Letting Go....
by Shannon Heiden

For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you; DO NOT FEAR, I will help you.
Isaiah 41:13

Beautiful One, What Are You Holding On To?

I will never forget a moment the Lord and I shared some years back. I was driving in my car and I had just resurrendered my life to Him, perhaps that was the first real time I had fully surrendered. I had been a Christian for many years but because of pain and poor choices on my part, I was suffering terribly in the Kingdom Of God.

The Lord had a Come to Jesus Meeting scheduled on the calendar, a memo I had gotten a long time ago but had forgotten about. Needless to say, when He met with me I can tell you I was radically and drastically changed, I have never been the same since nor will I ever be. I remember as I was driving, He spoke this to me; "Shannon, you used to come to me with one arm outstretched to me and the other arm behind your back, witholding all of your pain and troubles, But NOW you come with both hands stretched to me, and I am going to fill them like never before!"

What He spoke to me was such an accurate depiction of how I served the Lord and fellowshipped with him. I have loved the Lord the moment I became aware of Him, the moment He entered my heart. BUT, when He found me, He also found a whole island, not a mountain but an island, a small country if you will, of numerous problems. Drug addiction, abuse, and a woman who absolutly knew nothing of worth were just to name a few.

But what I didnt know then that I have come to know now through the process of maturing in my walk is that none of it mattered to Him. He knew me before I knew me and He knew that I was a package deal, to get me was to get my failed marriage, my abusive past, my mistrust, my misperceptions, and all of my shortcomings, He knew all of it, AND He still chose me, He looked at me as if to say; "AH there is one who will be forgiven much BUT because of it, she will love much."

Beautiful One, there were times that I didn't think I would ever make it through, I had alot of pain thrust on me by others, I had been rejected and abused at the deepest levels and out of all that pain by others I created new pain, it is safe to say I birthed alot of my troubles myself.

Sometimes we just don't know what we don't know, I mean when you really think of it, we all are born in sin and then we are shaped and molded in iniquity, and the truth is; until we meet God face to face, until we show up for our Come to Jesus meeting, until we confront the ugly realities of our lives, of the ones who have hurt us, and the hurt and pain we have endured at our own hands, until we surrender whats in our hands, we will continue to walk around in life, with a broken and wounded heart.

But the Good News is; WE don't have to hold onto anything that hurts us.

Beautiful One, Christ knows it all, He was there when you suffered, He has kept careful record of every tear you have cried and the beautiful reality is, He is just waiting for you to release what you are holding onto.

I know it's scary, I know that fear holds you back, it's more comfortable in the pain, we may be miserable but at least we know what to expect, our Spirit cries out for deliverance but our flesh fights us every inch of the way, it's easier to be guarded, it's easier to get even, it's easier to not trust anyone-OR IS IT?

The truth is; Until our pain succeeds our fear, we usually wont change.

Christ came to give us abundant life, to set the captive free and to heal the brokenhearted, may I gently suggest to you, if you are not experiencing that in your life than may I challenge you to take a look at what you're holding onto?

What is it that you are grasping and clutching for dear life? Can you honestly say that with everything you have been through that you truly trust God to bring you out of this one?

When people have wounded us and we have been our own worst enemy, we become guarded, we make silent pacts with ourselves, "I will never let anyone hurt me, I will never trust anyone again", these are promises we make to cope and to protect ourselves from being wounded, so that if another threatens our security we can stand up and say "I wont let you in"

Beautiful One, when we give our heart away, the hard truth is; It may not come back in one piece, and true growth as a Christian comes when we realize this; "No One Will Ever LOVE You Right BUT GOD!"

HE is the only constant, unchanging Love, Acceptance, and Value you will ever experience, and if you can grasp this, than you are able to let go of so much bondage. When our expectation is truly in the LORD, the maker of heaven and earth, in the ONE who will never leave you nor forsake you, than all your expectations in MAN will be drowned in comparison.

Armed with this understanding, ask yourself, what are you holding onto?

The time has come for you to let it go and with outstretched arms reach for the Lord, Fear NOT, He is with you, He will help you, He loves you just as you are BUT He loves you too much to leave you the same, give Him your pain, your fear, your woundedness, let it go, forget what is behind you, reach for what is ahead and WALK ON in the Kingdom of God..

Beautiful One, Just Believe and LET GO......

Shannon Heiden
[email protected]

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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