Here I Am
by Matt Thompson

Weekly Devotional Motivated By Grace
by Matt Thompson

Genesis 22:10, "And Abraham stretched out his hand and took the knife to slay his son."

"What in the world would cause a man to walk for three days journey to a mountain that had to be climbed in order that he could sacrifice to God His only son, whom he dearly loved?"

In the fifteenth chapter of Genesis, it is revealed that Abraham "believed" in the Lord, and the Lord reckoned it unto Abraham as "righteousness". Abraham "believed" God in all that God told him. When Abraham's body was old and his wife was barren, even then Abraham believed the Promise of God in that he would have a son wherein Abraham's descendants would be uncountable!

When Abraham was called to take his son Isaac and go to the mountain for a sacrifice, his simple response was "immediate" and unwavering.

Abraham had made many "choices" simply to "believe" God, in wherever God sent him, and Abraham simply did what God wanted in unfailing belief in God. God's reward to Abraham was the growth of Abraham's "faith" in God as he was witness to God's works in his life. In the physical realm, you can read of the various aspects of Abraham's life that is quite amazing... And all because of his "faith in God", which was given because he "chose to believe" God in all that He said.

What are the "mountains" God has told you to climb in your life? What has He asked you to do that "tests" your faith to it's limits? What have you "chosen" to believe about and concerning God? Do you believe EVERYTHING God has ever told you? Or just "some" of it, here and there?

God wants you to walk in the "fullness" of His Spirit, by His Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit within you can and will enable continual peace, joy, satisfaction, purpose of life, fulfillment, love, forgiveness and mercy that comes from knowing God, not just "knowing of" God. If your service to God is born from "motivations of God's Grace" (your deepest appreciations for the work Christ accomplished on YOUR account, which among many other things is your eternal LIFE), the Holy Spirit enables your ability to believe and ultimately, your faith continues to grow and overcome your flesh as God continually shows Himself in your life!

Are you experiencing "peace and Joy" in your life? Or are you feeling defeated most of the time?

As you study this week, make the "personal decision" to BELIEVE EVERYTHING God says to you. In doing so, the growth of your faith will amaze even you as it follows your decision to "believe in God". It is only in this Truth will you find your ever increasing knowledge, wisdom, peace, joy and satisfaction of heart that is only for the born again follower of Christ to possess!

Matt has been a preacher of the gospels where and when God directs. An ordained minister, he manages an online Christian community at , where he has authored devotionals and articles alike Matt is also a freelance writer for .

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