A Soldier's Dream
by Nate Weil

As I walk up to the jet, a cold wind blows through, leaving a shudder and goosebumps in its wake. I know instantly that this will not be an ordinary flight. With a deep breath I climb in, into the copilot's seat, and I put my headset on. A moment before the engine was drowning out all other sounds but now all is mute. I can't even hear the radio communications because this headset is made specially for me and this flight. I can tell. I look over at my pilot and give him the thumbs up. He looks back at me with a smile and I see that my pilot is none other than my Guardian Angel. We both look forward and I notice something else. Though the plane appears to be an ordinary Cessna, somehow I can see in every direction.
The plane starts to move, gliding along the ground as if on a cushion of air. We move faster and faster until slowly the ground begins to slip away. I almost don't notice. The ground is so subtle as it slowly slips away. Soon the earth is far below. I look up in awe at the impressive cloud cover. The sun filters through in a few places, creating beautiful sun rays. We climb gently but steadily. One thousand feet, two thousand feet, three thousand feet.

Finally we reach the clouds and are immersed in what looks like thick fog. Small raindrops form on the windows and the temperature drops noticeably. Then, without warning, we break free of the imprisoning clouds and my breath is stolen away from me. The clouds stretch as far as I can see, pure white and of impressive shapes. But now I see there are a few exceptions. Terrifying dark storm clouds, often referred to as black anvils, are scattered here and there, towering over the other clouds and seemingly reaching the stars in the sky. I look up at those stars. There are so many of them! Each one shines luminous like an angel, all of them watching over us. Up here the sun is larger, more magnificent. vivid, radiant rays of light shine in all directions; just like God, bringing life, warmth and light to the earth. Then, the moon. Cold, lifeless, colorless, cruel. Like the devil, it is sitting there, waiting to claim lives forever.

Then, a spectacular sight. Out of nowhere, a meteor shower begins. Like a horde of demons desperate to break through and claim souls, the meteors come. Blazing a vehement evil red, they appear to be winning. But like Saint Michael and his arch angels, the atmosphere wards off each and every one of them, shriveling them up into nothingness.

During this spectacle the clouds were up to something. Now they all are dark and menacing, gathering around the storm clouds like packs of wolves. The air is warmer, and an occasional flash from below reaches us in our small plane. We are descending rapidly until we reach the clouds. Slipping through a small hole in the clouds my senses are overwhelmed. As soon as we burst through the cloud layer, we are immersed in a terrifying storm! I can feel the heat. Huge lightning bolts branch out in every direction, lighting up the menacing scene. Tremendous booms follow, rocking the plane. I can hear all too clearly now because my headset has somehow disappeared. Rain and hail slam into the seemingly-frail glass cockpit, but it holds. Wind rushes by, howling as if in pain.

This terrifying scene continues for what seems like eternity. By the end of it I am cowering in my seat, afraid to look, with my fingers in my ears though it is a futile gesture as the noises are too loud. Everything goes blinding white and immensely hot as a lightning bolt passes nearby on its way to the ground to dish out destruction to the world.

The storm stops. The clouds move off, leaving a beautiful clear blue sky. A beautiful rainbow arcs majestically across the sky and the sun shines brighter than ever before. Ahead of us is a gorgeous meadow. Descending now, it is clear that the meadow is our destination. As we approach, I can make out a man standing in the center of the meadow. We touch down, and roll to a stop quickly. We are still a good while away from the man. The angel and I get out and walk toward him. The air smells of spring, birds are singing in the forest surrounding this small heaven. The colors here are somehow different, more vivid, delightful to the eye. Light is emanating from the stranger, and as we draw closer I can see figures dressed in pure white singing and bowing down low to him and animals of stunning variety gathering around. Finally we reach him, and stand there for a moment. Then my whole life flashes by. Everything I did, from the bad to the good. It is nearing the end now, I can tell. I see myself joining the army, going through training, getting shipped off to Iraq. I see my first firefight, dodging bullets and hiding behind the flimsy buildings for some protection. I see my unit members slowly get picked off, then the terrorists who snuck up behind me, capturing me. The endless days of torture, then the firing squad. I can see now that my guardian angel was there in my last moments, holding my hand, comforting me. And then I remember my final thought before the order to fire was given; a longing for something I had never done. I had wanted just once to go on a pleasure flight, to see breathtaking sights that no one else has ever seen. I realize now what God has given me.

God looks at me, and with a gentle smile says, "Welcome home, soldier."

All my pieces are copyrighted by me. If you wish to use an article marked as "for sale" please contact me at [email protected] to discuss purchasing the right to print it.
God bless! Nate

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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