Stepping out of the boat!
by Justin Thomley

How many times in my life I should have stepped out of the boat in faith! This has got to be my favorite NT story of all. This story of Jesus walking on water in the mist of the storm has so much meaning and power in it! It has drastically helped me in my present walk with the Lord.
Many times in life there are storms that come our way. Most in which bring devastating disaster to us. Life is full of them. Weather it be with work, relationships, family, financial and so on. This story is an illustration of major problems that occur in the life of a believer and how to over come them. When you look at the boat it represents our faith in our safe place. Keeping us afloat. Just the same in our life. Which is our faith in Christ. But out of the blue we are stricken with a strong storm that brings forth problems that tend to beat upon our vessel. Leaving us fearful, worried and afraid. Not knowing how to escape the present situation. If not dealt with speedily, our boat will utterly be destroyed with the fierce winds and chopping waves. Whose soul purpose is to leave us desolate, faithless and spiritually wounded. Not to mention further away from our master, whose truth and trust we are to put in. In a nutshell, submerging us altogether. But praise be to God our Lord is just off the shore. In v.48 we read; "He saw the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them." Just knowing that my Lord does see my problems is enough for me! How many times have you tried to row yourself out of major problems and yet getting nowhere because the wind was against you? Did Jesus go out to them immediately? No! He waited until the fourth watch, Verse .48 (about 3:30 to 4:30 a.m.). Why? Because he wanted for them to act in faith on there own. That they may be saved and yet they acted in fear. After all they or we for that matter has seen what Christ can do and has done and yet they or we have turned to fear. For it is these exact trials that come to test our faith! But if you look real hard just outside of your problem you will see Christ in your view! Demostrating his majestic power. And he will say to you,"Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid". What a friend we have in him! Yet he will not come all the way; because he wants you, in faith, to step out of the boat (currant situation that your in) and meet him outside of the vessel that you had put your faith in, which in most cases is money, yourself or own understanding,(Proverbs 3:5). Where there is no fear; but only faith and power! Peter showed us the way by "stepping out of the boat". As long as Peter's focus was on Christ and not what was around him, he stayed afloat! When he decided to look around again at the currant situation of the storm (problems in life), he began to sink and cried "Lord save me." Sound familiar? Than Jesus, "stretched forth his hand and caught him" I cannot count the times he has done this for me! We must always look to Christ when problems arouse. Never at the problem; but at out Lord who is greater and mightier than any problem we will ever have! Turn to him in faith and step out of the boat and look to Jesus! Lest you become totally submerged and drown...

Your brother in Christ,

Apostle Justin Thomley

Just a beleiver in the Lord Jesus Christ and all that he is!!!

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