Nothing to Draw With
by Jerry Ousley

In John 4 we read the incident of Jesus and the woman at the well. Daily this woman visited the public well in Samaria to get the necessary water she and those of her household would need for the day. Carrying water is a very laborious chore. Water is something we take for granted until we can't just go to the sink and turn on the tap. We use water every day for bathing, drinking, cooking, and cleaning. We use a lot more than we think. Deb and I have had a few situations over the years when water wasn't available and I'm sure you have too. Making trips to the neighbor's to fill milk jugs, buckets, pans and whatever else could be found to get enough for the day is an exasperating job. Water is heavy!

Filling a big pot of water at a public well and then carrying it all the way back to where you live, wasn't easy. But she, along with everyone else in Samaria did it. In way of observation here, it was kind of strange that she was alone at the well. I don't know if she went at an unusual time of day in order to avoid the looks and insults of the town folks or if the people living in Samaria just wouldn't go until she had made her trip, but whatever the reason I believe it was because she had a reputation. She had been with several men and the man she was now living with wasn't even her husband. Today no one would think much about that because of all the loose morals of people; but then it was a big taboo.

Jesus knew that she would be alone at the well and so He sent His disciples into town to run some errands while He went to work on this woman. The short of the story is that He was able to prove to her that He was the Messiah because He knew truths about her. This was a miracle because He was a stranger to her. It caused not only her to come to the Lord but most of the town.

The point that stands out in this lesson is that when Jesus began discussing getting water from the well, she doubted His ability. She said in so many words, "Mister, this is a deep well and you don't have a bucket or anything to draw the water out with. How are you going to get water from the well?" In essence she could not believe in the miraculous. She could only believe what she could experience with her natural senses. Jesus proved to her the spiritual application of what He was talking about. But folks, in my simple mind I have no doubt that if Jesus had wanted to actually get water from that deep well He could have just commanded it to come out and it would have began gushing like an oil well.

Today many doubt the power of God. We have been conditioned to believe only what we can experience with our own natural senses. If we can't see it, hear it, smell it, taste it or touch it then we don't believe it. We've tried to explain the existence of man and this world so many times in so many far-fetched ways, when each and every time what is actually proven scientifically always agrees with the simple facts given us in the Bible. Yet, because we've been lied to so many times we still don't want to believe it.

This attitude has even begun to bleed into the Christian world as well. We've been deceived by charlatans who have claimed to have great power with God. All too often we have believed because we need to believe, and over time they have been proven to be fakes. I know that there are a lot of fakers out there. There have always been those who want to deceive in order to have power over people or to get their money. But I want to tell you today that the power of God is real. He is God and He can do whatever He wants to. Even though many want to try to work God like He is their servant, God is still God. He might let these folks alone for awhile but rest assured, they will be exposed as God just goes on doing His job. It may seem like God has nothing to draw with, but folks He can get water out of the well when we can't.

He wants to get water from your well. He wants to give us the ever-lasting water of eternal life. He really does want to do that for you with no hooks or catches. Let Him draw from your well.

Jerry D. Ousley is the author of ?Soul Challenge?, ?Soul Journey?, ?Ordeal?, ?The Spirit Bread Daily Devotional and his first novel ?The Shoe Tree.?  Visit our website at to download these and more completely free of charge.

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