Breaking those Mindsets
by Yvette Nietzen

Acts 10:15 And a voice spoke to him again the second time, "What God has cleansed you must not call common."(NKJ)

In reading the book of Acts, we read where Peter fell into trance while on the rooftop, and during this time the Lord shows him the vision of the four footed animals, and instructs Peter to rise and eat.

Peter is having a difficult time accepting this, because as a Jew this was unclean to him. The Lord then tells him What God has cleansed, he must not call common.

In reading further, we see that that Peter wondered about this vision. In other words, he was meditating on what the Lord was showing him. Peter is then met by three men. The Lord instructs him that its fine to go with them, to doubt nothing, for He has sent them.

Peter is now meeting with Cornelius, a man from another nation. But now, Peter knows that meeting with Cornelius is fine, because the Lord has instructed him that he should not call any man common or unclean.

As Paul was listening to Cornelius testimony, Paul says this in Acts 10:34 "In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality.

Once Cornelius finished his testimony, Paul took over and began sharing the Lord. Then, the Spirit of the Lord fell upon all those that heard the word of Peter. The gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out upon the Gentiles, they began speaking in other tongues and were baptized.

Everything that Peter thought was one way, God just changed it on him. Peter now knew that eating the four hoofed animal was fine, and that the Holy Spirit was given to the Gentiles.

My question is, how many of us will accept something new from the Lord? How will we react when He decides to do something different than what we are accustomed to? Are we set in our ways and will we refuse? Will we say, we have never done it this was before, or will we be flexible and open to the leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives?

The word says in Daniel 12:4 that knowledge shall increase. With knowledge, we will receive discernment, understanding and wisdom.

As we draw nearer to the coming of our Lord, I am sure that the Lord will surprise us and will do things different. It will never contradict scripture, for that is our foundation. But when the Lord does decide to surprise us, I believe there will be those that will refuse, and those that will have enough knowledge of the scriptures and know in their Spirits that what is happening is of the Lord.

We can be in that second group. We can ask the Lord to guide us every step of the way, continue in reading and studying of the Word and receive more of His Spirit and revelation to be manifest in our lives.

Lets get ready for a mindset change, a change that is coming our way, and a change that will surprise all of those around us, including us!


Yvette Nietzen lives in the foothills of the Zurqui mountain in Costa Rica with her husband of 30 plus years.  View her blog at:

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