by sesan oguntade

Albert Einstein's compounding formula is widely adjusted as the best compounding math tool.

Well I believe this too. That formula is indeed correct in all sense.

Sometimes ago, I stumbled upon a bible verse and after some deep meditation the
"Compounding attributes" of this passage was revealed to me.

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things shall be given unto you as well (Mathew 6:33)

This statement is from the Master Teacher Himself-the one who has the best success teachings on any topic you can think of.

He knew we will need a way to compound our money and He gave this to us.

Now I know you are eager to know the compounding principle of this passage. I will tell you in a moment.

I am sure you know very well that if you have to compound your money or your wealth, you have to invest your money. The type of investment you choose will determine how your money grows. So in a bid to make the most of your situation and get the best of your investment, you will search frantically for the best investment product around.

Well, from the passage above, the best investment product you can ever choose is "to seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness"

Let us look at this investment product in details:
Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness

You need to give Him(Jesus) first place in your life and you must make effort to do whatever He ask you to do. Remember the lessons you learnt in my article "The two- part to Righteousness" If you have not read the article, it is better you do it right now at

So begin to use this "investment product". Think about His kingdom first -use your resources to promote the gospel here on earth and I am telling you from experience, whatever you spend promoting the gospel will come back to you with great result.

What is the result, you will ask? Let us see it again from the scripture above "And all these things will be given to you as well".

All these things (not one of these things) will be given to you. Great! What an opportunity to have all these things.

Let me share with you briefly this personal experience. Sometimes ago, my wife and I wanted to start a business. Everything was set. I had undergone different kinds of trainings on the type business we wanted to do. So the stage was set.

We took a loan from the co-operative society where I was then working and I planned to set out in a big way.

But after a Sunday service, the Lord ministered to us to give out the money to support church building project. I must confess it was difficult obeying this instruction as I had a plan to slowly disengage myself from my place of work.

Well we had no option but to obey Him. If He wants it (the loan), then we must give it. The next one year was about the most eventful for my wife and I. God took control of the situation and practically pushed me out of paid employment and we finally started out in business- now not just in any form of business but in His own form of business.

By the time I was leaving paid employment, I had over 50 divinely given ideas already well documented. The compounding attribute of this passage is real and working! And do you know something; you can continue to put your resources into this investment product over and over again.

I and my wife now think of His kingdom and His righteousness first before every other thing everyday!

You can guess what the result had been- Awesome!

Sesan Oguntade teaches Success Principles at
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