Gospel of Matthew Chapter 11 Dealing with Doubt
by Paul George

Matthew 11:2-6

Although it is often claimed true believers in Christ do not doubt their relationship with God every professing believer in Christ has at some point in their Christian experience, or will come to some point in their Christian experience where they will experience a situation that will cause them to doubt what they have been taught and believe. The problem is not coming under a feeling of uncertainty it is trying to hide it or deny it because we believe nothing good can come from admitting there is something in the situations we face that created doubts concerning the goodness, love or faithfulness of God. We also do not want to admit the presence of doubt because we tend to think we are alone in the struggle with doubt.

When we encounter a situation that tends to create doubt we need to remember doubt is part of the fallen nature of humanity and it exists in both the Christian community and the secular community. In every area of life doubt can raise its ugly head and destroy relationships.

Although there are those who claim it is impossible for a true believer in Christ to doubt the goodness, love, and faithfulness of God this is deceiving; doubt is a powerful weapon used by Satan against the child of God. There is nothing we can do to keep doubt from knocking on the door of our heart. However, doubt will only enter our heart when we open the door and permit it to enter in; when we let doubt enter our heart we begin to question what we believe. We also need to remember doubt is not necessarily unbelief. However, doubt can lead us into the path of unbelief that will lead to disobedience.

John's question, "Are you he who comes, or should we look for another?" is a question asked by someone who is uncertain in what he believes. The question, "Why does God allow evil and wickedness to exist if He has authority over heaven and earth" can open the door to doubt. The question, "Why did God let this situation happen in my life if He is a loving caring God as I have been told He is?" can open the door to doubt.

This does not mean the why question is one we should never ask. If we are truly seeking an answer to the question why is the world in the condition it is in or why am I in the situation I am in. The problem arises when we are trying to put blame for the conditions in the world and the situations in our lives where they do not belong.

When doubt knocks on our heart's door we need to realize the source of doubt. Doubt arises in our relationship with the Lord when what we believe or have been taught is not compatible with the situation we are in. John's question ", "Are you he who comes, or should we look for another?" is a question that arose from what John was taught by his father and the religious teachers of his day. The reason John asked this question is Jesus is not meeting John's expectations.

John the Baptist was not struggling with his belief concerning who he was and the coming of the Messiah when he sent his disciples to ask Jesus if He was the One who is coming. John was struggling with what Jesus is not doing; that is establishing His kingdom on earth. John was seeking assurance Jesus was the Messiah.. He had heard what others have said concerning the Messiah and the person of Jesus now he wanted to hear it from the lips of Jesus. He wanted Jesus to declare He was the Messiah. John was doing what Thomas did. Thomas would not believe Jesus had risen from the dead until he saw Jesus. He would not believe what others had said they witnessed.

Here is a lesson for us when we struggle with doubt; never mind what others tells us about our struggle go to the Word of God. We need to avoid those who claim the situation we are in due to a lacking in our faith. We need to avoid those who claim our situation or the conditions in the world are due to the pouring out of the wrath of God. When God begins to pour out His wrath upon this sinful, perverted world you do not want to be here on this earth. When God begins to pour out His wrath upon this world you need to be found in the place Jesus has prepared for all who have put their faith in Him.

The good news is when Jesus takes us to the place He has prepared for us all doubts will cease.

Note Jesus' response to John's question. Instead of rebuking John for his doubt, Jesus told John's disciples to return and tell John what they saw and heard. Did He add to the pain and agony John was experiencing?

What do you suppose would have happened if Jesus would have rebuked John for his doubting? What do you suppose would have happened if Jesus would have expressed the same attitude of those who claim a true believer never doubt? What if Jesus would have told John's disciples to go and ask John why was he now doubting Him? John would have gone to his grave with a heart filled with the pain and agony of doubt.

According to the accounts of John's life, doubt never existed in John's life until it came to walking the last mile in his journey from the cradle to the grave. If you are one of those who claim a true believer never doubt or praise yourself because you claim you have never doubted the goodness, love, or faithfulness of God you are in for the biggest let down in your life. You need to wake up and realize you have not walked the last mile of your life. You need to recognize one of the facts of life; somewhere and sometime in your journey from the cradle to the grave you will encounter the monster doubt.

Those who claim a true believer in Christ never doubt need to understand the nature of doubt. Doubt is no respecter of persons or ages. Doubt will attack when least expected. Those who claim a true believer in Christ need to realize they are a prime subject for the enemy to attack using one of his most deadly weapons, doubt.

If it was not for doubt sin and death would never have entered this world. If it were not for doubt Adam and Eve would have never disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of the tree of good and evil. If it were not for doubting the sons of Jacob who came out of bondage in Egypt would not have died in the wilderness.
The second thing we need to understand about doubt is doubt can be a source for spiritual growth and a stronger relationship with Jesus.

The third thing about doubt we need to understand is we can never overcome the effects of doubt if we rely on our own strength.

The fourth thing about doubt we need to understand is the danger of taking Scripture out of context. We might refer to this as putting the cart ahead of the horse. The religious leaders of Jesus and John's day were looking for the coming of a king like David. They had fallen so deep into self-righteousness they could not see the need to repent, turn away from their evil and wicked ways and return to the Lord. Why did John ask Jesus if He was the Expected One? John's understanding of the coming of the Expected One was built on the teachings of the priests, Levites, scribes, and Pharisees. John never doubted the Promised Messiah would come and deliver the sons of Jacob from the yoke of the Roman Empire. It was Jesus' failure to fit the mold of the teachings of the religious leaders of His day that created the doubt in the mind of John.
What removed the blinders from the eyes of John; the Word of God. Here is a lesson for all pastors, evangelists, and teachers in the church; if we water down the Gospel Message, if we compromise the Word of God, if we contradict the Word of God in any shape or form we will create doubt in the minds of the Lord's flock we have been given the responsibility to feed.
In closing, we must never forget, although doubt is a serious matter and can have a negative affect on our faith whenever it occurs, it can lead to spiritual growth if we learn the lesson taught in the chorus, "Through it all, Through it all I've learned to trust in Jesus and I've learned to trust in God. Through it all Through it all Yes I've learned to depend upon His word."
What builds our trust in Jesus and in God? It is not the mountain top experience it is the trials, the testing, and the attacks of doubt; how do we become more than overcomers; it is learning to depend on the Word of God.
If we never forget the Blood of Jesus will never lose its power. If we never forget the Holy Spirit will guide us through every danger that might fall upon us; the dungeon door of doubt will be broken down.

Retired pastor,Church of the Nazarene

Author of web site Exploring God's Word


New American Standard Bible

King James Version

The World English Bible

Sermons and Bible studies preached and taught by author

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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