Are You A Wife Or Mother To Your Husband?
by boatrocker Gilmore

Every woman chooses a role whether to be a wife or mother to her spouse.
Being a submissive wife brings blessings, the other perverts the whole house.

God created man first so he is the first to give instructions.
This is God's divine order-It is not human rationalization.

Satan led Eve and Eve led Adam to disobey God's simply command.
They were both removed from garden-this is not what they had planned.

It is written that God created a wife to be a man's helper.
But Satan has turned wives to become a man's oppressor.

Competing for attention, she often makes selfish demands.
If I don't get what I want, I won't even obey God's commands.

I will not submit unless he makes more money than me.
I will not be meek and quiet unless he talks to me gently.

I will not give him my body unless he deserves a reward.
When I am hurt, I will cut him down using my tongue as a sword.

I will murmur and complain about all the things he is and is not doing.
And when he apologizes, I won't forgive but say," who does he think he is fooling".

Many wives treat their husbands not like a man but like a mother treats a son.
Not understanding that God will not bless what Satan has already done.

Men desire a wife who builds up, supports and intercedes for him constantly.
Not like a mother, who fusses, controls, and punishes him relentlessly.

Wives choose today to be that submissive delicate rose that intercedes for your spouse and family.
Don't be like Satan's grenade bringing destruction to your man's soul and his dignity.

Lord, rid me of my domineering ways and my controlling manuvers. Teach me to be a godly wife and and not a nagging mother to my husband. In Jesus name, amen.

Kelvin Gilmore

Elder Kelvin Gilmore, a devout man of God, sold out for Jesus Christ. Gifted and chosen by God to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ through poetry and daily devotions.

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