by Susan Darling

Praying for people out of love will be answered, but praying for people coming from temper, hate and self righteousness I don't think will be answered at all. And sometimes I think the sinner might be a better person than the one who is praying. Because I notice sometimes we get our priority back to front. And we don't think things through. For example somebody might gossip terribly about another persons' housework, and run them down ruthlessly, without stopping to think why that persons house work is not up to scratch. It might be for example the person has a mental illness even though it doesn't show. Mental illness is not a rare thing these days, I have been told one in every fifth person has a mental illness and one in every third person has had at least one breakdown. And depression is right up there with the heart attacks. Or I am trying to say, is that we don't know the whole set of circumstances and yet we tear a person down and ruin their reputation, because we judge them by their outward appearances. I am so glad God is my judge, because He is so kind and understanding. If it was up to people they will send good people to hell, and the bad ones to heaven.

I believe the way God judges us is different from how we judge. We get stuck with peoples' sins and fail to look at their virtues. I think God on the other hand, hardly looks at the sins of a repentant sinner but concentrates on the person love and their strengths. He is probably more loved by those who cost Him the most anyway. The ones that are the bigger sinner might do greater deeds of love, than the ones who are not so bad. I think judging has to be one of the worst sins, because it breeds so much unhappiness and hatred to those that are being targeted. We have been told that we will be judged as we judge others. So I hate to think what is going to be like when it is our turn to be judged. It seems to be an academic. To love one another heals us and we all need it, because we all know what it is like to be judged unfairly. So lets' hope we decide not to judge one another, because of our great love for our God.

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