorite food.

"My, I just love potato salad," grinned Alice. "I know", responded the strange little smiling lady - and took out another bowl - once again, right from underneath the table.

"Why would she know that?" Alice thought to herself again as she began to get up from the table. "Well, we have to thank you for such a wonderful time we've had and I hope this will be the beginning of a lovely friendship, Mrs., Mrs.?"

"My name doesn't matter but just give God the thanks, give God the thanks. And, please take all this food and use it with your family. It's way too much for little old me."

Being packed with food, as Alice graciously thanked her host and left the apartment, she again wondered as to why the little lady had made so much quantity of food - just for herself alone. Several days passed after that Thanksgiving Day and Alice inquired about her downstairs neighbor as she hadn't seen her since the holidays.

As she knocked on the manager's door and he opened, she noticed there were no lights on in the lady's apartment. "Hal, have you seen the lady in 1A?"

"Lady?" "What lady?" "There's nobody been in 1A since August. It's vacant. Go take a look yourself!"

Sure enough. An empty apartment. No little lady or anyone else for that matter. Yet, Alice still had left over turkey in her freezer upstairs - and dressing and trimming too. The potato salad was long gone though.

Since that Thanksgiving Day, many years ago, Alice went on to found a "Feed the Hungry" ministry in her city and other cities as well. Her one goal is to see that no one ever goes hungry.

As a result, countless thousands have been fed all year round. I cannot remember the name of the ministry but it has the word - "angel" in it's title. And she is quick to tell anyone who will hear - "Just give God thanks". "Just give God thanks."

Beverly Anne Sanchez is editor/publisher of Christepublishers.Com and KingdomXchange.Com,  or "How To Survive and Prosper During the End-Times".

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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