Evolution or Disobedience
by Paul George

Read Genesis chapter three

There are educators, psychologists, philosophers, scientists, theologians and New Agers to name a few who claim the condition of the world, the evil, wickedness, violence, pain, suffering, and the rise and fall of kingdoms and nations in the past, in the present age, and in the future are the results of major events and pivotal events that change the course of history. There is no denying what these educators, psychologists, philosophers, scientists, theologians and New Agers claim is the source of evil, wickedness, violence, pain, suffering and the rise and fall of kingdoms and nations. The authors of the books of the Bible claim the condition of the world, the evil, wickedness, violence, pain, suffering, and the rise and fall of kingdoms and nations in their day was the results of major events and pivotal events that change the course of history in their day. The source of the major events and pivotal events that changed the course of history in the past was the failure of men and women to learn the lessons taught in history. A second source was including opinions, speculations, and preconceived ideas in the interpretation of the events, a departing from the established system of beliefs and socially acceptable behavior that existed since the beginning of time and the birth of humanity.

In the United States of America and the church the political and religious leaders are making the same mistakes made by political and religious leaders in the past. Through the use of opinions, speculations, preconceived ideas, and the justifying of immoral behavior, political leaders, religious leaders, and educators are leading men and women into the spiritual darkness and unbelief that is spreading across the face of the earth and will lead to their destruction. Through the acceptance of the evolution theory they are attempting to undermine Yahweh's account of the beginning of time and the birth of humanity. The reason for the accepting and teaching of the evolution theory and the denial of Yahweh's account of the beginning of time and the birth of the humanity is the matter of accountability.

According to the evolution theory the universe and humans are going through an evolution process that will enable humans to achieve their full potential. Evidence that humans are advancing from a lower form of life to their full potential is the events that produce evil, wickedness, violence, pain, suffering, and the rise and fall on kingdoms and nations; these are obstacles to the evolution process from an outside source. The obstacles to humans obtaining their full potential is not something they do or do not do, their nature is determined by the evolution process, their behavior is determined by the evolution process.

The limited peace and security humans and nations have experience is evidence the world and humans have reached a plateau in the evolution process. We might compare this to the rest areas installed on a turn pike. A rest area is not a permanent residency. It is a place where we stop from one place to another to refresh and rest for a short time then move on.

Let us look at what Yahweh revealed to His servant Moses concerning past history.

Through Moses Yahweh will take us back to the beginning of time. The beginning of time was a historical event. The place of the beginning of time and the birth of humanity is a historical site. You say you don't believe it. If the beginning of time, the birth of humanity, was not a historical event and the place of the beginning of time and the birth of humanity is not a historical place you tell me why billions of dollars are spent every year in an attempt to find when and where did time begin and humanity born. You tell me why billions of dollars are being spent in an attempt to locate the Garden of Eden.

What does man want to accomplish in his attempt to verify that the world and humanity had a beginning. What does he want to accomplish in his attempt to verify the location and existence of an ancient garden in the Middle East? Man's attempt is slanted more to proving the evolution than proving the Genesis account of the beginning of time and the birth of humanity. The same can be said of the man's attempts to find the Garden of Eden. While the failure of verifying or disproving the when and where of the beginning of time and the birth of humanity is more difficult than the finding of the Garden of Eden; he knows it was, located in the area of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. If it is the will of Yahweh man verifies the when and where of the beginning of time and the birth of humanity and find the Garden of Eden it will be accomplished. However, if it is not Yahweh's will, man will never accomplish the project he has set out to accomplish.

Yahweh's account of past history

In their original state of innocency the first man and woman believed the source of the beginning of time and the birth of humanity was Yahweh. They understood their place and purpose in Yahweh's plan for the course of history. They worshiped and found joy and happiness being in His presence. There was no fear, evil, wickedness, violence, pain, suffering, unrest, disharmony, and disunity in the world, only peace harmony, and unity.

We do not know how long the earth remained a place where, fear, evil, wickedness, violence, pain, suffering, unrest, disharmony and disunity did not exist. We do not know how long peace, harmony, and unity existed on earth. However, we are told a time came when fear, evil, wickedness, violence, pain, suffering, unrest, disharmony, and disunity began to fill the earth.

It did not happen through some evolution process or by chance. The source of the change that occurred on earth was due to a decision made by the first man and woman on earth, who will become the parents of humanity. We can follow a time old response to the event of blaming Satan and even blaming the Lord. Regardless of man's opinion, speculation, and preconceived ideas, the change was due to a decision made by the first woman, known as Eve. Her decision was based on what is told by the serpent, and not the command given to the first man, known as Adam. However, it must be overlooked; Eve was a higher form of life, the serpent, a lower form of life, she will make her decision to eat the forbidden fruit from a lower form of life. It should not be overlooked the serpent was not the originator of the question. The originator of the question is Satan. In his original state he was called Lucifer. He was an anointed cherub, a guardian of the throne of God and he led a revolt against God. His revolt was put down and he was cast down to earth. Determined to have a kingdom of his own he turned his attention toward the Garden of Eden. Using the body of the serpent Satan entered the Garden of Eden and asked Eve if she was told she could not eat the fruit from any tree in the garden. The question is a closed end question. The answer is either yes or no. It requires no explanation. All Eve had to do is answer yes; she was told she could not eat the fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden. In the middle of the garden were two trees, the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Satan knew what tree Eve was referring to. When Satan asked the question, he did not want to know what Eve understood about the trees in the garden. He wanted to plant the seed of doubt. He wanted her to doubt the love and goodness of her Creator. Satan convinces Eve no harm will come to her if she eats the forbidden fruit. Note this was a decision Eve made Satan did not force her to eat the forbidden fruit.

