The Call of Many and Few
by Jerry Ousley

I remember back in the eighties applying for a certain job. In those days jobs weren't easy to find and when a company advertised that they were interviewing for a position, whether people had the qualifications or not, they showed up. I had a job at the time but I wasn't satisfied with it and I wasn't really making much money at it. A position became available with a prominent company. It was one noted for easy work and big pay. Everyone I knew wanted to work at this place and when someone was fortunate enough to land a job there they felt like they were riding high in the saddle and they had finally made it to the big time.

Actually, there were several positions open that day and literally thousands of people had showed up for that handful of jobs. There were a lot of disappointed people because even though many had responded to the call for employment, only a handful was chosen. I was one of those not chosen.

In Matthew 22 Jesus had been telling the story about a king who had thrown a big wedding party for his son. A lot of the guests that had been invited refused to come stating that they basically had more important things to do. The king was furious and so, determined to fill up the house with wedding guests, he sent his servants out to invite anyone they could find who wanted to come.

However, I suppose that even though these newly invited guests were just common people, being dressed for the wedding was still a requirement. When the king came in to see the crowd of people he saw a man there who didn't have on the proper attire. The king walked up to the man and asked him why he hadn't come dressed for the wedding and Jesus said that the man was speechless he couldn't think of anything to say, which also meant that he didn't have a good excuse. Because of it the king had him thrown out. Jesus actually stated that the man was bound hand and foot, taken from the party and thrown into outer darkness where there was weeping and gnashing of teeth. This treatment sounds a bit extreme for someone who didn't show up dressed for the occasion, but Jesus was using it to illustrate what happens to one who doesn't come properly attired to the invitation of Heaven.

He ended the story by saying, "For many are called, but few are chosen" (verse 14). That illustration of Jesus is exactly how salvation into the Kingdom of God is today. The invitation is for all. Jesus died to save every man, woman, boy and girl who ever lived, who lives today, and who will ever live. The invitation is for "who ever will." Many congregations boast of large crowds of people but in reality not all of those people are part of the Kingdom of God. There are many who go through the motions, who have a form of worship, and who are faithful to be in the building each and every Sunday (or Saturday; whichever day you have chosen to worship). They have been called. But only a few in comparison to the population of the world will be chosen.

Does this mean that God didn't extend salvation to all? No, not for one instant; everyone has an equal opportunity to become a member of the Kingdom of Heaven. But even though our buildings may be packed and full, not everyone is appropriately and properly attired for the occasion. I'm not talking about what kind of clothes you wear to church, but I am saying that we must put on the wedding garment. We have to be dressed in the robe of righteousness that can only be received one way. This robe was purchased with the very blood of Jesus Christ. We can only receive it by coming to Him in true repentance and salvation. We can't be good enough to win it. We can't attend church enough to be worthy of it. We can only get it by realizing we are sinners and that we are detestable in the eyes of God, then repent and allow the blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse us from all sin. When we do this then we are counted among the chosen.

There will be millions in Heaven. The Bible speaks in the Book of Revelation of a crowd that no man can number. But in comparison to all the people who have ever, or will ever walk on the face of this planet, it's a small number indeed. Many are called, but only a few are chosen. You have been called. Will you dress for the occasion or just show up in any old thing? Remember, this is the greatest honor you will ever receive. Make sure you put on the wedding garment and you will be one of the chosen.

Jerry D. Ousley is the author of ?Soul Challenge?, ?Soul Journey?, ?Ordeal?, ?The Spirit Bread Daily Devotional and his first novel ?The Shoe Tree.?  Visit our website at to download these and more completely free of charge.

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