Enjoying the seasons of Life
by Nancy Gathecha

To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven. (Ecclesaistes 3:1)

Autumn is here. The air is crispy, the wind blows fallen leaves to and fro. The trees adorned with wonderful shades of yellow, mustard and orange. Tones of red, deep maroon and browns all in the midst of the green. Its Fall, its harvest and Thanksgiving season, and its beautiful!

I used to dislike Autumn because of a bad mindset which was;
Autumn + cold = winter = Very Very bad.
Coming from a warmer part of the Globe, i still have to get used to snow :-)
But after adjusting my attitude, now i love this season of the year as nature displays the artwork of its Creator, God. I enjoy taking a walk in the forest in Autumn, its fascinating to gaze up at the wide spectrum of colours on the trees and walk on the colourful carpet of fallen leaves on the ground.

God Changes the times and the seasons. (Daniel 2:21)
Like nature we too have seasons in our lives, some good and some not so good. But one things for sure, seasons come and go. Its not so much what you go through, but how you go through it that makes the season significant.

Each of us is a 3 part being.

-We are a Spirit - the part that connects to God and lives forever.
-We have a soul - mind, will and emotions - connects to people, and,
-We live in an earthly suit; the body.

Consequently at different seasons in our lives, we have different needs.
For example, i have had seasons where my spirit felt like popeye after spinach! but i needed a hug, a good laugh or a day at the spa - I didnt pray harder! I went out and hugged someone, (not a stranger ofcoarse) had a good laugh with a funny friend or turned my bathroom into a spa. There is time for everything in balance.

I dont know what season you are in right now or your needs, but i know One who does, God. He loves you and He can meet all your needs.

Here are 5 Tips I hope will help you enjoy lifes seasons.

1) Ask God what season you are (in your life) if you dont know. And its purpose. Instead of reading your horoscope, remember he made you. If you bought a Mercedes would you call Ford for some advice?

2)Attitude is like a flat tire, you wont go anywhere unless you change it.
Make a descision to enjoy the season and find something good about it.

3)Look around you, someone else needs a hug, a smile, a word of encouragement, listening ears or prayer. Your grumpy workmate may be going through a divorce - You can help her/him go through that not-so-good season.

4)Treat yourself or someone else to something nice. Go to the spa or indulge in a bubblebath, read a good book or go shopping. Shoes always work very well for me ;-)

5)Share life`s seasons with others.Send a card, call, email someone just to say hallo. Invite someone for coffee or Dinner. If you dont know who or what to share, ask God, He will show you. You can make a diffence in someones life.

Remember you are special, with unique talents and gifts which no one else but you can give to the world.
Do enjoy the seasons of life because,
He has made everything beautiful in its time. (Ecc.3:11)And that includes you!

Nancy is an Author, Speaker and Entrepreneur, with a passion to know Jesus and make Him known. 

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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