by Richard L. Provencher

At Pictou

Pinpoints of light mimic startled flashes
from watery reflections, down, then up
to nightfall's limit

and the Causeway pierces an ancient route
learned from daring explorers,
their bouncing ships crunching on Nova Scotian

Scott's lumbering trucks with yesterday's
trunks of forest-memories,
huge loads of felled wilderness
tune in to new adventures, into frilly
napkins and paper and modern usages.

And nearby on reed-like legs, viewing
an unfolding world, as feathered forefathers
once stood in awe-

cormorants hulking on weathered pylons
aside Northumberland Strait.

Richard L. Provencher 1990

first Published October 1990
The Pottersfield Portfolio
Crazy Quilt Press
Halifax, Nova Scotia
ISSN 0226-0840

Richard enjoys writing poems; many of which have been published in Print and Online. He and his wife, Esther are also co-authors of stories and a print novel. They are "born again" Christians and very busy in their church, Abundant Life Victory International, in Bible Hill, Nova Scotia.

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