Loving people and not things
by boatrocker Gilmore

It is amazing to see how many people are being used to obtain luxury things.
But things are to be used to be blessings to others and not to
make ourselves kings.

How long can we stand to see the rich getting richer while the poor go lacking?
Why are the rich getting praises of men while the poor get comments that are character attacking?

We are not our brother's keeper is expressed by the rich today
I can use the poor like tools, to have things done my way.

It is said that riches are to be used to richly distribute.
This should be the rich's man legacy it should be his greatest attribute.

All things belong to God, we are only stewards of his possessions.
To choose not to help our brothers and sisters shouldn't be our discretion.

It is the will of God that things be used to express his love for mankind.
It is almost impossible for the rich to enter into Heaven, because his compassion for God's people is hard to find.

Let us Love people and use things to express God's love for them
Or continue to love things and use people, being partakers with the condemned.

Kelvin Gilmore

Elder Kelvin Gilmore, a devout man of God, sold out for Jesus Christ. Gifted and chosen by God to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ through poetry and daily devotions.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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