~Great One...Leave it on the editing floor of heaven.
by Shannon Heiden

Beautiful One, have you ever gone through something, made it out and as you looked back, wondered what in the heck that was all about? Do you know what it is to have been walking along your way, then something out of nowhere hits you so hard that it took you some time before you were able to catch your breath?

Sometimes in life we face circumstances that are unbelievable. Almost shocking. A situation can catch you completely off guard and leave you reeling in the wind, wounded and left wondering.

There was a time when certain trials would come my way and because of the way I led my life, for the most part, I knew why they happened the way they did. I usually played the leading role in my drama. I was victim and villain all at the same time. But, there are times when things happen and we absolutely have nothing to do with the "why's" or "hows" of it. It is possible to be a recipient of evil and although you never auditioned for the part, you now find that you are an unwilling cast member in a horror film.

Sometimes even though we don't create the chaos, we are left to deal with it. It is unfair and hurtful. And, if we don't tend to the wounding, sooner or later it will catch up to us and we then will be the very ones who dish out spoonfuls of bitter medicine to not only ourselves but those around us.

If you have ever been betrayed you know what I am talking about. Maybe you had a friend who completely betrayed a confidence and the consequences left you in a world of pain. If you've ever been lied about by someone you trusted and their lie painted you in such a light that it made even darkness look bright, you can relate to the kind of torment I am speaking about.

On a much closer scale, what about being betrayed in your marriage? You weren't the one who was unfaithful but now you have to sort and sift through all the lies and pain. You find yourself in a constant battle, forgiving but not forgetting. The anger rises at the most inopportune times and there you go again, spinning on a merry go round, wondering if it will ever stop and you will ever be normal again.

What about situations with our children? The child that you planned for and love. The one who you held in your arms, walked to school, watched at their games. The child who brought you so much joy, is now the one, who is old enough to make their own choices and they look nothing like you expected. Yes, you made your fair share of mistakes but overall, in the big picture of their lives, you were active, present and loving the best you knew how. The child who you once wiped tears from their face, is now the very one who is causing them to streamline down yours.

Maybe you don't have children or you're not married, but you do have a heartbeat and you are on this earth with the rest of us. The truth is; there isn't anyone who has been spared painful ordeals. Even the most even keeled people who have led relatively quiet and peaceful lives, have felt the searing heartache as the double edged sword of pain has cut them.There are things that come our way that we didn't plan on or prepare for, and because we have no point of reference for how or why they happened, it makes dealing with them, painful and confusing.

Ultimately at the end of every trouble and trial, the issues we deal with will bring us back to one question. It is a question that makes us uncomfortable. It is not popular nor do we view it as a strength to mention it. Even though that might be true, the fact remains that when faced with certain pain and torment we all have found ourselves with tear stained faces and the ache in our hearts as we look to the Father and ask "WHY?"

Why is there suffering? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why do we even try to do our best, when someone from somewhere can sneak up behind us and throw us completlety off track? A friend, brother, sister, parent or child. A co-worker, Pastor or spouse. Why did I get married just to be betrayed? Why did I work with integrity at my job, or give my tithes to church just to have the outcome produce a pain within me that leaves me guarded and unable to trust? Why give my heart away when it might not come back again in one piece?

Beautiful One, I won't pretend to have the answers because I don't. I am not going to tell you that everything you're dealing with will work out the way you'd like. Sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes the outcome you desire is not what others or even your Father desires. What I will tell you is to not give up! No matter what situation has reared it's ugly head at you, don't look at it, look to your Father. If you have been doing that, than keep on doing it. Then do it some more! Jesus is our Glory and He is the lifter of our head.

Maybe your circumstance wont change, but God will change you in it. We mustn't allow others and their actions no matter who they are, to taint us and get us off track. We work with integrity because we work unto the Lord, we give to the Church because we give unto the Lord. We are not like everyone else, we are armed with the Lord Jesus Christ, and although we may be hurting or wounded, it is no excuse for us to stop doing what we know we are to do.

When Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane, He prayed three times for that bitter cup to pass from him. And three times, he realized that it wasn't going to change. What changed in the Garden for our Savior, was his willingness to embrace the challenge set before him. "Not my will but yours Father," is much easier said than done. It sounds good but if you ever had to actually do it, you know that it is no easy task.

The Apostle Paul prayed three times for his thorn to be removed and three times the Lord told him, "your thorn will not move, but My grace will."

Jeremiah was another man who lived his whole life for God. Since before the time He was in his mothers womb, he was called, anointed and set apart. Jeremiah was one of the "Great Ones" of the Old Testament and although he was called by God, he went through some hard things. He was mistreated and rejected. He was unjustly accused and threatened. Jeremiah spent most of his life weeping. Sound familiar?

Jeremiah, like so many others (including Jesus,) learned obedience through the things he suffered. He learned that God was still good and his plan still goes forth even when the odds were against him, no one like him and adversity was everywhere.

God gave Jeremiah an answer to his suffering that is so profound, it sheds light and gives us a ray of hope that I believe is a key to unlock the door of hardship in our lives so that we can keep moving forward.

"If you have raced with mere men on foot
and they have worn you out,
how can you compete with horses?
If you stumble in safe country,
how will you manage in the thickets by the Jordan?

Your brothers, your own family
even they have betrayed you;
they have raised a loud cry against you.
Jeremiah 12:5-6

This passage is Gods answer to Jeremiah's "Why." Jeremiah was discouraged. He was beaten down and he wanted to know why God sent him with a plan and it produced so much pain. He had been rejected, lied about, and cast off by those closest to him. He was repaid evil for doing good. Can you relate?

God basically told Jeremiah, I have seen what they did to you, I have heard what they said about you. God acknowledges what "they" did to him. But the more important thing God says to Jeremiah is; "don't let what they have done to you, destroy you." I have things for you to do, bigger fish to fight and if you allow mere men to take you out, than how will you conquer the giants?

Beautiful One, God has a plan for your life. I know you've heard it before but digest these words. Your story was written before you ever were a twinkle in your parents eye. God has directed every scene that was played in your life and maybe you haven't realized this but YOU MADE IT! You have survived, God has brought you through and that means there is something more He has in store for you. It's not over yet! Your God has places he wants you to go, people he wants you to meet and things- awesome things, for you to do...

So wipe the dust off those feet, dry those tears. Surrender every scene that hinders you and makes you cringe. Leave it on the editing floor of heaven. Don't you realize that as low as you have gone, is just an indication of how high God is taking you? God will give you a double portion for your shame. He will trouble those who trouble you and He will make even your enemies be at peace with you.

God doesn't need anything you lost to take you where you are going. All those who left you, lied about you, hurt you, they are just mere men and your Father saw it all. He heard every conversation and God will make it up to you. Don't look to mere man to repay you or accept you. Forgive and move on. So what if they like you or don't...

So what.....

God does, you are a "Great One" in his eyes. You belong to him. Just because there is pain along the the way, does not mean the plans have changed, BUT that the pain will have a purpose and was part of the plan all along!

Beautiful One, just believe. You are A Great One!

Shannon Heiden
[email protected]

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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