The Hidden Person
by Jerry Ousley

Did you know that there is someone hiding inside of you? I've found this out over the years. In each of us there is a hidden person. They may be very beautiful and becoming on the outside. Their hair is always neat and clean; they wear the best of clothing; their makeup is always perfect or if it's a man he's always welled groomed, neatly shaven and stylish. But inside there is a very ugly person. We find that out when they begin to speak.

On the other hand we may know someone who isn't neat in their appearance. Perhaps they don't take many pains in keeping up their hair or don't seem to care what type of clothing they wear. Maybe they're overweight and well, just plain out right ugly. But when they speak you hear a completely different person. You hear someone who is kind, gentle and loving.

The fact is we've got this thing about impressions. We tend to judge people by how they look or what they wear; how beautiful and petite they are. It's reflected in the commercials on television and the advertising on billboards. Everything is portrayed by the young, fit and beautiful. It's appealing to the eyes and they know that it will influence us to buy things. But who is that person really?

Before I stand in judgment of others I have to confess that there have been times that things have come from inside of me that weren't so beautiful. Oh, don't get me wrong; I never us foul language or anything like that. But I've discovered that there are times when my own words have been cruel and cutting to someone else. I've had to repent over that. What has happened is that I've allowed that which is hidden in me to come to the surface; and it will. We may hide things deep in our hearts, but one day the time will come when what we really think comes out.

In 1 Peter 3, Peter was talking about the outward adorning. He wasn't condemning us for wanting to look nice. It isn't a sin to be presentable (I heard a preacher say one time that "some old barns need a good coat of paint"). After addressing a couple of things Peter wrote that instead of putting the greater emphasis on our outward adorning to, "Rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God" (verse 4).

The person who is hidden inside of us is really the most important. Others will look on our outward appearance and pass instant judgments it's called first impressions. Sometimes we'll let it put blinders on us and we'll decide whether we like a person or not simply by the way they look. I've heard of people voting for a president because of the way they look. The fact is a very good looking person could possibly be a very evil character in reality.

What do we look like on the inside? We can get a good idea by what comes out of us. If we are neglectful in helping those in need by saying something like, "They deserved what they got!" then maybe we don't look so good. If we are constantly letting doubt, deception and negative things come from our mouths then perhaps that's what we look like on the inside.

That hidden person is the individual who reflects what Jesus Christ has done for us. Our thoughts, words and deeds are like giant mirrors showing all who come into contact with us what we look like from the inside.

If it is ugly then we have the opportunity to let Jesus change us. It won't be easy but it can and must happen. So what about it? Is there a "looker" and beautiful person hidden within us? If not, there can be.

Jerry D. Ousley is the author of ?Soul Challenge?, ?Soul Journey?, ?Ordeal?, ?The Spirit Bread Daily Devotional and his first novel ?The Shoe Tree.?  Visit our website at to download these and more completely free of charge.

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