Destroyers of Destiny
by hazel moodley

I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for good and not for evil, to give you a hope and a future. ~Jeremiah 29:11

The devil sends people your way at your work place , in your area , even in your church to get your attention , to keep your attention and to turn your attention away from the Lord. When God has a MAJOR PLAN FOR YOU , the devil sends a minor distraction .
Once your focus shifts , your destiny shifts . Distractions are a delay that destroys your destiny and leaves you destitute.
Stay focused . Without a vision Gods people perish . Without a destiny , the kingdom of God does not extend. For every appointment you miss , one more person is disappointment.
You can give up your destiny for a mediocre life or you can give up you mediocre life for a destiny.

Prayer thought

Father , I stand before you in Jesus name . Forgive me for shifting my focus . There is a stirring inside of me for more of you and yet I have quenched it with satisfying my flesh. Help me O Lord to not be distracted and to reflect on all that is pure and holy and from your throne room only. Open up my eyes to all distractions. Remove all those areas of my life that cause me to live out of your will. Keep me in your plans for my life and even save me from ignorantly searching out the kingdoms of this world rather than the kingdom of heaven. In Jesus name I ask it. Amen.

Hazel Moodley resides in Durban , South Africa. I could not imagine my life without Christ . Because he lives , I can face tomorrow.

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