by Shannon Heiden

Beautiful One, as people of faith it's important to remember that this life we now live, we live by faith in the Son of God.

It's not about what we can or cannot do, it's all about Him and HE IS ABLE!

Hebrews 11:6 tells us; But without faith it is impossible to please him; for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

One of the most difficult things I have had to grasp in my journey is faith. I can tell you that there have been many seasons in my life where I really didn't understand faith. The Bible tells us that;" faith comes by hearing" and I think for the most part we get that, but what we tend to forget is the rest of what that verse says; "and hearing by the Word of God" Romans 10:17

You see in this life there are many voices. We hear the voice of our circumstances, parents, spouses, children and friends, not to mention the voice of the enemy as well. We hear what we tell ourselves and more often than not, we hear what we want to hear whether it be good or bad.

Very early in my walk faith seemed to just flow, but my faith at that time was new, undeveloped, immature and unchallenged. During those years I pretty much would measure the goodness of God solely based upon how good my life was going. If things were good, than God was good but when things didn't start to turn around, I can tell you that I started to ascribe blame to God for being upset with me because of my circumstances. Now when I was going through it, I didn't realize what I was doing.

Usually, it's not until our faith is challenged do we then realize what it's actually made up of. Sometimes, the faith we are really operating in is fear.

The truth is; as we grow up in our walk, life can and will throw some ugly things our way and just because we are Christians doesn't mean we are exempt from trouble.

I have been a Christian for many years and I have personally walked through the valley of abuse, drug addiction, divorce, homelessness, abandonment, recklessness and poverty, and I walked through all of it while I was Saved, Spirit filled and sitting weekly in church.

Those times were so hard, I fell down more than I stood up, I cried more than I laughed, I believed in being a victim more than a victor and through all of it, I saw the Lord as distant, uncaring and upset with me. I had a huge stone wall that He took his time to break through, because of the pain and the hardships I faced and because I didn't know the Lords voice well enough, I had fallen prey to the other voices that screamed at me daily.


But God had a plan and it included for me to see in time His faithfulness and my wrong perceptions about Him and myself. The above verse does not say without our doubts, problems or pain it's impossible to please Him, no, it says;"without Faith" it's impossible to please Him.

Faith isn't about us, it's about HIM, faith isn't about our ability, it's about HIS, faith isn't about our getting it, it's about HIM being it!

Beautiful one, let me let you in on a little secret; He does some of His best work in the midst of the chaotic, hard, painful messes we find ourselves in. Simply said; He gets to show off His mighty right hand over our life and He recieves all the glory that is due Him.

If faith comes by hearing the Word of God, than we need to hear our own voice speaking it. As a children of God, we have been given a powerful voice, but how many times has it been silenced by doubt and fear that's rooted in unbelief?

The voice of circumstance does not define who we are, fear does not get to have the last say, Faith does.

But the just shall live by FAITH, Faith in who God IS, Faith in what HE can do and He can do exceedingly more than we can think, ask or imagine. Ephesians 3:20

If you're in a hard place, if you're stuck in a valley, if you have an issue you cannot overcome, if you're heart is broken... put Faith upon that wound, know that where your at is not where you'll be staying!


Remember, this valley you're in, IS TEMPORARY! He who promised IS faithful and He will also do it!

Let's Believe God, lets let faith come by hearing His Word.

Beautiful One, Just Believe, Because Without Faith It's Impossible To Please Him!

Shannon Heiden
[email protected]

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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