Satan accomplished what he set out to do, now he will use Eve, just as he used the serpent, to convince Adam there is no harm in eating the forbidden fruit. Satan knows if Adam eats the forbidden fruit he will gain control of the authority given to Adam. We are not told what Eve said to Adam, or even if she said anything to him to convince him to eat the forbidden fruit. There have been hundreds of opinions and speculation regarding the reason why Adam ate the forbidden. Yahweh's account of this major event in history tells us Adam ate the fruit Eve gave him; when opinions and speculation is added to the account those who add to the account are walking on dangerous ground.

What are the lessons taught in this event?

This event in past history was not the result of an evolution process it was an act, first of deception; second an act of disobedience. Through this act of disobedience fear was introduced into the world and began spreading from the Garden of Eden to the present. In our life the biggest obstacle we face in finding our place in the world, our place in the body of believers and our purpose in the world and the body of believers is fear; fear we will fail, we will not be accepted.

The second lesson taught in this event is man tries to hide from the Lord; he not only tries to hide from the Lord he tries to cover up the sinful nature he has fallen into. When Adam and Eve realized they were naked is evidence they understood what they had done. When they hide from the Lord they were admitting their guilt.

The third lesson taught in this incident is beginning of the blame game, an effort to justify an act of disobedience. When asked who told him he was naked and if he had eaten the fruit that he was commanded not to eat, he blamed the woman. What is often overlooked in the blaming of the woman Adam is also blaming the Lord; in other word, he is saying if you had not created the woman and given her to me, I would not be in the situation I am in. When asked what she had done, Eve blames the serpent; Eve is doing what Adam did, she is blaming the Lord for her situation, if He had not created the serpent she would not be in the situation she is in.

The fourth lesson taught in this incident is the Lord holds us responsible for the acts that we do that are contrary to His will.

The fifth lesson taught in this incident is, Satan's method of operation.

When Satan attacks the Christian, he doesn't normally get him or her to commit some crime or immoral act. He uses some incident in their life, other people, or world events to try and get Christians to doubt the love, goodness, and integrity of the Lord. He tries to convince us if the Lord loved us we would not be experiencing pain and suffering. He tries to convince us if the Lord is as loving as we say He is, why does He permit evil, pain, and suffering to exist? He tests the faith of Christians just as he tested Jesus in the wilderness when he told Jesus to turn stones into bread and jump from the pinnacle of the temple. He tempts us with the riches of the world.

The battle in the Garden of Eden was over when Eve saw the fruit from the tree of the knowledge was good for food, the tree a delight to the eyes, and the fruit desirable to make one wise. Looking at the tree from her point of view the tree looked like the rest of the trees in the garden. It grew out of the same ground. There was nothing in the outward appearance of the tree and the fruit that indicated it was a danger to her health and welfare or cause her to die. There was nourishment in the fruit. What harm could come from eating the fruit? The conclusion Eve came to was influenced by what she saw, that is the fifth lesson taught in this incident.

We need to be careful what we look at. The eyes are the windows of the soul. Windows Satan can throw fiery darts through and pierce the heart. These darts are loaded with a deadly virus, called sin. While it is true there is no way we can avoid seeing things that are inappropriate, we are surrounded by them. What was once hid behind closed doors is telecasted into our living rooms in living color. Satan is able to use them to lead a person astray when that person follows Eve's example.

We can blame God, Satan, parents, pastors, teachers, the media, friends and neighbors for our shortcomings, but no one can force us to do what we don't want to do or what we know is not the right thing to do.

We have all seen people do something that was contrary to their normal behavior. We ask the question why they did what they did. We even speculate and form opinions. But we may never know why did they do what they did or what motivated them to do what they did. We have all done something that was contrary to our normal behavior and afterwards ask ourselves why I did that, I knew it wasn't the right thing to do. From the human point of view, I believe Adam and Eve both asked that question many times.

The sixth lesson taught in this incident is Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and their eyes were opened. This is not a reference to their physical eyes but to the eyes of their consciences. They saw it was now too late. They had believed a lie and now they must pay the consequences. They saw their natures were corrupted and depraved. They saw they were naked. They were stripped, deprived of all honor and favor. The first step they took after eating the forbidden fruit was not upward but downward. A strong sense of guilt overcame them. They knew they had done an evil deed and the supreme Judge was coming into the garden and to no avail they tried to flee from justice.

They realized Satan is not going to protect them. He is not going to accuse them. They will accuse themselves. The garden becomes what it never was intended to be, a court room. The earth will become what it was never intended to be, the domain of the enemy of humanity. The world will become what it was never intended to be, a terrifying place. Evil, violence, pain, suffering, lawlessness, and wickedness will run rough shod over the land.

Why didn't the Lord God nip in the bud what was coming upon the earth? He could have wiped out all that He had done and start over. Why didn't He? He had set the course of history into motion and He will not go back and begin again what He has determined to do. Satan and his demonic host, man nor beast can turn Him away from the course He has set. He will accomplish His goal. At the end of time the morning stars and the sons of God will sing together and shouts of joy will be heard around the throne of God as it was at the beginning of time. The good news is the redeemed will join in the singing and shouting. I want to be in that great celebration. Do you? You will be if you have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord.

The choice is yours.

Retired pastor,Church of the Nazarene

Author of web site Exploring God's Word


New American Standard Bible

King James Version

The World English Bible

Sermons and Bible studies preached and taught by author

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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