What's Feet Got To Do With It?
by Shannon Heiden

He lifted me out of the pit of despair,
out of the mud and the mire.
He set my feet on solid ground
and steadied me as I walked along.
Psalm 40:2

Beautiful One, Where Have You been?

We all have heard the saying "Don't judge a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes," it is a pretty well known saying but how many of us heed to it? How many times have we silently looked at the places someone has ventured and thought more highly of ourselves because we haven't been there?

It is very true that unless you really know what someone else has been through, it's easier to look upon their situation with rose colored glasses and speculate or give our opinions. Then, there are some of us who have been walking along our paths and gotten knocked off of our high horses and have had to fight to remind ourselves, that the people we encounter just "don't know " therefore we have to dismiss their judgement of us...

What I love about God is that He is so multifaceted. He can use anything to speak a word of encouragment,hope, correction and truth to us. Today, we are exploring our feet. Feet in and of themselves are not really something most of us pay much attention to. We don't really focus on our feet unless we are shopping for shoes or putting pretty colors on our toes. Maybe soaking them because they hurt from being on them too long.

But God takes the time to make careful mention of feet and since He does, maybe we should take a closer look.

When you think about feet in our everyday life, their existence and function is vital. Feet balance our body- making it possible for us to stand up. Feet help us to walk, run, skip or jump. Our feet pretty much are the very vessel in which we use to carry out our plans. Our feet take us places that we "never dreamed possible" and they've taken us places we "wished we'd never been."

There are times in our lives when we will walk in certain places that cause us to feel like we are stumbling around more than walking. Those times are uncertain and scary for sure.

Maybe you're walking in a great place of victory. Maybe the place your feet are at today, is a good place, praise God for those places. Praise God and celebrate every good, firm, victorious place you've been, are in now and for the places to come!

But maybe, some of us have walked in places that have caused us great injury. Maybe your not even on your feet but on your knees. Maybe the places you have been have caused you to just be standing still, silent,complacent and fearful. Maybe because of where you've been, you're now too afraid to risk going on to new places?.

Maybe your feet are in a tight place, everytime you have tried to make your move, you've gotten hit and knocked around so much, people have stepped on your toes one too many times, leaving you so shaken and sore, that to make your move now would be the very catalyst for your demise. Or so you think.... .

Or maybe it's the shoes you've been wearing to cover your feet? Some of us haven't bought a new pair of shoes in years. We neglect our feet, we figure if no one can see them than they don't matter. Then there also are some of us who have gotten pretty good at covering them up nicely but the shoes you have been trying to walk in, that identity you're so accustomed to, even though it hurts, it's tight and your miserable, even though you look good on the outside, inside your dying and maybe it's time to exchange the old for the new?... so that you may continue on in your journey with confidence.

Whether YOU took yourself to places you never should have been or you followed someone who should have never taken you, it doesn't matter, your walk is not based on where you started , or what it looks like right now, NO, it will be defined and remembered by where YOU END UP!

We must be mindful that every step we've taken has brought us to where we're at today. Today we are a sum total of all that we know and all that we've been, AND the good news is;There Is More and This Is Not All There Is For You.

The very fact that you are here "TODAY" means God is not finished with you yet, He has more for you to know and experience and you can be sure of this; Your Latter End Will Be More Glorious Than Your Beginning!

We cannot change the places we've been to, we cannot undo whats been done, all we CAN do is choose to not go back and choose to walk on from where we're at.

This scripture reminds us that we all have traveled through places that have been yucky, muddy and dark. Places that led to nowhere, to deadends, to heartache.

There is not one of us who can lay claim to always walking into the best for our lives.
If that were true, than why on earth would we need a Savior in Heaven?

We need to remember that God is able to keep out feet from slipping . God wants to bring us into His desired place but we have to be willing to go there. He leads but it is up to us to align our steps with His and FOLLOW.

The very fact that GOD put feet on our bodies means that we have to be willing, active participants to His purposes and plans.

Isn't that just beautiful?, He makes the plans which are always the best, He provides the provisions but none of it will matter if WE don't take the step of faith and follow His path.

The key for us to remember is, that every place our feet take us, they should not take us rushing into evil, they may make a mistep along the way, actually lets face it; they will, but the beautiful truth in our misteps is that God was already there before you were and it doesn't matter where you've been or where you are now because God has given US the ability to turnaround anytime and all that is required is for us to take that step.

In one step you can change your destiny, in one step you can change your relationships, in one step you can change an addiction, in one step you can forgive someone, in one step you can turn from where you were headed and make a U-Turn that turns your whole life around!

The Choice is Yours, Better Yet-The Step Is Yours- For the taking!

Beautiful One, Just Believe, Because In The End, It Wont Have Mattered Where You Have Been.....

Shannon Heiden
[email protected]

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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