Penny Walks
by Joy Bach

Money was scarce when I was a child, so entertainment had to be inexpensive. I spent a lot of time with an older sister who had two daughters..and so for pleasure, we took penny walks.

These were the rules. When you got to an intersection, you flipped a penny. If it was heads, you went right. If it was tails, you went left. And on the rare occasion it fell in a crack and stood on its edge, you went straight ahead.

Sometimes we went around the same block several times. Sometimes we traveled a long way from home and had to remember our way back. But no two walks were ever the same.

Life is like that. Sometimes you go left. Sometimes you go right. Sometimes you go around the same block several times. But my question is: "Who is flipping your penny?" Is God in charge of your walk?

Sometimes taking the walk is not your idea. I arrived at the intersection of "Divorce", although I didn't want that word in my vocabulary. And for a time, I continued to go straight ahead, because it was all I knew. Changing directions was so terrifying it seemed impossible.

Are you at an unexpected intersection? Who took you there? Do you tell yourself, "It's not my fault?" Is it your parents you blame? Or maybe your spouse? The list is endless. Friends. Church. Life. But the true question is: what are you going to do about it?

You can choose to retreat. I went to bed for two weeks. Neighbors had to take care of my children. I thought, "It would just be easier if I lost my mind". The only reason I fought back from that foggy place was my fear about what would become of my children.

I had never had "Intersection Training". I prayed for a neon sign to show up in my yard, displaying the answer. But as I cautiously emerged from my shell, I discovered the Bible was full of guidance about choices and what direction to go. I had to want to find the answers.

Maybe you need to make a hard right turn.right nowtoday. Are you willing to change directions? Just maybe your abundant life is down that road to the right. You don't want to miss out.

Remember, no two walks are alike. Even though someone else's choice for direction in their life may look appealing to you, this is YOUR walk.

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